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  •  26 October 2021
Open access

The Transpolar Drift Influence on the Arctic Ocean Silicon Cycle

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Primary production and silicon utilization outside the Transpolar Drift are higher than under its influence due to more light availability

  • Primary production and lateral water transport under the Transpolar Drift influence were identified from silicon isotope composition

  • The Transpolar Drift delivers high dissolved silicon to the surface Arctic Ocean, a unique feature not seen in any other open ocean

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Characterizing the Seasonal Variability of Hypolimnetic Mixing in a Large, Deep Lake

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • The structure and magnitude of vertical mixing varied dramatically over the annual stratification cycle in a large, deep lake

  • Density stratification limited mixing over the summer, while weak velocity shear restricted mixed layer growth during the transitional fall

  • Radiative convection and wind shear drove full water-column mixing over the convective spring, which occurred locally for >100 days/year

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El Niño‐Related Vertical Mixing Enhancement Under the Winter Mixed Layer at Western Subarctic North Pacific Station K2

  •  21 October 2021

Key Points

  • Time series of current velocity and water density were obtained at K2 in the western subarctic North Pacific

  • Shear-driven vertical mixing is strengthened by the El Niño-related current velocity change

  • El Niño enhances upward dissolved inorganic carbon flux beneath the winter mixed layer and accelerates the acidification

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Flows, Transport, and Effective Drag in Intertidal Salt Marsh Creeks

  •  21 October 2021

Key Points

  • Effective drag is ∼3–12 times greater than bed drag in intertidal creeks with channel widths less than 5 m

  • Within a confined drainage area, multiple creeks have differing flood/ebb durations, and opposite net water and suspended solids transport (i.e., net import or export)

  • Tidal creek flows regularly to exchange and interact with one another

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Monthly and Interannual Variations in Winter Positive Surface‐Bottom Temperature Difference in Northeastern Coastal Waters of the Shandong Peninsula in the Yellow Sea

  •  21 October 2021

Key Points

  • Winter positive surface-bottom temperature differences were reported in northeastern coastal waters of the Shandong Peninsula

  • There were significant monthly and interannual variations, peaking in December/January of each year and in 2018 during 2017–2020

  • The underlying dynamics involved combined effects of prevailing winter monsoon winds and resultant surface heat loss and current advection

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Enhanced Biodegradation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Western Boundary Kuroshio Current When Intruded to the Marginal South China Sea

  •  21 October 2021

Key Points

  • Biodegradation of oceanic dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was enhanced during the Kuroshio Current intrusion to South China Sea (SCS)

  • Changes of environmental contexts, such as nutrients supply and microbial species, stimulated the biodegradation

  • The remineralization of Kuroshio-intruded DOC may partially support the export production in SCS

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Spatial and Temporal Variations of Aragonite Saturation States in the Surface Waters of the Western Arctic Ocean

  •  21 October 2021

Key Points

  • In the Chukchi marginal area (CMA), aragonite saturation state (Ωarag) at the surface was determined mainly by the mixing of seawater and fresh water

  • In the East Siberian marginal area, Ωarag was affected by freshwater mixing, biological production, and lateral mixing

  • In the near future, most of surface waters in the CMA will be undersaturated with respect to aragonite

Open access

Beaching and Natural Removal Dynamics of Pelagic Sargassum in a Fringing‐Reef Lagoon

  •  20 October 2021

Key Points

  • Video monitoring allows the characterization of pelagic sargassum beaching and wrack dynamics

  • Sargassum deposits are removed from the beach and resuspended under elevated water levels and increased wave action

  • Nearshore sargassum mat size decreases with increasing wave and wind energy

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Do Sub‐Mesoscales Inhibit Destruction of PV?

  •  15 October 2021

Key Points

  • PV destruction by down-front winds seemed to be quite a general oceanic feature

  • Inclusion of sub-mesoscales SM (0.1–10) km changes that substantially

  • PV destruction is no longer a general oceanic feature. It is restricted to regimes where the SM Rossby Number Ro < 1 or Ro > 10

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Modeling the Impact of Macrozooplankton on Carbon Export Production in the Southern Ocean

  •  4 November 2021

Key Points

  • A new macrozoplankton parametrization is implemented into the biogeochemical model REcoM-2

  • Transfer efficiency reaches up to 50% due to the high carbon content and fast sinking of macrozooplankton fecal pellets

  • Macrozooplankton contributes up to 14% (0.12 Pg C yr−1) to modeled carbon export at 100 m depth in the Southern Ocean south of 50°S

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Seasonal Variations and Driving Factors of the Eastern Maine Coastal Current

  •  4 November 2021

Key Points

  • Eastern Maine Coastal Current exhibits two cores, stemming from outflows from Bay of Fundy and Grand Manan Channel respectively

  • Eastern Maine Coastal Current is driven by the pressure gradient force that is modulated by Slope Water spreading over Jordan Basin

  • Offshore veering of Eastern Maine Coastal Current resets further upstream in late winter and again in early summer

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Satellite‐based Sea Surface Salinity designed for Ocean and Climate Studies

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • 2010-2019 sea surface salinity fields built from three satellite missions data sets

  • Monitors sea surface salinity variability at large meso- to basin scale with unprecedented accuracy and spatio-temporal coverage

  • Answers the need for Sea Surface Salinity global fields at higher resolution than 1 month, 1°

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Effect of El Niño‐Related Warming on Phytoplankton’s Vertical Distribution in the Arabian Sea

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • The phytoplankton biomass in 0-50 m decreased, while that in 50-100 m layer increased during spring and 2015/2016 El Niño warming event

  • The effect of warming in 0-50 m layer on phytoplankton was negative, but that in 50-100 m layer on phytoplankton was positive

  • A threshold temperature of 28{degree sign}C separated the upper-water column into two parts with opposite phytoplankton responses to warming

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Radiation Path of Diurnal Internal Tides in the Northwestern Pacific Controlled by Refraction and Interference

  •  1 November 2021

Highlight Points

  1. The refraction and interference effects combine to shape spatiotemporally inhomogeneous tidal radiation and dissipation fields in the northwestern Pacific

  2. The β refraction and subtidal refraction alter the mean path of the tidal beam from the Luzon Strait by ∼40° and ∼10°, respectively

  3. Multiwave interference further enhances the inhomogeneous pattern of the radiation path and dissipation map

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Unusual cross‐shelf transport driven by the changes of wind pattern in a marginal sea

  •  1 November 2021

Key Points

  • An unusual cold tongue in January of 2017 suggests an offshore transport of cold Korean Coastal Water into the middle shelf

  • Analysis of a variety of observations and reanalysis confirms the existence of the cross-isobath transport and reveals its pathway

  • The negative Potential Vorticity anomaly drives the cold water diversion and the change of wind pattern plays a key role

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Intraseasonal variability of the North Equatorial Current bifurcation off the Philippines

  •  1 November 2021

Key Points

  • The North Equatorial Current bifurcation latitude shows significant intraseasonal variability with the maximum amplitude tripling its annual excursion

  • Both the Madden-Julian oscillation and mesoscale eddies have a significant impact on its intraseasonal variability

  • A case study for a cyclonic eddy indicates that it can transport about 1.5 Sv waters to the NBL and perturb the bifurcation significantly

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Response of Southern Hemisphere western boundary current regions to future zonally symmetric and asymmetric atmospheric changes

  •  1 November 2021

Key points

  • Strong warming in the subtropical western boundary current extension regions is projected in the future

  • Zonally asymmetric atmospheric changes can explain >30% of future warming in the south Australia region, driven by ocean circulation changes

  • Understanding historical and future ocean changes requires the use of regionally varying and not simply zonally symmetric wind forcing

Open access

Where and how the East Madagascar Current retroflection originates?

  •  29 October 2021

Key Points

  • The East Madagascar Current (EMC) retroflection is assessed. Evidence of EMC early retroflection is demonstrated for the first time

  • Retroflection regimes are associated with EMC strength and mesoscale variability

  • Knowledge of the EMC retroflection state helps understand regional ecosystem variability

Open access

Fortnightly variation of the Tsushima Warm Current on the continental shelf in the southwestern Japan Sea

  •  29 October 2021

Key Points

  • Fortnightly variation of the Tsushima Warm Current on continental shelf

  • Variation of the Tsushima Warm Current locally controlled by internal tides

  • Relation between the Tsushima Warm Current and the bottom temperature front

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EN4: Quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates

Key Points

  • EN4 dataset of quality-controlled temperature and salinity profiles is described
  • Dataset covers 1900 to present and includes monthly objective analyses
  • A novel method is presented to estimate uncertainty in the objective analyses

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A Global Perspective on Microplastics

Key Points

  • The sources, behavior, fate, and effects of microplastics are inexplicably tied to those of their plastic product and macrodebris precursors, as well as the nanoplastics into which they fragment
  • Microplastic sampling and characterization methods are evolving, but their inadequacies still hamper efforts to evaluate the true extent of their presence and consequences in the built and natural environments
  • Microplastics are a global/multimedia phenomenon; hence, they cannot be adequately understood, or related concerns resolved, in the context of the marine environment alone or a single discipline

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Seasonal and interannual variability of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Fresh Pool

Key Points

  • Satellite SSS in synergy with complementary EO data allows studying the seasonal and interannual dynamics of the Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool
  • Fresh pool zonal displacements and links between surface and subsurface processes respond to freshwater fluxes, wind stress, and currents
  • Fresh pool interannual variability is related to ENSO phases, a maximal extension was reached in 2015 coinciding with a strong El Nino event

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Enhanced sea‐air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea

Key Points

  • Surface water diluted by heavy rain had low pCO2,sw
  • Passage of a tropical depression led to high pCO2,sw by eddy-driven uplifting
  • The depression turned local water from a carbon sink to a source temporarily

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Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank

Key Points

  • Experimental generation of rogue wave holes
  • Rogue waves holes within the framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  • Rogue wave holes modeled by the Peregrine soliton

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Understanding Arctic Ocean Circulation: A Review of Ocean Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Key Points

  • Major features of Arctic Ocean circulation are reviewed and interpreted theoretically
  • Fundamental ocean dynamics are set in the context of a changing Arctic climate
  • We describe how Arctic dynamics might change in the future

Plain Language Summary

The Arctic region is experiencing the most rapid environmental changes on Earth, with unparalleled air temperature increases, a warming ocean, and melting permafrost, snow, and ice. The ocean is a central control via Arctic Ocean warming, freshening, and circulation dynamics that link to the sea ice, atmosphere, and terrestrial environment. Given the rapid pace of Arctic change, it is vital to take stock of present understanding of the ocean circulation to address knowledge gaps and make viable future predictions. Present understanding of the principal geophysical fluid dynamics of Arctic Ocean circulation is synthesized here, and we speculate on how the dynamics of the ocean-ice-atmosphere system might change in a warming Arctic.

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An analytical model for the description of the full‐polarimetric sea surface Doppler signature

Key Points:

  • Full-polarimetric Doppler signature of the ocean
  • Nonlinear sea surface modeling
  • Sea surface scattering and Doppler modeling

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