Mgr. Barbora Kocánová Ph.D.

Foto pracovníka Barbora Kocánová
+420 234 612 314

Department of Medieval Lexicography
associate scholar

Research focus

  • medieval latin
  • medieval meteorology and weather forecasting

Academic websites profile ( etc.)


2006 to 2014 Ph.D. - Charles University, Faculty of Arts: Prague, Czech Republic (Institute of Greek and Latin Studies), thesis "De mutacionibus aeris. Kořeny, tradice a vývoj středověké nauky o předpovídání počasí, včetně recepce v bohemikálních rukopisech"

1999 to 2005 M.A. - Charles University, Faculty of Arts: Prague, Czech Republic (Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies; Institute of Greek and Latin Studies), thesis "Středověká meteorologie v Čechách. Přehled písemných pramenů"

1995 to 1999  Gymnázium Jana Keplera: Prague

Employment history

2004 to present - Institute for Classical Studies, Department of Lexicography, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Prague, Czech Republic


2019 to 2021   main researcher of the grant project GA ČR 19-03834S "Historical development of meteorological theories and terminology in the Czech Lands" (with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS)

2017 to 2019   Co-researcher of the grant project GA ČR 17-06326S "Tvůrčí opisy: Sborníky Oldřicha Kříže z Telče (†1504)", main researcher doc. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, Ph.D.

2015 to 2017   research cooperation with the Czech Science Foundation Centre of excellence "History and interpretation of the Bible", P401/12/G168, Palacký University, Olomouc 

2014 to 2015   participation in the grant project MŠMT LD 13043 "Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích - Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum"

2008 to 2009    "Dějiny středověké meteorologie v českých zemích" Grant Agency of the Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic - Grant: GAUK 8945/2008) 

2007 to 2008   participation in the research programme MSM 6198959202 (main researcher prof. Pavel Floss) "Center for patristic, medieval and renaissance texts"

2004 to 2006   Co-researcher of the grant project GAČR č. 404/04/0261 "Ediční řada Nejstarší městské knihy severozápadních a severních Čech", main researcher doc. PhDr. Michaela Hrubá, PhD.

Conference papers and lectures abroad

August 2021: Hermoupolis, International Commission of Science and Literature and International Commission on the History of Meteorology, conference "Launching the Atmospheric Humanities": paper "Before the Word Atmosphere Was Used: Designating Atmospheric Phenomena and Place of Their Origin in Pre-instrumental Meteorology" (on-line)

February 2021: Erlangen, International Consortium for the Research in the Humanities "Fate, Freedom and Prognostication" at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, conference "Signs of the Future": paper "Weather Forecasting in Medieval Bohemia" (on-line)

April 2013: Leipzig, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas an der Universität Leipzig, conference "Wassermühlen und Wassernutzung im mittelalterlichen Ostmitteleuropa": paper "Alles hängt vom Wetter ab:  Voraussage der Witterung in lateinischen Quellen des Mittelalters"

September 2012: Munich, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, conference "Fachsprache(n) im mittelalterlichen Latein": paper "Latein als Sprache der mittelalterlichen Schriften über Wettervorhersage"

July 2008: Leeds, International Medieval Congress 7-10 July 2008: paper "Sequitur de impressionibus aeris. Medieval Meteorology in the Czech Lands"

September 2007: Gniezno, conference "Medievista a prameny - teorie a praxe. 2. polsko-české fórum mladých medievistů": paper "Ut ad altiora ascendamus. Meteorologie ve středověkých latinsky psaných bohemikálních pramenech"

Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic

July 2021: 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (on-line):  paper (with M. Müller) "Weather Lore and Meteorology in the Notes of John Strialius of Pomnouš (1535/1536-1582)"

April 2019: Jednota klasických filologů: paper "Quare serenitas estivalis estum generat: Meteorologické disputace na pražských středověkých kvodlibetech"

November 2018: Prague, The 15th International Conference for the European Society for Textual Scholarship: paper "The Crux Collection of Texts on Weather Forecasting in the National Library Prague MS. I G 6"

December 2016: Filosofický ústav AV ČR, Praha, conference "Studying the Arts in Medieval Bohemia": paper "Who Cares about Weather? Weather Forecasting of Medieval Czech Scholars"

November 2014: Centrum medievistických studií: paper "Až naprší a uschne! Studium počasí na pražské středověké univerzitě"

December 2006: Vila Lanna, Praha, conference "Slovník jako inspirace - Das Wörterbuch als Inspiration": paper "Draco vel hasta vel columna. Atmospheric Phenomena and Their Designation in the Sources of the Lexicon Latinitatis Bohemorum" 

Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies

International Commision on the History of Meteorology (member)

Association of the Czech Classical Philologists (Jednota klasických filologů; member)

Terminological Department of Czech Meteorological Society (Terminologická skupina České meteorologické společnosti; external member)