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2020 2021 2022
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4 Jun 21 - 4 Feb 22
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Pavla Machalíková

Mgr. Pavla Machalíková, Ph.D.

Department of Art of the 19th-21st Centuries

phone: +420 221 183 514
e-mail: machalikova@udu.cas.cz

Researcher and Head of the Department of Art of the 19th-21st Centuries.

Pavla Machalíková studied art history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Ph.D. 2004) and has completed research stays at Collegium Budapest (2001–2002) and Mt. Holyoke College (1992–1993). She has been employed at the IAH since 2001. Her research looks at art of the 19th century with a special focus on painting in the Czech lands and its fluctuations between traditional and modern themes. She co-prepared a number of thematic and monographic exhibitions dedicated to this issue (Jdi na venkov!, Nespatříte hada, Rembrandtova tramvaj, Josef Führich, František Tkadlík). Machalíková is a co-organizer of the Pilsen interdisciplinary symposiums and since 2017, she has been the editor-in-chief of the journal Umění / Art.

Research outputs (selection):

Eva Bendová – Pavla Machalíková (edd.), Kariéra s paletou, Plzeň – Brno 2001.

Tomáš Winter – Pavla Machalíková – Milan Pech – Vladimír Czumalo, Jdi na venkov! Výtvarné umění a lidová kultura v českých zemích 1800–1960, Řevnice – Praha 2019.

Cirkus a výtvarné umění 19. století, in: Tomáš Winter – Pavla Machalíková – Stanislava Fedrová – Hanuš Jordan, Cirkus pictus – zázračná krása a ubohá existence. Výtvarné umění a literatura 1800 – 1950, Cheb – Řevnice – Praha 2017, pp. 23–56.

Pavla Machalíková – Radim Vondráček – Šárka Leubnerová – Markéta Dlábková, František Tkadlík 1786–1840, Prague 2017.

,Whence come these terrible images...´ How 19th century Bohemia began to show an interest in folk art and popular imgery, Umění / Art LXIV, 2016, pp. 497–515.

Pavla Machalíková – Dalibor Dobiáš, Dětský svět a „umění nepoučeného“ v 19. století / The World of Children and Untutored Art in the 19th Century), in: Pavla Machalíková - Tomáš Winter (edd.), Nespatříte hada / Not A Single Snake in Sight. Josef Čapek – František Hrubín – Jan Skácel – Miloslav Kabeláč, Praha 2016, pp. 13–31.

Pavla Machalíková – Petr Tomášek, Josef Führich (1800-1876). Z Chrastavy do Vídně / Von Kratzau nach Wien, Praha / Prag 2014 .

The Sacred Image in Bohemia in the first third of the 19th Century, Umění / Art LXII, 2014, pp. 529–551.

Handwerklicher Hintergrund und Perspektiven akademischer Studien. Zum Frühwerk Joseph Führichs in Böhmen, RIHA Journal 2013, pp. 1–34.

Les premières recherches de Vincenc Kramář en histoire de l´art: entre architecture gothique et théorie de l´art, in: Jana Claverie – Hélène Klein – Vojtěch Lahoda – Olga Uhrová (edd.), Vincenc Kramář, un théoricien du cubisme à Prague, Paris 2002, pp. 140–146.

Current projects:

The Painter Josef Mánes (1820-1871) - between Romanticism and Realism, Applied and Fine Arts, National and International, Academism and Modernity (GAČR, č. 1910562-S) – principal investigator

Space of the exhibitions 1820–1950 – co-investigator, project guarantor