International symposium on mine safety science and engineering, Katowice, Poland.
21.11.2021  –  25.11.2021
During The week of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
World famous institutes employ the PERMON library in their applications.
The Pulsating high speed water jet project has ranked among the best.
Exhibition, Tisnov, Czech Republic (in Czech).
16.10.2021  –  06.02.2022
Current topics in the series of expert lectures.
14.10.2021  13:00
International meeting related to the technology of high speed water jet, Zajeci, Czech Republic.
11.10.2021  –  13.10.2021
Mgr. Petr Klusacek on brownfields (in Czech).
One evening invigorating hundreds of science buildings. Science labs, experiments and current topics.
Revealing a trace of prof. Zdenek Vasicek (in Czech).
17.09.2021  14:00