Jiřina Pilná

Employee function
Secretary of Division
+420 220 318 499
A 64/5

Solid-state physics is a field that has an immediate impact on the everyday functioning of human society and its economically sustainable growth. It enables understanding the principles that govern the behaviour and manifestations of matter and creating solids purposefully with defined properties necessary for the development of our technically advanced civilization. The Solid State Physics Section deals with the complex study of solids, from general theoretical principles of their construction to the construction of specific technological materials.


With its needs, modern society defines the main challenges related to solid-state physics and material research. These needs and challenges include rapid and efficient work with data, including data storage, advanced medical diagnostics and therapy, detection and analysis of environmental processes, and sustainable energy production and storage methods. The decisive factor for achieving these needs is finding methods of targeted preparation of nanomaterials, their characterization and development of new technologies for their production. A prerequisite for success is the full understanding of the related physical phenomena from macroscopic to the atomic scale. As part of basic research, the Division of Solid State Physics integrates thematically critical scientific disciplines and builds the unique analytical and technological background needed to successfully address the challenges identified for sustaining a prosperous society.

One of our most advanced topics is spintronics, with the long-term goal of improving the performance of computers to the point that enables the realization of artificial neural networks. Advances in spintronics will fundamentally affect the current functioning of a society based on a whole new level of digital technology. Other important topics are nanoelectronics, molecular electronics and nanodiagnostics, with a vision of the development of quantum cellular automats and new methods of controlling their electronic properties using self-organized layers. In the field of thermoelectric phenomena research, we aim at the construction of so-called spin-caloritronic components, which will open the way to master and extend current photodynamic and photothermal therapies. In the area of detection, we focus on nanomorphologic, nanocomposite and hybrid scintillation and phosphor materials, combining several detection functions into one material, thereby exceeding the possibilities of the currently used, classical volume materials. Another important area is the improvement of the growth technologies of the perfect silicon and diamond layers and structures important for the development of optoelectronic elements, biosensors and actuators. Modern material research also implies the need to develop new analytical methods focused on the structural analysis of the matter at the nanocrystalline level, with the vision of the application of electron diffraction tomography to the characterization of unstable materials or identification of drug structures.