2019 |
About active sites in heterogeneous catalysts Brdicka Lecture Hall at 10 am on Wednesday Prof. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, ETH Zurich and PSI Villigen |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
Mo-Al-Fe Oxides for Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane: Supported and Planar Model Catalysts 10:00, Wednesday, July 10th 2019 J.Heyrovský Institute, Seminar room 108 Ing. Petr Novotný |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
29th R. Brdička Memorial Lecture
Professor Renato Zenobi, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich |
prof. HOF Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2019 |
Studies on Coupled Proton-Electron Transfer in Iron-Sulfur Clusters Thursday, June 13th at 14:00, in room 11. Mauricio Maldonado |
2019 |
Investigation of supported metal-based catalysts for the hydrogenation and cracking reactions 15:15, Thursday, June 13th 2019 Dr. Vijay Kumar Velisoju |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
Epigenetics and DNA repair 11:00, Wednesday, June 12th 2019 J. Heyrovský Institute, room no. 108 doc. RNDr. Eva Bártová, Ph.D., DSc. |
Mgr. CEBECAUER Marek Ph.D. |
2019 |
RNDr. ZUKALOVÁ Markéta Ph.D. Mgr. SEBECHLEBSKÁ Táňa RNDr. BOUŠA Milan Ph.D. Mgr. PINKAS Jiří Ph.D. RNDr. VAVREK František Ph.D. Ing. BELHÁČOVÁ Lenka Ph.D. Mgr. ŠIMKOVÁ Ludmila Ph.D. RNDr. NĚMEČKOVÁ Anna Ph.D. RNDr. KOLÁČNÁ Lucie Ph.D. |
2019 |
Concepts Guiding Joint Theoretical and Experimental Approaches from Bioimaging to Catalysis and Efficient Light Harvesting 2 pm on May 22, 2019 in seminar room 108 Prof. Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
Nanočástice oxidu železitého jako efektivní katalyzátor pro hydrogenaci CO2 7.května 2019 v 10:30, místnost 108 doc. RNDr. Libor Kvítek, CSc. |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
Two lectures: Low-cost, stable and high performing organic field effect-transistors (OFETs) and Organic radicals as promising building blocks for electronics 26th March 2019, Room 108, J. Heyrovsky Inst. of Physical Chemistry, Prague Dr. Marta Mas-Torrent and Dr. Núria Crivillers |
doc. RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin Ph.D. |
2019 |
Surface Vibrational Action Spectroscopy of Model Catalysts 10:00, Tuesday, March 19th 2019 J. Heyrovský Institute, room 108 Dr. Zongfang Wu |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
Catalytic Chess of Ionic Liquids and Nanomaterials for the Selective Transformation of CO2 to Fuels 10:00, Friday, January 25th 2019 Dr. Muhammad Irfan Qadir |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2019 |
Selection of metal complex catalysts for hydrocarbon transformation reactions 10:00, Tuesday, January 8th 2019 J.Heyrovský Institute, room 108 Dr. M. Jhansi Lakshmi Kishore, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana |
RNDr. VAJDA Štefan CSc., Dr. habil. |
2018 |
Engineering 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Nanosheets For Energy Conversion 26. 11. 2018 od 10:30 hod. proběhne v místnosti č. 108 Dr. Damien Voiry, Institut Européen des Membranes, University of Montpellier |
2018 |
FUNCTIONALIZATION OF 2D MATERIALS: A MOLECULAR APPROACH 25. 10. 2018 od 10:30 hod. proběhne v posluchárně č. 108 Steven, DE FEYTER |
2018 |
2D Materials: Science and Technology 10:30 am, Tuesday, October 16th 2018 Prof. A. H. Castro Neto |
2018 |
“Advanced Carbon Electrodes for Electroanalysis and Spectroelectrochemistry“ 21.09.2018, 10:30, posluchárna 108, Ústav fyzikální chemie J. He Prof. Greg M. Swain, Michigan State University, Department of Chemistry, USA |
prof. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš Ph.D. |
2018 |
Chirality in flatland: intermolecular recognition, spin filtering and molecular machines at surfaces September 13, 14:00, Brdička lecture hall Prof. Karl Heinz Ernst, University of Zurich, Department of Chemistry |
Mgr. FEDOR Juraj Ph.D. |
2018 |
How can plasmonic nanoparticles improve superresolution microscopy? 2 pm, Monday, September 3th 2018, Rudolf Brdička Lecture Hall Dr. Vladimíra Petráková, Free University Berlin |
2018 |
"Od nápadu přes 3D technologie až po finální výrobek" přednáška se ruší!!! Patrik Kusý ze společnosti 3Dplus |
2018 |
Exoplanets in Ondrejov - ground based support of space missions Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 1 p.m., room 108 Petr Kabath, Astronomical Institute ASCR |
2018 |
"Voltametrie na rozhraní iontová kapalina|voda" pátek 22. června v 10:30 hod v zasedací místnosti 108 |
2018 |
New perspectives with action-FRET on Tuesday, June 5th, 14:00, in room Nr. 11, at the ground floor Dr. Geoffrey Knight from Institut Lumiere Materie, Université de Lyon, France |
2018 |
Raman Optical Activity: Principles and Applications in room 108 on Monday May 28, 2018 at 2 p.m. RNDr. Václav Profant, Ph.D., Institute of Physics of Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, |
2018 |
"Gaseous nanobubbles in the bulk of liquid" May 11th at 10:30, Rudolf Brdička Lecture Hall |
KLÍMA Jiří CSc. |