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NET 2016 Call

New Economic Talent 2016 Call for Papers

Have you recently written an economics paper that you would like to share with a wider audience? Perhaps you studied math, physics or engineering, but your work has implications for economics. Submit your paper to the NET competition and present your ideas! Get feedback from leading economic scholars and gain ideas and contacts for your future research. The winner will receive $1,000 USD and tickets to CERGE-EI special events.

The opportunity can also put you on your way to studying a doctorate degree in Prague. Get an insight into the NET competition from past finalist, Salim Turdaliev, who is now doing his PhD at CERGE-EI.

In our third annual New Economic Talent Competition, the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) invites university students to submit their papers. Nadace CERGE-EI is a proud sponsor.

The competition is open to current bachelor’s and master’s students (full-time or part-time) or bachelor’s and master’s graduates (up to one year after graduation) in any field, who are interested in contemporary economic issues and wish to better understand the forces and processes that ‘shape the world’. Please read NET 2016 conditions for details.

New Economic Talent 2016

Participation: international
Topics: any sub-field of economics (such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, monetary policy, public finance, theoretical economics, econometrics, behavioral economics etc.)
Language: English
Deadline for submission: 1 June, 2016, (23:59 of Central European Summer Time)
Number of rounds: 2
First round: electronic submission of a completed paper (20 to 60 pages; 36,000-108,000 characters including spaces) and an extended abstract (1-2 pages; 1,800-3,600 characters including spaces)
First round results: within 5 weeks after the deadline
Second round: presentation at CERGE-EI, Prague (up to 5 finalists), second half of November, 2016 (tbc)
Criteria of evaluation: originality, substance, analytical nature, clarity of writing
Prize: $1,000 USD and access to an international network of top economists (through attendance at events such as the Distinguished Speaker Series)

How to Submit Your Paper:

  • Prepare the documents.
  • Format: please submit in MS Word or similar text editor files only (not PDFs).
  • Length of the paper must be between 20 and 60 pages (36,000—108,000 characters including spaces) in total, including the text body, footnotes, charts, graphs, and bibliography (charts or graphs included as images count as 900 characters). The length of the abstract must be between 1 and 2 pages (1,800 and 3,600 characters including spaces). The extended abstract does not count toward the page limit of the paper. All texts must be written in English and should not include your personal and contact details.
  • Submit our online registration form.
  • Send the paper and its extended abstract to talent@cerge-ei.cz. Please try to limit its size to 3 MB.

Further details: please see NET 2016 Conditions

New Economic Talent 2016 poster

If you are interested in studying at CERGE-EI, our Master of Arts in Applied Economics and PhD in Economics Admissions Committees generally see participation in competitions like this as reflecting positively on the applicant, no matter how the applicant performs in the competition.

New Economic Talent
P.O. Box 882
Politických vězňů 7
111 21 Prague 1
Czech Republic

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