
About this journal

Established in 1986 by the International Sociological Association (ISA), International Sociology is a highly ranked peer reviewed journal whose aim is to reflect the theoretical and empirical diversity of international sociology. Particularly welcome are papers which explore contemporary social challenges and transformations affecting global society or which highlight how an international perspective can provide fresh insights contributing...

The current global situation presents unprecedented challenges for everyone as we try to adjust to living through the evolving Covid-19 pandemic. It has changed the rhythm of our work and life and recalibrated our priorities. For ISA Publications and this journal, health and affective/emotional ties are always the most important. We thank the reviewers and authors from all over the world whose contributions are fundamental to ISA journals. As you will understand, the current difficult circumstances may affect availability, capacity and speed of work. We ask potential authors for understanding if reviews take longer than expected and we will be responsive if authors need more time to work on manuscript revisions. We will continue to work with you to maintain ISA journals and their rigorous standards of review and publication.

Work motivation is the May #TopicOfTheMonth. Read The reincarnation of work motivation: Millennials vs older generations on this topic.


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Editorial Team


  • Marta Soler Gallart

    Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

International Sociology Reviews

  • Junpeng Li

    Central China Normal University, China

Deputy Editor

  • Esther Oliver

    Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

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