- 2021 (78)
- November (5)
- October (7)
- Silvester van Koten: Gas and Electricity Prices Should Go Down Around March 2022
- CERGE-EI Alumni among Winners of Climathon 2021
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Benefits of Starting College in Bad Economic Times
- Media Highlights for September
- Nobel Prize in Economics: David Card, Joshua Angrist, and Guido Imbens Share the 2021 Award
- Standing up to Retraction of Inconvenient Research
- September (11)
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Postdoctoral Placement at Paris School of Economics for Branka Matyska
- PhD and MAER Orientation Week
- Švejnar-Terrell Teaching Prize for 2020/2021 Goes to Ctirad Slavík and Paolo Zacchia
- Filip Pertold: Data Was the Key Over the Past Year
- Financial Support for Students in Higher Education in the Czech Republic: a System Overhaul Is Required
- New MA in Applied Economics Cohort Starts their Studies
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for August
- Ph.D. Candidates Successfully Finishing Their Studies
- Uzbekistan Successes
- Teachers' Salaries in 2020 and Beyond: Will the Czech Republic Rest on Its Laurels?
- August (4)
- July (7)
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Second-Year Research Fellowships Recipients Announced for 2021
- Experientia Foundation Visits CERGE-EI
- Congratulations to Our New MAE Graduates!
- Eva Hromádková: May We All Live Again in the Boring Times
- Bibliometrics Underpins Charles University Research (Behind the Scenes with Daniel Münich)
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for June
- June (9)
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Jan Švejnar: The Challenges Are Enormous (Talking Economics Podcast)
- Last Call for Applications: MA in Applied Economics
- IDEA Study: Intervention Is Needed
- We Are Deeply Saddened by the Death of Professor J. Peter Neary
- VoxEU.org: “Crime and Punishment”: How Russian banks anticipated and dealt with global financial sanctions
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for May
- Poverty and People's Economic Behaviour
- Dissertation Workshop presentations started
- May (3)
- April (7)
- IDEA Study: Social Status in Apprenticeships in the Czech Republic
- IDEA Webinar: How Influential Are Scientific Publications Across European Countries and Disciplines?
- Calling for Help. Who Needs It the Most? Štěpán Jurajda in the Show The Questions of Václav Moravec
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- New IDEA study: The gap in in-person teaching caused by the pandemic will cost the Czech economy staggering sums of money in the future
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for March
- Happy Czech Day of Education!
- March (8)
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- The CERGE-EI Second-Year RSJ Research Fellowship 2021 call for applications is now open!
- Watch the Conference "The Future of Education in the Czech Republic" with Jan Švejnar
- Daniel Münich and Jan Švejnar: Keynote Guests of the "Investment and Investment Finance in the Czech Republic" Webinar
- Learn About Studying Applied Economics at CERGE-EI
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for February
- Jakub Steiner Will Join a Panel Discussion at [PANDEMIC] Open Data Expo
- Watch our "Webinar II: Student Life at CERGE-EI" on YouTube
- February (11)
- Economist Prof. Jaromír Vepřek Passed Away
- A New Library Drop Box at the Jan Kmenta Library Entrance
- A Study on Sibling Spillovers on College and Major Choice Published in QJE
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- This Year's Virtual Open Day Accessible for Watching on YouTube
- Former MAE Student Listed in Forbes 30 under 30 List for 2021
- We Are Deeply Saddened by the Death of Professor Jan Sokol
- Analysis on Predatory Journals Was Published in Scientometrics
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for January
- Štěpán Jurajda Appointed to Serve as Chairman of the Commission for Evaluation of Research Organizations and Programs
- Filip Matějka is Part of a New Expert Group for ERC Grants
- January (6)
- 2020 (71)
- December (8)
- CERGE-EI News at the Turn of the Year 2020
- Jakub Steiner's Paper to be Published in Econometrica
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Two Grants From GACR For CERGE-EI Researchers
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for November
- Filip Matějka Has Received the Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council
- CERGE-EI Students Among the Awarded at The Young Economist of the Year Competition
- The Spirit of Giving Back at CERGE-EI
- November (10)
- CERGE-EI Represented at Conferences on Education, Industry 4.0 and COVID-19
- Time to Apply for the MA or PhD Program
- Congratulations to the First-Ever Alumni Fellowship Recipients
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Learn About Studying Applied Economics at CERGE-EI
- We Are Deeply Saddened by the Death of Our Student
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for October
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Prof. Rudolf Zahradník, Initiator of the Economics Institute, Passed Away
- 'Economic Decathlon' Part of the Program of The Week of Science Festival
- October (11)
- Prof. Dr. Zdeněk Pertold passed away
- Charles University Holds Its Position in the Best Global Universities Ranking
- CERGE-EI Researchers Succeded In TA ČR Grant Competition
- Early Bird Applications for the MA in Applied Economics
- Jan Zápal Received the Lumina Quaeruntur Fellowship From the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Jan Švejnar in Discussion With Jeffrey Sachs at Forum 2000
- Nobel Prize in Economics For CERGE-EI ESC Member Paul Milgrom
- Top Economic Scholars to Present at CERGE-EI
- Economics Discovery Hub Opens Its Fifth Season
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- CERGE-EI Media Highlights for September
- September (5)
- August (3)
- July (6)
- Students From 17 Countries Taking Part in the Online "Prep"
- Congratulations to Our New MAE Graduates!
- People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
- Paolo Zachia's Research Project Recommended for Primus Grant by Charles University
- Students of Applied Economics Showcased Results of Project Seminar
- The Gold Medal of Charles University Awarded to Štěpán Jurajda
- June (6)
- CERGE-EI Commemorated the Victims of The Communist Regime
- Štěpán Jurajda to Share His Thoughts on the "Post-COVID Economy" in an Online Discussion
- Second-Year Research Fellowships Recipients Announced
- Georgiana Puscas is the New Economic Talent 2020
- IDEA anti COVID-19 recommends investments in tracing and testing capacity
- New Economic Talent 2020 Finalists Announced
- April (7)
- Postdoctoral Placement at Bocconi for Vladimír Novák
- CERGE-EI Researchers Working on the Model antiCOVID-19
- Few Days Left to Complete Applications for MA or PhD Studies
- Economics Discovery Hub Continues Online
- CERGE-EI Experts Involved in the National Economic Council of the Government
- Representatives of CERGE-EI are Members of the Coronavirus Crisis Response Economic Team
- Experientia Foundation Financially Supports the ‘IDEA anti Covid-19’ Project
- March (8)
- CERGE-EI Researchers Influencing the Debate on the COVID-19 Response
- Application Deadline Prolonged for All Study Programs and NET
- Our Researchers and Students Are Taking Part in the "IDEA ANTI COVID-19" Project
- Marek Kapička: Interest Rate Cuts Will Not Help, Targeted Fiscal Aid to Affected Sectors Would Be Better
- Admissions Deadline is Approaching. Get in Touch if Interested!
- The Public Lecture by Oliver Hart Is Rescheduled
- Rescheduled: Leading Expert on Auction Design Prof. Klemperer to Present at CERGE-EI
- Rescheduled: Fair Taxation in a Mobile World as the Topic of the 2020 EEAG Report
- February (3)
- January (4)
- December (8)
- 2019 (1)
- December (1)
Jan Švejnar in Discussion With Jeffrey Sachs at Forum 2000
15 October, 2020
On 14 October Jan Švejnar was a guest speaker at Forum 2000 Conference - an annual discussion of global political, intellectual, spiritual, and business leaders founded by former Czech President Václav Havel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel, and philanthropist Yohei Sasakawa.
Jan Švejnar, together with Jeffrey Sachs, were invited to share their views in the debate entitled: "Can we take advantage of the disasters? The economic priorities for a new world."
Both distinguished speakers focused on the implications of the COVID-19 crisis for the future. Among other things, Jan Švejnar said that the governments all around the world were trying to support the economy in response to the pandemic. Stimulating the economy is now more important than the fear of future debt, he claimed.
Full debate is available on this link. (59:30)
The idea for the Forum 2000 Conference originated in 1997, when former Czech President Václav Havel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel, and philanthropist Yohei Sasakawa invited world leaders to Prague to discuss the challenges humanity was facing on the threshold of a new millennium. Since then, Forum 2000 evolved into a successful and widely recognized conference series, where distinguished guests continue to address a diverse international community on topics ranging from religious dialogue to human rights and national security.