A Digest of CERGE-EI Research and Events
Located in Prague, CERGE-EI is dedicated to excellence and innovation in economic research and education. Chartered by the State of New York, CERGE-EI is a joint workplace of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, and is supported by numerous donors.
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Selected Journal Articles
O Brother, Where Start Thou? Sibling Spillovers on College and Major Choice in Four Countries
A. Altmejd, A. Barrios-Fernández, M. Drlje, J. Goodman, M. Hurwitz, D. Kovač, C. Mulhern, C. Neilson, and J. Smith
Quarterly Journal of Economics 136(3): 1831–1886
Using the data on college admissions in Chile, Croatia, Sweden, and the US, the authors find that many siblings follow their older siblings to the same college or college-major combination. These findings may explain why college enrollment inequalities persist between social groups. Improving college access may have multiplier effects due to spillovers on a younger generation of siblings. Read more
Caught in the Cycle: Economic Conditions at Enrolment and Labour Market Outcomes of College Graduates
Alena Bičáková, Guido Matias Cortes and Jacopo Mazza
Starting college during worse economic times leads to better subsequent labor market outcomes of college graduates. The research captures this puzzling pattern using data on UK university graduates. The authors test different channels through which this effect occurs and conclude that college graduates who enroll during downturns exert more effort during their studies and in their jobs. Read more
Covid-19 Crisis and Hostility Against Foreigners
Vojtěch Bartoš, Michal Bauer, Jana Cahlíková, and Julie Chytilová
How has the COVID-19 crisis influenced hostility towards foreigners? Nationally representative data from the Czech Republic provides causal evidence that harmful behavior against foreigners rises with an increase in the salience of the COVID-19 crisis. This result highlights the importance of not inflaming anti-foreigner sentiments during times of health and economic crises. Read more
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Selected Working Papers
Paternal Circular Migration and Development of Socio-Emotional Skills of Children Left Behind
Davit Adunts
Using quasi-exogenous variation in the timing of return migration induced by bilateral migration laws between Ukraine and Poland, this study investigates the short-run effect of the fathers’ absence on the socio-emotional skills of their children left behind. Compared to children whose fathers have recently returned, those whose fathers are still working abroad exhibit lower levels of perseverance. Read more
The Impact of Delay: Evidence from Formal Out-of-Court Restructuring
Stjepan Srhoj, Dejan Kovač, Jacob N. Shapiro, and Randall K. Filer
How do bargaining failures during bankruptcy restructuring impact the economic performance of participating firms? Delayed entry into standard bankruptcy procedures due to bargaining failures may decrease the survival rate among debtors and reduce employment, revenue, and profits. This result shows the importance of structuring bankruptcy procedures to rapidly resolve uncertainty about firms’ prospects. Read more
Firm Relocations, Commuting and Relationship Stability
Kristína Hrehová, Erika Sandow, and Urban Lindgren
How does firm relocation with changes in commuting distance affect the relationship stability of couples with children? Analysis of Swedish register data shows that a 10 km increase in commuting distance due to relocation leads to a statistically significant 0.09 percentage point higher probability of relationship breakup if the commuter remains with the firm for five years after its relocation. Read more
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Selected Dissertations
Macroeconomics with Financial Sector Risk Constraints
May 2021
Branka Matyska
Motivated by the 2008 financial crisis, Matyska focuses on how to better evaluate market risk and improve risk-based capital requirements. She generates alternative regulations aimed at preventing fire sales, improving welfare, and deriving optimal deposit insurance. She also explores fiscal stimulus impact on firm dynamics and the US labor market. The results show corporate income tax cuts increase job creation, prevent job losses and increase wages. Read more
Essays in Econometrics of Matching Markets: Identification, Estimation and Practice
March 2021
Marin Drlje
Drlje proposes a new estimator, Propensity Score Discontinuity Design (PSDD), as an alternative to estimate the effects of cutoff points on college admissions and graduation outcomes. He explores both theoretical and practical identification threats, using Croatian data to pinpoint potential bias in RDD estimates, and explores the critical role that older siblings play in college decisions. Read more
Essays on Allocations in Two-Sided Markets
September 2021
Jan Šedek
Šedek studies congested markets including games where every player has an incentive to reveal preferences even with asymmetric information and interdependence preferences. He finds that if preferences are independent, abolishing uncertainty about allocation chances improves welfare. He also shows that a monopolistic platform will recommend low quality sellers to increase market size. Read more
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Talking Economics Podcast
Scientific Publications: European Comparison
Distance Learning Program reaches over 1,000 students per semester
To mark its 30th anniversary, CERGE-EI has launched a Talking Economics Podcast entitled ”Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities in the Changing World.” Anchor Katarína Stehlíková (CERGE-EI Ph.D. 2007) talks with her guests about the challenges and opportunities in their respective fields of expertise with respect to the current pandemic. Listen on Spotify, Anchor.fm, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and YouTube.
How influential are scientific publications across European countries and across scientific disciplines? CERGE-EI's think tank IDEA has launched an application that enables meaningful comparisons to be made. "An EU Comparison of 2015/2016 Academic Publication Output and its Citation Impact" allows you to compare research performance on 3 dimensions: number of articles by scientific influence of journals; number of articles by citation impact; and number of citations by scientific influence of citing journals.
The CERGE-EI Foundation's Distance Learning Program is now in its 4th semester. Courses in International Trade, Energy, Labor, Innovation, Applied Corporate Finance, and Comparative Economics taught by CERGE-EI faculty and alumni are being live-streamed from Prague, reaching more than 1,000 students at 13 universities across Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia this fall.
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