Hidden treasure for policy research: Administrative micro data

27. 4. 2018 | Videozáznam semináře s Ágotou Scharle z Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis, která prezentovala maďarský systém přístupu k mikro datům za vědeckými účely.

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The Czech Republic has a tradition of extensive data collection by the state. However, administrative micro data is seldom used to support evidence based policy. Access and merging of administrative data from different sources is not only constrained by overly restrictive legislation but also by the lack of trust between academic and government organisations as well as within the government. In Hungary, this has improved substantially since the adoption of Act 101 of 2007 that ensures access to anonymised personal data for research and policy analysis. The seminar will bring first-hand experience from the implementation and ten years of operation of this framework and provide a platform to discuss the potential of adopting similar approach in the Czech Republic.

The seminar primarily addressed these questions:

  • Why should be administrative data used to support policy related research and evaluation?
  • How could we overcome the barriers to using this resource productively?
  • What are the main results of the Hungarian of Act 101 of 2007?
  • What data is accessible, possible to merge, under what conditions, and what for?
  • What can we learn from the Hungarian experience for the Czech Republic?

Key note speaker:

Dr. Ágota Scharle from the Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis with presentation on "The legal and technical solutions for administrative data access in Hungary".

Panel discussion:

Martin Srholec | IDEA at CERGE-EI
Jana Drlíková | Ministry of Regional Development CZ, Evaluation Unit of the National Co-ordination Body
Martin Kopeček | Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, coordinator for data opening
Lenka Kováčová | Open Society Fund Prague, coordinator of the project "Open Data"
Ondřej Profant | Parliament of the Czech Republic, member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Pirate political party

Act 101 of 2007 on the provision of access to data required for drawing up decisions

Hungary, published on 10 July 2007




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