Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš
The presented study deals with the political consequences of the suburbanization process in the four largest metropolitan areas in the Czech Republic after 1989. The aggregate socio-economic data on the level of municipalities are used first for the creation of typology of suburb...
Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 5
Authors: Jehlička, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Luděk Sýkora
Authors: Vašát, Petr, Daniel Čermák
The goal of this paper is to describe linguistic and issue differences in election manifestos of the parties involved in the Czech 2012 regional election and contribute to a better understanding of second-order election (SOE) theory on a discursive level. The year 2012 brought tw...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons
The Second-Order Election Thesis (SOET) is one of a family of multi-level electoral behaviour theories that was specifically developed to explain changes in voting behaviour in general and European elections. Our analyses indicate that the patterns of voting behaviour predicted b...
28. 6. 2018
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na jarní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
Authors: Guasti, P., Mansfeldová, Z. (eds.)
Democracy, defined as liberal pluralism, is under stress worldwide. Pluralistic democratic institutions: a free press, civil society and the rule of law all seem to be under attack. Democracies are being hollowed out from within while preserving the fundamental facade of election...
Authors: Kitschelt, Herbert, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Radoslaw Markowski, Gábor Tóka
Post-Communist Party Systems examines democratic party competition in four post-communist polities in the mid- 1990's, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Polan d. Legacies of pre-communist rule turn out to play as much a role in accounting for differences as the insti...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Petra Rakušanová
The text aims to explain the voting unity in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic building upon data from the years 1998ů2002. The article presents basic institutional rules which should lead to the unity of political parties in the Czech Parliament and...
2. 10. 2017
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na podzimní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
Authors: Vlachová, Klára
This article deals primarily with voting patterns during elections to the Chamber of Representatives. The new trends in voting patterns [Matějů and Vlachová 1997] that emerged during the Senate elections are not considered in the article. Information on voting patt...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons
National rather than regional party systems are the norm in most democratic states.The link between party system nationalization and the individual voter has not been examined in the same detail. Here this link is explored using an ecological inference analysis of vote switching....
Authors: Kennedy, Fiachra, Pat Lyons, Peter Fitzgerald
In this article we examine the opinion structure of Irish Labour party members and supporters. Our purpose is to test May's law of curvilinear disparity by dividing party members into two groups as outlined by Kitschelt. By focusing on ideological differences within political...
Authors: Vlachová, Klára
This study introduces basic models of voting behaviour and describes in greater detail the findings and starting points of the model of party identification. It recapitulates findings related to the voting behaviour in the Czech Republic throughout the nineties, as well as the re...
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Klára Vlachová
This article is an attempt to identify the role of politically relevant values and attitudes in voting behaviour in the Czech Republic. In view of the results of earlier analyses, which show there has been a process of intense crystallization of left–right political axis of...
