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Economics and Finance Studies (IEF)

Make the most of your semester abroad with The International Economics and Finance program (IEF), a new study abroad opportunity at CERGE-EI in Prague primarily for economics, finance, and business students.

The International Economics and Finance program (IEF) enables undergraduate students with structured majors such as economics and business to benefit from studying abroad while remaining on track for graduation.

IEF program flyer for download

The IEF program under UPCES offers students the opportunity to choose from custom-made courses offered by CERGE-EI, a leading economics institution in Central Europe. The courses follow two broad specializations: One set of courses covers economics topics with a particular focus on Central Europe, such as the economic history of the region, economic growth and development, and the economic transition from planned to market economies. Another set of courses offers insights into cutting-edge topics in modern economics, such as behavioral finance or digital currencies and cryptocurrencies, taught by leading professors and practitioners.

IEF course flyer for download

Students take five courses (including a Czech language course) for 16 U.S. credits. All courses are taught in English and are official courses of Charles University in Prague, the largest and most prestigious university in the Czech Republic and the oldest university in Central Europe. Of these courses, one can be a humanities course offered by UPCES (see list of courses here). Combining the two areas provides a unique opportunity for double major students as well as for economics majors who would like to expand their knowledge in another field of study.

Note: for all additional information please see the UPCES Student Life, VISA, and FAQs page.