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Welcome to the website of the POEMS project!

POEMS (Physics of extreme massive stars) investigates a variety of physical aspects that boost understanding of specific extreme phases in the evolution of massive stars. The project builds on the interdisciplinary competence of the involved experts in mathematics, physics, chemistry, fluid dynamics and numerics.

POEMS establishes a multidisciplinary, international network by uniting researchers in various states of their scientific career from the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Estonia, United Kingdom, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Involved institutes are universities, observatories, and research institutes. Secondements between involved institutes lead to efficient knowledge transfer and create synergies between theorists, observers, and modelers.

In addition to the secondments, summer schools, training courses, and workshops will be organized that enhance the visibility of our research results and equip early-stage researchers with the needed skills for their future career.

This project is funded by the European Union



Since December 1, 2020, POEMS is suspended due to the global pandemic

Communication & Dissemination

Michaela Kraus from ASU presents a virtual seminar talk at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Toruń, Poland (26. November 2020)

POEMS Mid-Term Meeting

The POEMS Mid-Term Meeting is being held virtually on 26 & 29 October 2020

Communication & Dissemination

POEMS team members from UNLP participate at the virtual Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Astronomy Association, 13.-16. October 2020


Communication & Dissemination

Alex Gormaz-Matamala presented a seminar talk at the Masaryk University in Brno (12. October 2020)

POEMS preparatory meeting

The POEMS team members met virtually on 8 October 2020 to discuss about and prepare the material for the upcoming Mid-Term-Meeting


Alex Gormaz-Matamala from UV visits ASU (29. July - 30. November 2020)

Virtual POEMS meeting

POEMS team members from ASU, UV, and UNLP met virtually on 27 July 2020 to discuss about progess in science

Communication & Dissemination

Olga Maryeva presented a virtual poster at the MOBSTER-1 virtual conference: Stellar variability as a probe of magnetic fields in massive star, 12-17 July 2020

Public Outreach

Presentation of POEMS during the Press Conference on the occasion of the inauguration of the Perek 2-m telescope

Public Outreach

Janmammad Rustamov from ShAO gave an interview to the EU neighbors media in June 2020

Communication & Dissemination

POEMS team members from UNLP participate at the IX La Plata International School S-PLUS: The Universe in true colors, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Communication & Dissemination

Olga Maryeva presented a seminar talk at the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University in Prague (26. February 2020)

Jan Frič Award

Olga Maryeva was awarded the Jan Frič price (20. January 2020)


Public Outreach

POEMS made it to the 2020 Calendar of Observatório Nacional

ON-Calendar ON-Calendar


Alejandra Christen from PUCV visits ROB (1. Feb - 17. March 2020)


Michel Curé from UV visits ROB (24. Jan - 17. March 2020)


Alex Gormaz-Matamala from UV visits ASU (5. Jan - 4. July 2020)

Public Outreach

Dr. Julieta Sánchez Arias from UNLP presented a popular science talk with title "Stellar Concert" ("Concierto estelar") at the Planetarium of La Plata on Friday, 22 November 2019.


Public Outreach

Dr. Alejandra Daniela Romero from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, presented a popular science talk with title "Earthquakes in Stars" ("Sismos en las estrellas") at the Planetarium of La Plata on Friday, 15 November 2019.


Summer School

On Monday started our Summer School "VIII LAPIS: Pulsations Along Stellar Evolution" at UNLP (11.-22. Nov 2019)



Wolfgang Glatzel from UGOE visists UNLP (2. Nov - 1. Dec 2019)


Michaela Kraus from ASU visists UNLP (28. Oct - 13. Dec 2019)


Janmammad Rustamov from ShAO visists TO (1. Oct - 30. Dec 2019)

Communication & Dissemination

POEMS team members from UNLP and UTARTU participate at the Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Astronomy Association, 16.-20. September 2019, Rio Negro, Argentina


Communication & Dissemination

Janmammad Rustamov and Aynur Abdulkarimova participate at the international conference Physics of Stars and Planets: Atmospheres, Activity, Magnetic fields, 16.-20. September 2019, Azerbaijan


Anna Aret from TO visists UNLP (12. Sep - 11. Dec 2019)


Despina Panoglou from ON visists ASU (4. Sep - 4. Oct 2019)


Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits ASU (2.-6. Sep 2019)


Anna Aret from TO presented a popular lecture at the XXIV Annual meeting of Estonian astronomy enthusiasts, 7.-11. August 2019, Jäneda, Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia


Lydia Cidale from UNLP visists ASU (26. Jul - 11. Sep 2019)

Public Outreach

Marcelo Borges Fernandes from ON was interviewed about POEMS from the Brazilian radio MEC AM in Rio de Janeiro


Sabina Mammadova from ShAO visists ASU (15. - 30. Jul 2019)


Lydia Cidale from UNLP visists ASU (26. Jul - 11. Sep 2019)

Communication & Dissemination

Olga Maryeva participates at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS), 24.-28. June 2019, Lyon, France



Yanina Cochetti from UNLP visists ASU (22. Jun - 4. Oct 2019)

Public Outreach

Days of Sun at TO (8. June 2019)



Alejandra Christen from PUCV was invited to present a testimonial at the H2020 Info Day in Santiago, Chile (6-7. June 2019)


Gunay Hajiyeva from ShAO visists TO (23. May - 20. Jun 2019)

Communication & Dissemination

Michaela Kraus presented a seminar talk at the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University in Prague (22. May 2019)

Public Outreach

Days of the open doors at ASU (17. - 19. May 2019)


Communication & Dissemination

Dieter Nickeler presented a seminar talk at the Mathematical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (17. May 2019)


Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits ON (6. May - 8. Jun 2019)


Maja Vučković from UV visits ASU (5. May - 22. Jun 2019)


Rodolfo Vallverdú from UNLP visits ASU (24. Apr - 27. Jun 2019)


Webpage related to the Summer School on Pulsations Along Stellar Evolution is now online


Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits UV (5. Apr - 5. May 2019)


Aynur Abdulkarimova from ShAO visists TO (27. March - 27. May 2019)

Communication & Dissemination

Dieter Nickeler and Michaela Kraus participate at the DPG Spring Meeting in Munich, Germany (17. - 22. March 2019)


Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits UNLP (5. Mar - 4. Apr 2019)


Alex Gormaz-Matamala from UV visits ROB (3. Mar - 4. May 2019)



Project's Logo created on 24. Jan 2019

Coordinators' Day


Michaela Kraus participates at the Coordinators' Day in Brussels (17.-18. Jan 2019)


Olga Maryeva from ASU visits ShAO (16. Jan -23. Feb 2019)