
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, E. Mihóková, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, P. Polato, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni
    Radiation damage induced by gamma irradiation on Ce3+ doped phosphate and silicate scintillating glasses
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 476 (2002) 785-789.
  2. E. Gamaliy, H. Stepankova, J. Kohout, A. Snezhko, M. Kucera, K. Nitsch
    Effect of aluminium substitution in YIG on iron hyperfine field anisotropy
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 242-245 (2002) 766-768.
  3. E. Gamaliy, A. Snezhko, H. Stepankova, M. Kučera, K. Nitsch
    Nuclear magnetic relaxation in YIG films with nonmagnetic trivalent substitutions
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 242-245 (2002) 769-771.
  4. A.G. Badalyan, P.G. Baranov, V.A.Trepakov, C.B. Azzoni, P. Galinetto, M.C. Mozzati, J. Rosa, L. Jastrabík, M. Hrabovsky
    Recent researches of the copper centres in potassium tantalate single crystals
    Ferroelectrics, 272 (2002) 205-210
  5. A.G. Badalyan, P.G. Baranov, D.V. Azamat, V.A.Trepakov, C.B. Azzoni, P. Galinetto, M.C. Mozzati, J. Rosa, L. Jastrabík
    Electron paramagnetic resonance of copper centres in potassium tantalate single crystals
    J. of Phys.: Condensed Mattter 14 (2002) 6855-6863
  6. L. S. Schulman, E. Mihóková, A. Scardicchio, P. Facchi, M. Nikl, K. Polak, B. Gaveau
    Slow relaxation, confinement and solitons
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 224101 (1-4) (2002).
  7. M. Nikl, P. Bohacek, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, A. Vedda, M. Martini, G. P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, M. Kobayashi
    Complete characterization of doubly doped PbWO4:Mo,Y scintillators.
    J. Appl. Phys. 91, 2791-2797 (2002)
  8. H. Sato, H. Machida, K. Shimamura, A. Bensalah, T. Satonaga, T. Fukuda, E. Mihóková, M. Dusek, M. Nikl, A. Vedda
    Color centers in LiCaAlF6 single crystals and their suppression by doping
    J. Appl. Phys. 91, 5666-5670 (2002).
  9. M. Nikl, P. Bohacek, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, A. Vedda, M. Martini, G. P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, M. Kobayashi, M. Ishii
    Enhanced efficiency of PbWO4:Mo,Nb scintillator.
    J. Appl. Phys. 91, 5041-5044 (2002).
  10. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G. Chen, J. A. Mareš, E. Mihóková, M. Nikl, P. Polato, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni
    Effect of gamma irradiation on optical properties of Ce3+-doped phosphate and silicate scintillating glasses
    Rad. Phys. Chem. 63, 231-234 (2002).
  11. G. P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, C. Susini, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, K. Nitsch, M. Martini, A. Vedda, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, V. Babin
    Defect states induced by UV-laser iradiation in scintillating glasses.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 191 (2002) 366-370.
  12. M. Nikl, J. A. Mareš, J. Chval, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, M. Martini, A. Vedda, K. Blazek, K. Nejezchleb, P. Fabeni, G. P. Pazzi, V. Babin, K. Kalder, A. Krasnikov, S. Zazubovich, C. D
    An Effect of Zr4+ co-doping of YAP:Ce scintillator.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 486, 250-253 (2002).
  13. M. Nikl, P. Bohacek, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, A. Vedda, M. Martini, G. P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, M. Kobayashi
    Influence of Y-codoping on the PbWO4:Mo luminescence and scintillator characteristics
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 486, 453-457 (2002).
  14. A. Vedda, M. Martini, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, K. Nitsch, N. Solovieva, F. Karagulian
    Optical absorption and thermoluminescence of Tb3+-doped phosphate scintillating glasses
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (2002) 7417-7426.
  15. E. Mihóková, L.S. Schulman, M. Nikl, B. Gaveau, K. Polak, K. Nitsch, D. Zimmerman
    Temperature dependence of anomalous decay: theory and experiment.
    Physical Review B 66 (2002) 155102(1)-155102(7).
  16. M. Bacci, E. Mihóková, L. S. Schulman
    Quantum corrections to the semiclassical temperature scale in the structured emission of tetrahedral complexes
    Phys. Rev. B 66, 132301 (1-4) (2002).
  17. R. Kravets, V. Ogorodnisk, A. Poruba, P. Moravec, M. Nesládek, J. Rosa, M. Vanecek
    Fourier-Transform Photocurrent Spectroscopy of Defects in CVD Diamond Layers
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 193, 502-507 (2002)
  18. V.V. Laguta, M.D. Glinchuk, R.O. Kuzian, S.N. Nokhrin, I.P. Bykov, L. Jastrabík, J. Rosa
    Electron spin resonance of Ti3+ in KTa0.9Nb0.1O3
    Solid State Communications 122 (2002) 277-281
  19. M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, Z. Malkova, A. Vedda, M. Martini, K. Shimamura, T.Fukuda
    Ce3+ luminescence in a LiBaF3 single crystal at low temperatures.
    Phys. Rev. B 66, 184101 (1-5) (2002)
  20. H.R. Asatryan, J. Rosa
    Electron paramagnetic resonance of Er3+, Nd3+ and Ce3+ ions in YAlO3 singlecrystals.
    Sol. State Phys. (in russian) 44 (2002) 830-835
  21. V. Babin, K. Kalder, A. Krasnikov, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, S. Zazubovich
    Defect creation under UV irradiation of CsI : Pb crystals in Pb2+ - Induced absorption bands investigated by luminescence methods
    physica status solidi (b) 234 (2002) 689-700.
  22. H. Sato, K.Shimamura, A. Bensalah, N. Solovieva, A. Beitlerová, A. Vedda, M. Martini, H. Machida, T. Fukuda, M. Nikl
    Induced Absorption Phenomena Thermoluminescence and Colour Centres in KMgF3, BaLiF3 and LiCaAlF6 Complex Fluorides
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 (2002) 2028-2033
  23. M. Bacci, E. Mihóková, M. Nikl, K. Polak, L.S. Schulman
    Theoretical study of the structured blue emission of PbWO4
    Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2002, Vol. 157, pp. 927-930
  24. M. Nikl, P. Bohacek, E. Mihóková, A. Vedda, M. Martini, G.P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki
    Enhanced efficiency of doubly doped PbWO4 scintillator
    Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2002, Vol. 157, pp. 937-941
  25. V.V. Laguta, M. Martini, A. Vedda, E. Rosetta, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, P. Bohacek, J. Rosa, A. Hofstatter, B.K. Meyer, Y. Usuki
    Photoinduced oxygen-vacancy related centers in PbWO4: Electron spin resonance and thermally stimulated luminescence study.
    Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2002, Vol. 157, pp. 1025-1031
  26. J. A. Mareš, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, K. Blazek, K. Nejezchleb, P. Maly, J. Pejchal, V. Mucka, M. Pospisil, A. Vedda, M. Martini, S. Baccaro
    Radiation induced colour centers and damage in YAlO3: Ce and YAlO3: Ce, Zr Scintillators
    Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2002, Vol. 157, pp. 677-681
  27. V.V. Laguta, M.D. Glinchuk, I.P. Bykov, A.Cremona, P. Galinetto, E. Giulotto, L. Jastrabík, J. Rosa
    Shallow Traps in Pure KTaO3 crystals
    Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2002, Vol. 157, pp. 721-727
  28. A.Vedda, M. Martini, D.Di Martino, V.V. Laguta, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, J. Rosa, K. Nejezchleb, K. Blazek
    Defect states in Lu3Al5O12:Ce crystals
    Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 2002, Vol. 157, pp. 1003-1007
  29. J. A. Mareš, M. Nikl, P. Maly, K. Bartos, K. Nejezchleb, K. Blazek, Notaristefani, C. D´Ambrosio, D. Puertolas, E. Rosso
    Growth and properties of Ce3+-doped Lux (RE3+)1-xAP scintillators
    Optical Materials 19 (2002) 117-122
  30. V. Babin, A. Krasnikov, M. Nikl, A. Stolovits, S. Zazubovich
    On the Interpretation of Luminescence of Lead Halide Crystals
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 229, No. 3, 1295-1304 (2002)
  31. V.V. Laguta, M.D. Glinchuk, R.O. Kuzian, S.N. Nokhrin, I.P. Bykov, J. Rosa, L. Jastrabík, M.G. Karkut
    The photoinduced Ti3+ centre in SrTiO3
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 14 (2002) 13813-13825
  32. I.P. Bykov, M.D. Glinchuk, V.V. Laguta, S.N. Nokhrin, L. Jastrabík, V. Smotrakov, V. Eremkin M. Hrabovsky
    Photoinduced centers in PbZr1-xTix single crystals
    Ferroelectrics 272 (2002) 167-172.
  33. J. Zemek, P. Jiříček, A. Jablonski, B. Lesiak
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 199 (2002) 138 - 146
  34. O. Smrčková, D. Sýkorová, K. Rubešová, P. Vašek
    Physica B 321 (2002) 292 - 294
  35. K. Výborný, L. Smrčka, R. A. Deutschmann
    Physical Review B 66 (2002) 205318(1)-205318(8).
  36. J. Zemek, P. Jiříček, A. Jablonski, B. Lesiak
    Surf. Interface Anal. 34 (2002) 215 - 219
  37. H. Tučicová, J. Zemek, J. Tóth I. Drbohlav
    Surf. Interface Anal. 34 (2002) 468 - 471
  38. J. Vlček, M. Kormunda, J. Čížek, V. Peřina, J. Zemek
    Surf. Coat. Technol. 160 (2002) 74 - 81
  39. Physical Review B 66 (2002) 085301(1)-085301(7).
  40. B. Lesiak, A. Jablonski, J. Zemek, P. Jiříček, J. Pavluch
    Surf. Interface Anal. 33 (2002) 381 - 393
  41. L.R. Shaginyan, M. Mišina, J. Zemek, J. Musil, F. Regent, V.F. Britun
    Thin Solid Films 408 (2002) 136 - 147
  42. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 12 (2002) 311-314.
  43. J. Stejskal, O. Quadrat, I. Sapurina, J. Zemek, A. Drelinkiewicz, M. Hasik, I. Křivka, J. Prokeš
    Eur. Polym. J. 38 (2002) 631 - 637
  44. C. Piccirillo, G. Davies, A. Mainwood, S. Scarle, C. M. Penchina, T. P. Mollart, K. L. Lewis, M. Nesladek, Z. Remeš, C. S. J. Pickles
    Journal of Applied Physics 92 (2002) 756-763.
  45. G. Davies, A. Mainwood, C. Piccirillo, K. L. Levis, T. P. Mollart, M. Nesladek, Z. Remeš
    physica status solidi (a) 193 (2002) 442-447.
  46. A. Teplykh , A. Pirogov , A. Kuchin , O. Prokhnenko , C. Ritter , Z. Arnold, O. Isnard
    Magnetic field induced phase transition in Ce2Fe17-xMnx compounds
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74 (2002) S577 - S579
  47. O. Prokhnenko , C. Ritter , Z. Arnold, O. Isnard , A. Teplykh , J. Kamarád, A. Pirogov , A. Kuchin
    Effect of pressure and Mn substitution on magnetic ordering of Ce2Fe17-xMnx (x=0, 1)
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74 (2002) S610 - S612
  48. Z. Jirák, C. Martin , M. Hervieu , J. Hejtmánek
    Charge and spin configurations in Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (x=0.5-0.75)
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74 (2002) S1755 - S1757
  49. G. Riou , S. Jandl , M. Poirier , V. Nekvasil, M. Maryško, J. Fabry , K. Jurek , M. Divis , J. Holsa , M. Sutjahja , A. Menovsky , N. Barilo , V. Shiryaev , N. Kurnevich
    Infrared transmission study of crystal-field excitations in La2-x-yNdxSryCuO4
    Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 224508(1) - 224508(7)
  50. T. Satoh , Y. Kikuchi , K. Miyano , E. Pollert , J. Hejtmánek, Z. Jirák
    Irreversible photoinduced insulator-metal transition in charge ordered Pr0.75Na0.25MnO3
    Phase Transit. 75 (2002) 935 - 940