In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
Nanostructured silver films are considered as an important material for biomedical applications due to their unique optical and antiviral/bactericidal properties. The character of silver films depends on morphology, structure and thicknesses, which are determined by the method and regime of synthesis. In present work we show that a relative thick silver film obtained by pulsed laser deposition has an interesting porous nanocolumnar morphology. Optical properties of the produced samples are investigated. An empirical dependence for determining the thickness of the silver coating from the optical transmission spectra is proposed.
- “Onsager Liquid Crystals”: A novel family of rod-like mesogens without flexible chainsJournal of Materials Chemistry C 00X (2021) 001-003.
- Physical Review Letters 126 (2021) 127701(1)-127701(6).
- Liquid Crystals 48 (2021) 43-53.
- Materials and Devices, Vol 5 (1), (2020) – DOI : 10.23647/ca.md20191227 Chapter in "Perovskites and other Framework Structure Materials: new trends and perspectives", editors M.B. Smirnov and P. Saint-Grégoire, Publ. by Collaborating Academics IP, - to appear in 2020 (France)
- Experimental Mechanics 1 (2021) 1-18.
- Carbon 171 (2021) 230-239.
- European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 24 (2021) 1-18.
- Materials Science and Engineering A 800 (2021) 140316 (1)-140316 (10).
- Optics and Laser Technology 133 (2021) 1-5.
- Journal of Molecular Structure 1224 (2021) 129157(1)-129157(7).
- Journal of Molecular Structure 1224 (2021) 129315(1)-129315(9).
- Journal of Molecular Structure 1226 (2021) 129395(1)-129395(7).
- Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2020 (2021) e6038(1)-e6038(11).
- Liquid Crystals 48 (2021) 1010-1024.
- Chemical Geology 559 (2021) 119922(1)-119922(15).
- Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 1 (2021) 2000411-1-2000411-5.
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (2021) 439-445.
- Advanced Materials 33 (2021) 2007398(1)-2007398(10).
- Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021) 2006391(1)-2006391(11).
- Physics Letters A 385 (2021) 126980(1)-126980(5).
- Bioelectromagnetics 00 (2021) 001-0010.
- Optics and Laser Technology 135 (2021) 1-6.
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2021) 20200022(1)-20200022(11).
- Advanced Functional Materials 09 2020 (2021) 2005715(1)-2005715(11).
- Optical Materials 111 (2021) 110722-.
- Journal of Molecular Liquids 331 (2021) 115723(1)-115723(10).
- Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry - (2021) 1-10.
- Nature Electronics 4 (2021) 30-37.
- Nanoscale Advances -- (2021) -----.
- Nano Letters 21 (2021) 861-867.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (2021) 330-336.
- Green Chemistry 23 (2021) 898-911.
- Journal of Luminescence 231 (2021) 1-12.
- Sensors 2021 (2021) 1-17.
- IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1050 (2021) 012012(1)- 012012(7).
- Journal of Molecular Structure 1227 (2021) 129576(1)-129576(8).
- IUCrJ 8(1) (2021) 1-8.
- American Mineralogist 106 (2021) 105-111.
- Crystals 10 (2021) 1146 (1)-1146 (14).
- Acta Materialia 206 (2021) 116597 (1)-116597 (12).
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 523 (2021) 167623(1)-167623(7).
- Acta Materialia 202 (2021) 317-330.
- Materials Science and Engineering B 265 (2021) 115030(1)-115030(8).
- Applied Optics 60 (2021) 533-538.
- Materials Science Forum 1016 (2021) 1091-1096.
- Physical Review Materials 5 (2021) 014404(1)-014404(13).
- Polyhedron 194 (2021) 114939(1)-114939(10).
- Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 177 (2021) 106075(1)-106075(2).
- Physics Letters B 813 (2021) 136030(1)-136030(13).