How does the selection procedure work?
Advertising and application letters
How is advertising organized?
Scientific positions are always advertised at the Euraxess portal and on our website. Advertisements may be posted on other portals such as the web of the Academy of Sciences, Vesmír, Jobs, and other portals.
What information can you find in the ad?
In the advertisement you will find basic information (name of the institute, contact, name of the job position, working hours, when will the job start, application deadline, type of contract), requirements for the candidate (R1-R4 researcher profile, education, professional and language skills, etc.) and additional information (benefits, links to official recruitment documents, etc.).
In order to simplify the work of our scientists and to consolidate the appearance of advertisements, we have prepared a unified form for advertising a scientific position.
How long the ads are active?
The selection procedure is publicly announced for at least three weeks according to the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Where can you send your CV and cover letter?
Send your structured CV together with a cover letter to and state the number of the advertisement so that we can identify the position you are interested in.
Make a great first impression with your CV and cover letter. Your CV should be concise. Focus on style, the overall appearance and avoid spelling and grammar errors. You have to provide only true information. In the cover letter, explain why you are interested in the job position offered and highlight your professional and personal prerequisites for this position.
Selection procedure
How do you learn what is next?
You will be informed about the selection procedure without undue delay. We make efforts to inform all candidates about your progress to the next round within 14 days.
How does the selection procedure work?
The Selection Committee appointed by the director of the institute is responsible for the course of the selection procedure. The Selection Committee consists of at least three members and includes the scientist in whose team you apply for a job position. This scientist is always appointed by the director as a full member of this board. The board is gender balanced and usually includes a human resources officer.
Each CV, a cover letter, references and other submitted documents are compared with an advertisement in which all the requirements for the advertised position are listed.
The selection procedure consists of several steps.
Pre-screening: The secretary of science checks the factual content of the submitted documents and rejects the applications of candidates who do not meet the required criteria for the position offered. Candidates are registered in the Selection Protocol form, which is handed over to the members of the Selection Committee.
Shortlisting: The scientist to whose team the candidates apply proposes a list of candidates suitable for advancing to the next round. The members of the Selection Committee are provided with the documents of all candidates who have applied for the job and discuss the shortlisting. By signing, they confirm the list of candidates advancing to the second round (the interview). Candidates who did not advance to the next round are informed via email without undue delay.
Interview: The Selection Committee selects from the shortlist the candidates that might be invited to the interview. We always prefer interview in person, but it is also possible to use a video call (Skype, Zoom or other applications) or a telephone conversation. During this interview, the members of the Selection Committee are introduced to the candidate and the offered job position, working conditions and benefits are being discussed in detail. The introduction of the candidate follows. The candidate briefly summarizes their work experience. The last section of the interview are questions, the number and nature of which depends on the course of the interview. The candidate is informed about the date of the result of the selection procedure.
In the case of recruitment and selection of a researcher for the R4 position, a recommendation by an independent, recognized foreign expert is always required. If such a candidate is shortlisted, they will be invited for an interview in person at the expense of our institution, and in addition, a public lecture on their scientific work will be organized.
The Selection Committee prepares a record of each selection procedure. In this record, the Committee lists the candidates in order in which it recommends the director hiring them. The record is signed by all members of the Selection Committee and subsequently also by the director.
Candidates will be informed of the result of the second round without undue delay. The results of the selection procedure are always stored at the end of the selection process in the secretariat and kept in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.
You have been selected as the most suitable candidate. What will happen next?
In case you have been selected as the most suitable candidate, we will send you an email with information on the gross salary, your qualification level, when do you start, working conditions and duration of the employment relationship. You will be given a reasonable time to consider the offer. If you confirm your interest in the offered position, the human resources department will send you the documents needed to start employment.