GSRC in the past

GSRC 1 (2006–2011)

In 2006, IOCB and Gilead expanded their long-term partnership and collaboration, establishing a program called Gilead Sciences Research Centre at IOCB Prague. In the program, Gilead donated annually $1.1 million for five years to selected research groups at IOCB to expand their efforts in the field of human disease research.

The program supported these research groups:

Medicinal chemistry:

Biochemistry and Molecular biology:

Computational chemistry:

GSRC 2 (2011–2016)

In 2011, the program has been renewed for another 5 years with increased funding of $1.35 million annually.

The program supported these research groups:

Medicinal chemistry:

Chemistry of natural products:

Biochemistry and Molecular biology:

Computational chemistry: