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#AGU21: Science is Society

AGU Fall Meeting is the primary gathering for Earth and space scientists, students, and those in affiliated fields to share scientific findings and identify innovative solutions. With in-person and worldwide online participation, attendees will have numerous opportunities to network with government regulators, scientific visionaries, and industry thought-leaders. Join our diverse community in New Orleans and Online Everywhere 13 - 17 December 2021. Login to access the online platform.

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Prepare for #AGU21

Let us try to answer your questions as you get ready for the year's biggest and best opportunity to advance science.

  • 1 How can I stay safe from COVID-19?

    Only fully vaccinated people will attend #AGU21 in person in New Orleans; all center and hotel staff will also be fully vaccinated. We are actively watching advice on gathering and travel. The State Department has provided updated requirements on international air travel.
  • 2 How can I exhibit at #AGU21?

    26,000 energized and passionate scientists from around the globe will gather in-person and online at the AGU Fall Meeting to connect with colleagues, broaden their knowledge base, learn about new products and services, and embrace the joy of science.
  • 3 What's a "hybrid" meeting?

    Fall Meeting has empowered attendees to create their own unique experiences through their blended approach to hybrid program design. #AGU21 is offering attendees in-person and online experiences to foster networking and professional growth, provide exposure to emerging ideas by scientific thought-leaders, and supporting your research.
  • 4 Suggested Itineraries

    AGU has mapped out Suggested Itineraries for #AGU21 Fall Meeting attendees. With can't-miss networking, experiences and key learning sessions, these itineraries lay out everything you need to help you navigate the Fall Meeting. 

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