Non-classical Interpretation of the Aristotelian Logic and Theory of Predication
Mgr. Karel Šebela, Ph.D., Filozofická fakulta UP
doc. Mgr. Petr Dvořák, Ph.D., Filosofický ústav AV ČR
Czech Science Foundation
Standard projects (1993–2030)
Mathematics in the Czech lands: from the Jezuit teaching to Bernard Bolzano
Dr. Davide Crippa
Czech Science Foundation
Junior Grants (2015 - 2022)
Early Moder Encyklopadeism in the Centre and on the Peripheries: Lavinheta, Apáczai Csere, Comenius, Leibniz
Mgr. Petr Pavlas, Ph.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard (1993-2030)
Historical development of meteorological theories and terminology in the Czech Lands
Mgr. Barbora Kocánová, Ph.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard projects (1993-2030)
Soul and Death: the oldest Conceptions of Eschatology in Greek Antiquity
doc. Mgr. Tomáš Vítek, Dr.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard projects (1993-2030)
The Transmission and Transformation if Ideas in Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity
doc. Mgr. Jiří Hoblík, Th.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard (1993-2030)
From Bolzano to Badiou: An Investigation of the Foundations of Historical Epistemology and Modern European Philosophy
Nick Nesbitt, Ph.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard projects(1993-2030)
Towards a new Ontology of Social Cohesion
Mgr. Petr Kouba, Ph.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard projects (1993-2030)
Philosofy at the University of Prague around 1409: Matej Knin´s Quodlibet as a Crossroads of European Medieval Knowledge
Mgr. Ota Pavlíček, Ph.D., Th.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard projects (1993-2030)
Maintaining Experimental Time: How Scientists Obtain, Secure nad Use Time for Experimental Research
Filip Vostal, Ph.D.
Czech Science Foundation
Standard (1993-2030)