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Provider and number: GAČR 17-19952S
Duration: 2017–2019
Recitient: Institute of Art History, CAS
Principal investigator: Taťána Petrasová
Research team: Rossella Fabiani, Richard Kurdiovsky
Works of Pietro Nobile (1774–1854) and his activities defined the caracter of the Neo-Classicism in Istria, Austria, and the Bohemia. He has been influential for the architecture in the Habsburg monarchy by his projects as well as posts until the revolution 1848. The project will focus on the interpretation of the Nobile conception of the Neo-Classicism, which combine an polytechnical approach to a project with the academic traditon by theorists Vitruvius, Palladio, and Vignola. This conception contributed not only to the evolution of the early Historicism, but also to the later rejection of Nobile’s works.