Eliška Wilczek

MA Eliška Wilczek

Photo Archive - Photographic Studio

phone: + 420 221 183 517

Eliška Wilczek began studying photography at Prague's FAMU in 2011. Following an internship in Norway in 2014, she finished her bachelor's degree under the supervision of photographer Jiří Thýn and then enrolled in the master's program at the Royal College of Art in London. During her studies in Britain, she received the Bluewolf Fine Art scholarship and participated in the La Ira de Dios artist residence in Buenos Aires. She creates professional photographic documentation of Czech and international architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing, graphic print and applied arts for the purposes of IAH CAS.


In her independent work, Stejskalová explores the subjectivity of representation. She aims to free herself from the concept of photography that documents, instead trying to use non-representational effects of this medium in its unmanipulated form to capture the invisible. She questions the dogma associated with the photographic image, that is, the photograph as an index, faithful imprint and therefore realistic representation of the object depicted. Rather than classical photographs, her works take the form of site-specific installations and photographic sculptures.