In obesity, lipids are accumulated in liver, muscle or cardiovascular system, instead of adipose tissue. Recent studies have shown that bones are also affected, leading to enhanced adipocyte formation in bone marrow (BMAT). Higher BMAT is often associated with bone fragility fractures, an overlooked complication affecting the quality of life. There is limited information on a physiological role of BMAT in relation to bone and whole body energy metabolism. The major focus of the department is on the characterization of the metabolic phenotype of BMAT and its contribution to bone homeostasis and whole body energy metabolism. The research will employ murine and human cellular systems, mice biomodels, clinical studies and molecular, bioanalytical and in vivo phenotyping techniques. It will be conducted within a broad international collaboration.
The department has been newly established in 2019, based on the 5-year "Start Up Research Program" financed by IPHYS.
We are searching for a highly-motivated and creative candidate with PhD degree for Postdoctoral position in our team. More information here: