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  •  24 November 2021
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Hemispheric Asymmetry in Future Wave Power Changes: Seasonality and Physical Mechanisms

  •  22 November 2021

Key Points

  • Multimodel wave simulations project a hemispheric contrast in future wave power with a Southern increase versus a Northern decrease

  • Wave height change plays a dominant role in shaping wave power change but wave period change exerts a considerable contribution regionally

  • Positive trend of Southern Annual Mode and enhanced Arctic warming are found to shape the hemispheric asymmetry in wave power changes

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Intercomparison of High‐Resolution SST Climatologies Over the Australian Region

  •  18 November 2021

Key Points

  • Intercomparison of five sea surface temperature (SST) climatology data sets over waters surrounding Australia

  • Provides an overview of uncertainty introduced by the reference SST to measurements of anomalous ocean events

  • SST atlas of the Australian regional seas agrees closely with a climatology formed from ESA SST Climate Change Initiative v2.0 analysis

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Interannual Variation of Settling Particles Reflects Upper‐Ocean Circulation in the Southern Chukchi Borderland, 2010‐2014

  •  17 November 2021

Key Points

  • Time series on settling particle fluxes and the particle bulk component in the Pacific Arctic Oceans for 2010–2014 is shown

  • Relationships between settling particles and changes in conditions of sea ice, hydrography, and biological productions are discussed

  • Partial contribution of gelatinous matter to sinking particulate carbon was suspected in some summers during the monitoring period

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Distribution and Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Degradation of Dimethylsulfoniopropionate‐Consuming Bacteria in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea

  •  17 November 2021

Key Points

  • Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-consuming bacteria abundance and DMSP lyase activity were evaluated

  • DMSP consumption by Bacillus sp. YES023 was accompanied by dimethylsulfide production (≤8.2%)

  • Glycine betaine and acrylic acid were more favorable as substrates for the growth of Bacillus sp. YES023 than DMSP

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Optimal Precursors Triggering Sudden Shifts in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Transport Through Drake Passage

  •  16 November 2021

Key Points

  • The perturbations concentrated at 1,000–3,000 m in the middle Drake Passage reduce the ACC transport near 40 Sv after 30 days

  • The OPR perturbs the upper-layer circulation by triggering an eddy-like dipole mode

  • Baroclinic instability is responsible for the rapid growth of the OPR

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Suppressed pCO2 in the Southern Ocean Due to the Interaction Between Current and Wind

  •  15 November 2021

Key Points

  • Current-wind interaction reduces CO₂ outgassing by 17% in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean

  • Weaker vertical mixing lowers the partial pressure of CO₂ (pCO₂) to the south of the northern subantarctic front

  • The weaker wind stress and Ekman transport also assist in lowering pCO₂

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Effect of the Coriolis Force on Salt Dynamics in Convergent Partially Mixed Estuaries

  •  12 November 2021

Key Points

  • The Coriolis force decreases salt intrusion length in convergent partially mixed estuaries

  • The Coriolis force weakens the longitudinal estuarine circulation and salinity stratification

  • The effect of the Coriolis force depends on the Coriolis parameter, river discharge and tidal mixing, and the status of the estuary

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Seasonal Hydrography of Ameralik: A Southwest Greenland Fjord Impacted by a Land‐Terminating Glacier

  •  12 November 2021

Key Points

  • We present seasonal hydrography from a fjord system (Ameralik) in southwest Greenland impacted by a land-terminating glacier

  • We compare our observations with the neighbouring Godthåbsfjord, which receives meltwater from both land- and marine-terminating glaciers

  • A large fraction of the seasonal freshwater input is retained in the fjord in summer and autumn, and is exported primarily in winter

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Meridional Eddy Heat Transport Variability in the Surface Mixed Layer of the Atlantic Ocean

  •  12 November 2021

Key Points

  • Eddy heat transport (EHT) variability in the Atlantic Ocean is estimated from satellite altimetry and sea surface temperature

  • EHT is divergent in tropical and subtropical regions and convergent in subpolar Atlantic and around the equator

  • EHT decadal oscillation in the tropics/subtropics is revealed, linked to meridional modes of Atlantic climate variability

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How the source depth of coastal upwelling relates to stratification and wind

  •  29 November 2021

Key Points

  • We present a scaling based on balancing wind-driven upwelling and eddy restratification for the source depth in coastal upwelling regions

  • The source depth increases nonlinearly with stronger winds and weaker stratification

  • This has implications for how source depth –and temperature and nutrient content of upwelled water–may change in a more stratified ocean

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Mechanisms for late 20th and early 21st Century decadal AMOC variability

  •  27 November 2021

Key Points

  • We use three ¼° forced NEMO integrations to investigate mechanisms for AMOC variability

  • Decadal AMOC variability is mainly forced by winter cooling in the Irminger Sea, and to a lesser extent by cooling in the Labrador Sea

  • An annual index, derived from the surface-forced streamfunction and accumulated over 10 years, has predictive skill for the AMOC strength

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Calibrated suspended sediment observations beneath large amplitude non‐linear internal waves

  •  26 November 2021

Key Points

  • Calibrated observations of sediment mobilisation and transport on the continental shelf under barotropic and baroclinic forcing

  • Sediment response to bed stress was unsteady, resulting in a variable time lag with height above the sea bed

  • Suspended sediment concentration dropped sharply coincident with a bottom mixing layer pycnocline

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Optical, Structural and Kinematic Characteristics of Freshwater Plumes Under Landfast Sea Ice During the Spring Freshet in the Alaskan Coastal Arctic

  •  25 November 2021

Key Points

  • Spring freshet plumes can be identified underneath landfast sea ice by optical and acoustic methods

  • In the coastal Alaskan Arctic, optical time series of freshet plumes under ice reflect both physical and biogeochemical influences

  • The geography, bathymetry, and stamukhi around Stefansson Sound collectively impound freshet plumes under landfast ice until early summer

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Using dynamic ocean color provinces to elucidate drivers of North Sea hydrography and ecology

  •  25 November 2021

Key Points

  • Four ocean color types are defined for the North Sea, which are associated with bio-optical, physical and zooplankton community covariates

  • Ocean color province dynamics relate to variability in local wind-forced currents and large-scale variations in source waters

  • Atlantic-associated ocean color types show highest coverage in the North Sea during periods of reduced wind-forced circulation

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Influences of Deep‐water Seamounts on the Hydrodynamic Environment in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean

  •  24 November 2021

Key Points

  • Five main physical processes influenced by seamounts are investigated

  • The presence of seamounts increases the number of generated eddies and biological connectivity among different seamounts in deep water

  • Tidal effects are different for different seamounts

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Formation of an intrathermocline eddy triggered by the coastal‐trapped wave in the northern Bay of Bengal

  •  24 November 2021

Key Points

  • A relatively large number of intrathermocline eddies in the Bay of Bengal are observed in the northern part

  • Observations show that Andaman Sea water is trapped inside the core of the intrathermocline eddies

  • Strong flow through the Preparis Channel due to the propagation of coastal-trapped waves causes the formation of intrathermocline eddies

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Warm and cold episodes in western Pacific warm pool and their linkage with ENSO asymmetry and diversity

  •  23 November 2021

Key Points

  • The temperature anomalies over western Pacific warm pool in part explain the ENSO asymmetry in occurrence frequency and intensity

  • The anomalous cooling over western Pacific warm pool during summer and autumn greatly amplifies the amplitude of El Niño

  • A colder western Pacific warm pool with successive westerly wind bursts implies a greater probability of Eastern Pacific El Niño

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Trapping of wind momentum in a salinity‐stratified ocean

  •  22 November 2021

Key Points

  • Monsoonal river runoff creates a pool of low-salinity water in the north Bay of Bengal in August–September

  • The vertical gradient of salinity creates extremely stable stratification underneath the shallow layer of river water

  • Ship-borne measurements show that salinity stratification traps momentum input from wind in the upper 20 m of the ocean

Open access

Spatial Damped Anomaly Persistence of the sea‐ice edge as a benchmark for dynamical forecast systems

  •  22 November 2021

Key Points

  • We have developed a new method that combines climatological sea-ice probability and initial-state anomaly to forecast sea-ice presence

  • Ice-edge forecasts derived from this method can outperform climatological benchmarks at lead times of up to 2 months

  • Spatial damped anomaly persistence forecasts have a higher predictive skill than most models from the sub-seasonal to seasonal database

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EN4: Quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates

Key Points

  • EN4 dataset of quality-controlled temperature and salinity profiles is described
  • Dataset covers 1900 to present and includes monthly objective analyses
  • A novel method is presented to estimate uncertainty in the objective analyses

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A Global Perspective on Microplastics

Key Points

  • The sources, behavior, fate, and effects of microplastics are inexplicably tied to those of their plastic product and macrodebris precursors, as well as the nanoplastics into which they fragment
  • Microplastic sampling and characterization methods are evolving, but their inadequacies still hamper efforts to evaluate the true extent of their presence and consequences in the built and natural environments
  • Microplastics are a global/multimedia phenomenon; hence, they cannot be adequately understood, or related concerns resolved, in the context of the marine environment alone or a single discipline

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Seasonal and interannual variability of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Fresh Pool

Key Points

  • Satellite SSS in synergy with complementary EO data allows studying the seasonal and interannual dynamics of the Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool
  • Fresh pool zonal displacements and links between surface and subsurface processes respond to freshwater fluxes, wind stress, and currents
  • Fresh pool interannual variability is related to ENSO phases, a maximal extension was reached in 2015 coinciding with a strong El Nino event

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Enhanced sea‐air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea

Key Points

  • Surface water diluted by heavy rain had low pCO2,sw
  • Passage of a tropical depression led to high pCO2,sw by eddy-driven uplifting
  • The depression turned local water from a carbon sink to a source temporarily

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Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank

Key Points

  • Experimental generation of rogue wave holes
  • Rogue waves holes within the framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  • Rogue wave holes modeled by the Peregrine soliton

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Understanding Arctic Ocean Circulation: A Review of Ocean Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Key Points

  • Major features of Arctic Ocean circulation are reviewed and interpreted theoretically
  • Fundamental ocean dynamics are set in the context of a changing Arctic climate
  • We describe how Arctic dynamics might change in the future

Plain Language Summary

The Arctic region is experiencing the most rapid environmental changes on Earth, with unparalleled air temperature increases, a warming ocean, and melting permafrost, snow, and ice. The ocean is a central control via Arctic Ocean warming, freshening, and circulation dynamics that link to the sea ice, atmosphere, and terrestrial environment. Given the rapid pace of Arctic change, it is vital to take stock of present understanding of the ocean circulation to address knowledge gaps and make viable future predictions. Present understanding of the principal geophysical fluid dynamics of Arctic Ocean circulation is synthesized here, and we speculate on how the dynamics of the ocean-ice-atmosphere system might change in a warming Arctic.

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An analytical model for the description of the full‐polarimetric sea surface Doppler signature

Key Points:

  • Full-polarimetric Doppler signature of the ocean
  • Nonlinear sea surface modeling
  • Sea surface scattering and Doppler modeling

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