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  •  24 November 2021
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Magma Chamber Formation by Dike Accretion and Crustal Melting: 2D Thermo‐Compositional Model With Emphasis on Eruptions and Implication for Zircon Records

  •  20 November 2021

Key Points

  • A 2D thermo-elastic model produces vertically extended interconnected magma system in 104 years after basaltic and rhyolitic dike injection

  • Magma influx rate, the width of injection zone and repetitive eruptions determine the thermal and petrological evolution of a magma chamber

  • Zircons record history of magma accretion and crustal melt/intruded magma proportions in their age and O and Hf isotopes

Open access

Pressure Destabilizes Oxygen Vacancies in Bridgmanite

  •  19 November 2021

Key Points

  • MgFeO2.5, FeFeO3, and total Fe3+ contents in bridgmanite decrease with increasing pressure

  • Fe3+-linked oxygen vacancies in bridgmanite are destabilized by increasing pressure

  • MgFeO2.5 can be formed in Fe3+-rich bridgmanite under the topmost lower mantle conditions

Open access

Multivariate Statistical Appraisal of Regional Susceptibility to Induced Seismicity: Application to the Permian Basin, SW United States

  •  19 November 2021

Key Points

  • We use multivariate logistic regression to determine the factors that appear to correlate with induced seismicity in the Permian Basin

  • A combination of industrial and geological features can explain the first-order spatial distribution of seismicity

  • Proximity to neotectonic faults and shallow wastewater disposal are the main factors that correlate with the seismicity distribution

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Fluid Flow Concentration on Preferential Paths in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Application of Graph Theory

  •  18 November 2021

Key Points

  • A gradual transition from approximately uniform flow field to flow localization on preferential paths was observed

  • The graph-theoretical algorithm was applied to identify and characterize the potential preferential flow paths

  • A phase diagram was constructed for quantifying the transition from uniform flow field to flow concentration in pore networks and real rocks

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The Interplay Between Seismic and Aseismic Slip Along the Chaman Fault Illuminated by InSAR

  •  17 November 2021

Key Points

  • Aseismic slip along the Chaman fault (CF) reaches 12 mm/yr with three large distinct aseismic sections, despite marked elastic strain increase

  • Three earthquakes are imaged along the central CF and two exhibit large post-seismic afterslip

  • Along-strike distribution of slip is compared with historical seismicity and fault geometry

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New Insights Into the Rift to Drift Transition Across the Northeastern Nova Scotian Margin From Wide‐Angle Seismic Waveform Inversion and Reflection Imaging

  •  17 November 2021

Key Points

  • We derive coincident velocity and reflection sections by waveform inversion of wide-angle and depth migration of near-offset seismic data

  • Intermittent magmatism accompanying lithospheric breakup and onset of seafloor spreading is imaged in a presumed amagmatic rift segment

  • Thin incipient oceanic crust formed by magma-poor spreading overlies serpentinized mantle seaward from the imaged continent-ocean boundary

Open access

The 2019–2020 Khalili (Iran) Earthquake Sequence—Anthropogenic Seismicity in the Zagros Simply Folded Belt?

  •  17 November 2021

Key Points

  • Discrimination of anthropogenic earthquakes in areas of naturally elevated seismicity is challenging

  • The 2019–2020 Khalili earthquake sequence might be an example of induced seismicity linked to gas extraction in the Zagros

  • Understanding anthropogenic and natural seismicity is important in Iran, which is both seismically active and rich in hydrocarbon reserves

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Surface‐Wave Dispersion in Partially Saturated Soils: The Role of Capillary Forces

  •  16 November 2021

Key Points

  • Water content variations in the partially saturated zone hardly alter Vp/Vs ratios, but have large effects on surface-wave signatures

  • The effective soil stress is strongly affected by capillary forces, which stiffen the medium at relatively low saturations

  • Capillary effects permit to explain observed changes in surface-wave dispersion due to small water content variations in the vadose zone

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Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the 2008 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake: Implication for Heterogeneous Initial Stress and Complex Multifault Geometry

  •  15 November 2021

Key Points

  • Our model with complex multifault geometry and heterogeneous initial stress reproduces major observations of the Wenchuan earthquake

  • The rupture speed variations may be caused by the fault damage zones difference, rather than fault geometry and stress heterogeneity

  • The positive Coulomb stress changes on the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault caused by the mainshock may be relaxed by aftershocks on Lixian fault

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Initial results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi‐Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and ongoing alteration of mantle peridotite in the weathering horizon

  •  3 December 2021

Key Points

  • Ongoing alteration decreases in intensity with increasing depth below the present erosional surface

  • Sulfur is accumulating in a supergene enrichment zone 30 to 150 m below the present erosional surface

  • Deep oxygen fugacity is fixed by H2 gas saturation= plus ongoing oxidation of fe2+ in 3 holes & serpentine-brucite equilibria in 4 holes

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Three‐dimensional Free Gas Flow Focuses Basin‐wide Microbial Methane to Concentrated Methane Hydrate Reservoirs in Geological System

  •  3 December 2021

Key Points

  • A systematic model is developed to describe the generation, migration, phase partitioning and accumulation of methane under the seafloor

  • Microbial methane in concentrated hydrates is generated from the entire basin, both above and below the base of hydrate stability zone

  • Three-dimensional free gas flow focuses microbial methane into sands/silts at structural closures to form concentrated hydrate

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Rayleigh–Love discrepancy highlights temporal changes in near‐surface radial anisotropy after the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake

  •  2 December 2021

Key Points

  • We define “Rayleigh–Love discrepancy” as a stronger velocity reduction of Rayleigh wave than that of Love wave after the Sumatra Earthquake

  • Rayleigh–Love discrepancy is inconsistent with a velocity change in isotropic media, but an increase in radial anisotropy near the surface

  • Time-varying Rayleigh–Love discrepancy reflects changes in fluid-filled horizontal cracks under cyclic loading by successive earthquakes

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Implications of laterally varying scattering properties for subsurface monitoring with coda wave sensitivity kernels: application to volcanic and fault zone setting

  •  1 December 2021

Key Points

  • A non-uniform distribution of scattering strength can have a profound impact on the spatio-temporal sensitivity of coda waves

  • We illustrate this using Monte Carlo simulations for models with either a volcanic, fault zone or two half-spaces setting

  • The mean intensity, specific intensity and energy flux, is key to understanding the decorrelation, travel-time and scattering kernels, respectively

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Carbon Geochemistry of the Active Serpentinization Site at the Wadi Tayin Massif: Insights from the ICDP Oman Drilling Project – Phase II

  •  1 December 2021

Key Points

  • Two carbonate occurrences are observed: localized dolomite, calcite, and aragonite veins and pervasive dispersed carbonates

  • Carbonate precipitation in the peridotite occurred in the last 50 kyr at moderate temperatures, post-dating ocean-floor serpentinization

  • The oxygen isotope composition of dispersed carbonates indicates precipitation from highly 18O-depleted fossil groundwater

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Geochemical Profiles Across the Listvenite‐Metamorphic Transition in the Basal Megathrust of the Semail Ophiolite: Results from Drilling at Oman DP Hole BT1B

  •  1 December 2021

Key Points

  • BT1B listvenite series and metamorphic sole derive from partially serpentinized basal banded peridotites and alkaline basalts respectively

  • Chemical redistribution suggests reactions with several batches of CO2-rich fluids over various flow paths parallel to the basal thrust

  • Listvenitization due to CO2 metasomatism could represent a major trap-and-release mechanism for CO2, FME and H2O along convergent margins

Open access

Tajik Depression and Greater Pamir Neotectonics from InSAR Rate Maps

  •  1 December 2021

Key Points

  • East- and up-rate maps exhibit tectonic and anthropogenic processes with mm-accuracy in high spatial resolution (400 m)

  • Rate map quality depends on interferometric data coherence and the availability of stabilizing GNSS data

  • Major tectonic signal is E–W shortening in the Tajik fold-thrust belt due to the westward collapse of the Pamir-Plateau crust

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Non‐singular calculation of geomagnetic vectors and geomagnetic gradient tensors

  •  1 December 2021

Key Points

  • More practical expressions of geomagnetic vectors and geomagnetic gradient tensors with non-singularity are formulated

  • Four kinds of recursive formulae of Schmidt semi-normalized associated Legendre function (SNALF) are derived

  • The standard formula to check the calculation accuracy of various recursive formulae of Schmidt SNALF are given

Open access

Global evolution and dynamics of the geomagnetic field in the 15–70 kyr period based on selected paleomagnetic sediment records

  •  30 November 2021

Key Points

  • A new global geomagnetic field model covering the period 15–70 kyr is presented which includes three magnetic excursions

  • The most pronounced event in this period is the Laschamps excursion, during which the axial dipole reverses sign for about 300 years

  • Similarities and differences at the Earth’s surface and the core-mantle boundary among three geomagnetic excursions are discussed

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Data‐driven design of wave‐propagation models for shale‐oil reservoirs based on machine learning

  •  26 November 2021

Key Points

  • Machine-learning (ML) methods are proposed to drive wave propagation based on seismic data

  • Optimal prediction results of seismic attributes are obtained by feeding rock-physics properties into the trained models

  • The proposed method has the potential to obtain additional physical quantities and shows a broad application prospect

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The development and evaluation of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008)

Key Points

  • Document the development of first ever gravity model to degree 2190
  • Demonstrate EGM2008's performance
  • Compare EGM2008 with other models

Open access

ITRF2014: A new release of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame modeling nonlinear station motions

Key Points

  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of station annual and semiannual displacements
  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of postseismic deformations for sites affected by major earthquakes
  • Leading to the determination of accurate and robust secular frame and site velocities

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Open access

Dynamic weakening of serpentinite gouges and bare surfaces at seismic slip rates

Key Points

  • Gouge friction approaches that of bare surfaces at high normal stress
  • Dehydration reactions and bulk melting in serpentinite in < 1 m of slip
  • Flash heating causes dynamic frictional weakening in gouge and bare surfaces

Open access

Mapping Deep Electrical Conductivity Structure in the Mount Isa region, Northern Australia: Implications for Mineral Prospectivity

Key Points

  • Magnetotelluric data reveal crustal architecture of the eastern margin of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Province
  • Magnetotelluric models demonstrate spatial correlation between the crustal-scale Carpentaria conductivity anomaly and the Gidyea Suture zone
  • Crustal-penetrating structures act as potential pathways for transporting metalliferous fluids to form mineral deposits in the upper crust

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Three‐Dimensional Crustal Architecture Beneath the Sikkim Himalaya and Its Relationship to Active Deformation

Key Points

  • Importance of the 3-D deformation of the crust in the continent-continent collision regime is highlighted
  • Clear observation of the ramp-flat-ramp geometry of the MHT has been made as well that of the regional scale heterogeneity within the crust
  • The Role of transverse tectonics in shaping the observed structure in the Sikkim Himalaya is proposed

Plain Language Summary

Sikkim is an Indian state between Nepal and Bhutan. The style of convergence between India and Eurasia changes from head-on collision (Nepal Himalaya) to oblique convergence (Eastern Himalaya) across this region (Sikkim Himalaya). We study the crustal structure of this region using broadband seismological data recorded by a local network of stations. The Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) separates the downgoing Indian Plate from the overriding Himalayan wedge. The MHT and the other major discontinuities within the crust, viz., the Moho and the midcrustal discontinuity are seen to dip northward. But all of these discontinuities also have higher-order lateral variations. The MHT has a ramp-flat-ramp geometry with two ramps in the Lesser Himalaya and the Tethyan Himalaya, respectively. The ramp in the Lesser Himalaya is like a dome and upwarps the overlying thrust faults. The thickness and average shear wave velocity of underthrusting Indian crust is very similar to that of the Peninsular Indian crust. The Moho also has dome-like structure separated by elongated, deeper sections trending NW-SE. We conjecture that these alternate shallow and deep segments of the Moho are a consequence of several cycles of strike-slip displacements on transverse faults known to be active here.

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The development and evaluation of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008)

Key Points

  • Document the development of first ever gravity model to degree 2190
  • Demonstrate EGM2008's performance
  • Compare EGM2008 with other models

Open access

Philippine Sea and East Asian plate tectonics since 52 Ma constrained by new subducted slab reconstruction methods

Key Points

  • Twenty-eight East Asia subducted slabs mapped from tomography and unfolded to constrain plate reconstructions
  • Slab evidence for a subducted 8000 × 2500 km “East Asian Sea” that existed between the Pacific and Indian Oceans in the early Cenozoic
  • Miocene arc-arc collision between the northern Philippine Sea plate and the Ryukyu-SW Japan Eurasian margin ~15–20 Ma

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Evidence for the Innermost Inner Core: Robust Parameter Search for Radially Varying Anisotropy Using the Neighborhood Algorithm

Key Points

  • The “neighborhood algorithm” provides a robust methodology for testing layered anisotropy in the Earth's inner core

  • There is no significant change observed in the strength of anisotropy with depth in the inner core

  • The innermost inner core is defined as a gradual change in the slow propagation direction of anisotropy

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Over a Century of Sinking in Mexico City: No Hope for Significant Elevation and Storage Capacity Recovery

Key Points

  • Integration of 115 years of deformation data reveals subsidence up 50 cm/year in Mexico City

  • The majority of the subsidence is irreversible and its rates are linearly correlated to the thickness of the upper aquitard

  • Migration of low-quality water to the productive aquifer sets the stage for a water crisis, which influences the socioeconomic landscape

Open access

ITRF2014: A new release of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame modeling nonlinear station motions

Key Points

  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of station annual and semiannual displacements
  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of postseismic deformations for sites affected by major earthquakes
  • Leading to the determination of accurate and robust secular frame and site velocities

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