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Frühmittelalterliche Ohrringe mit vier Blechbeeren in Nord-, Mittel- und Südosteuropa

Eine Fallstudie zur Entstehung des großmährischen Prachtschmucks


Price without VAT: 318 

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svazek: 69
Archäologisches Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik, Brno
Brno 2021, 193 s.

ISBN 978-80-7524-048-4
ISSN 1804-1345

The book deals with earrings with four beads from Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Lower Austria, most of which come from the 9th-century Great Moravian burial grounds. The first part of the monograph analyses their typology, dating and method of production. The second part is devoted to the question of their origin as the author compares the studied assemblage with analogous earrings from the 9th–12th century found on the vast territory from Sweden to Greece.

Download the complete Czech version of the book for free here.