Demographic Avant-Garde. Jews in Bohemia between the Enlightenment and the Shoah
Demographic Avant-Garde documents the unique demographic behavior of Jews in Bohemia from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. It examines what made Bohemian Jews true forerunners of the demographic transition in Europe and explains why this occurred. The book analyze...
Alena Křížková (ed.), Zdeněk Sloboda, Radka Dudová, Hana Maříková: Family Friendly Working Conditions in an International Comparison
Ilustrace: Pixabay.com
V médiích se v uplynulých týdnech pravidelně objevovaly komentáře výzkumnic a výzkumníků ze Sociologického ústavu AV ČR. Přinášíme výběr v rámci jejich soustavného monitoringu.
The main aim of the ESS – survey project is creation of the national node of the ESS ERIC (www.europeansocialsurvey.org) in the Czech Republic and the realization of the fifth, sixth and seventh round of ESS survey. The European Social Survey is an academically driven cross-natio...
Project duration: 2010 - 2015
The main objective of this department is the systematic research of values and attitudes, their continuity and changes, and their relationship to the way in which people behave. The department’s research aim is founded on the assumption that deeply rooted human values and attitud...
Head of department: Mgr.et Mgr. Klára Plecitá, Ph.D.
Authors: Nešporová, Olga
For every individual childhood and the years spent growing up are an important period in life, a period when a person usually has very close ties to his/her parents, when parents make decisions on behalf of their children, provide them with an adequate living environment, and tea...
Authors: Hana Hašková (ed.), Marta Vohlídalová, Hana Maříková, Radka Dudová, Zuzana Uhde, Alena Křížková, Lenka Formánková
The book is innovative in applying both, quantitative and qualitative life-course research methodology. The authors analyse the transformation of partner and family arrangements and identify problems connected with achieving a work-life balance in Czech society. The book explains...
Authors: Řeháková, Blanka
This paper deals with social contacts and social support among parents and children, among siblings and also among secondary kins. The data for this study come from the survey Social Networks (ISSP 2001).  
6. 5. 2021
Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Department of Sociology of the Institute of Sociological Studies FSS CU invite you to the spring cycle of Thursday sociological seminars. Online seminars are organized through Zoom. Registration is required inhttps://doc...
Demographic Avant-Garde. Jews in Bohemia between the Enlightenment and the Shoah
Kniha Demographic Avant-Garde dokumentuje unikátní demografické chování Židů v Čechách od poloviny osmnáctého do poloviny dvacátého století. Zkoumá, v čem byli čeští Židé v předstihu v rámci procesu demografického přechodu mezi evropskými populacemi a vysvětluje, proč tomu tak by...
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
ESA 2015
Na konci srpna, 25.–28. 8. 2015, se bude v Praze konat významná, již 12. mezinárodní sociologická konference Evropské sociologické asociace. Zúčastní se jí rekordní počet 3500 vědců a vědkyň, především z Evropy, ale i z mnoha mimoevropských zemí. Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ús...
Authors: Leontiyeva, Yana
The introductory chapter is dedicated to immigration and its current trends in the Czech Republic. The author comments on the official statistics showing the growing number of immigrants since 1989, discuses the age structure of registered foreigners and their role and status on...
Authors: Rychtaříková, Jitka, Simona Vymětalová, Dana Hamplová
Despite many similarities, family behaviour varies in European countries. Peoples not only take various attitudes but they also differ in real behaviour especially in regards with type of union (marriage and cohabitation) and fertility. The first part of this study offers an over...
Authors: Vašát, Petr
The aim of the article is to critically reassess relation between moral and economy of agents from the poorest class. The relational concept of the poorest class designates here homeless, drug-users, and some poor individuals generally that all have common particular social pract...
Authors: Dudová, Radka (ed.), Šárka Hastrmanová, Hana Hašková, Hana Maříková, Hana Víznerová, Marta Vohlídalová
This volume looks at the risks affecting the private life of individuals, risks that have been ushered in by changes in the labour market, and it examines whether the shape of the family is changing in the Czech Republic and what groups are most affected by and who most at risk f...
Authors: Hamplová, Dana, Céline Le Bourdais
This study investigates the relative similarity of educational assortative mating patterns among young married and cohabiting couples using Canadian census data from 2001. It contrasts the patterns observed in Quebec with those observed elsewhere in Canada, as these regions displ...
Authors: Dlouhá, Marie
In the past few decades ITC technologies have begun to penetrate various areas of social life. One of these areas is education. New forms of teaching and learning have appeared – for example, e-learning or virtual learning; this term refers to the specificity of the relationship...
Authors: Lux Martin, Samec Tomáš, Bartoš Vojtěch, Sunega Petr, Palguta Ján, Boumová Irena, Kážmér Ladislav
We focus on the role of within-family socialisation and the relationship between socialisation and resource transfers in the intergenerational transmission of housing preferences, the formation of familial housing attitudes and thus the reproduction of a normative housing tenure...
Authors: Nyklová, Blanka, Dana Moree
Výzkum na téma Násilí na ženách v souvislosti s COVID-19 vznikl jako reakce na nastalou pandemickou situaci v roce 2020. Díky tomu, že obě výzkumnice byly díky své předchozí činnosti v pravidelném kontaktu s nestátními neziskovými organizacemi, které se v oblasti domácího násilí...
