Projekt „Sdílené hodnoty a normy chování jako zdroj posilování sociální koheze a překonávání negativních dopadů sociální diferenciace v ČR“ předkládá do soutěže v rámci Národního programu výzkumu II tým složený ze dvou pracovišť. Konkrétně z Centra sociálních a ekonomických strategií při FSV UK (řešitelské pracoviště) a Sociologického ústavu Akademie věd. Téma projektu je 2D-1-5-1 a vztahuje se k nalézání, vypracování a navržení implementací nových postupů směřujících k minimalizaci negativních důsledků nadměrné sociální diferenciace a marginalizace.
Základním cílem řešení projektu je rozkrýt nové procesy sociální diferenciace a jejich vazbu na struktury hodnot, věr a norem v české společnosti a na základě výzkumem zjištěných poznatků navrhnout manuály uplatnitelné při posilování sociální koheze v ČR.
Řešitel 1:CESES UK FSV (Libor Prudký)
Řešitel 2: SOÚ AV ČR (Milan Tuček)
Project publications (total 32, displaying 1 - 10)
The book treats the problem of functioning of democracy from the perspective of trust. Three main types of trust are defined in the democratic system: systemic trust (legitimacy of the regime), trust in institutions and general trust in other people. The work analyzes the role of these different types of trust as well as consequences of distrust on different levels of democratic system.
The chapter introduces detailed overview of typology, ideas and theoretical concepts of social capital. It compares classical conception of Bourdieu, Coleman and Putnam. Two types/ paradigms are distinguished: individual in which social capital functions as vehicle of social status reproduction and collective (community type) when it serves as source of cohesion.
This chapter, employing data from European Values Survey 1991, 1999 a 2008, analyses whether legitimacy of democracy in Czech Republic is boosted by trust in institutions, satisfaction with governance and also by collective social capital (social trust, networks of civic engagement). The results showed nonsignificant relation btw. social trust and civic participation; trust in institutions is only very weekly correlated with non-conventional participation. Also relation btw.
The monography studies youth music subcultures in a contemporary Czech republic. It focuses on issues of values, political aspects of subcultures, relation to mainstream culture, inner differentation of subcultures and alternative lifestyles. Four popular music subcultures (punk, skinheads, techno and hip hop) were analysed by qualitative research approach and by insider perspective which understands subcultures through inner meanings and interpretations of members of these groups.
Inroduction presents traditional and contemporary theories of subcultures, both in global and Czech, post-socialist context. It defines notios and approaches to studies on subcultures and outlines ways how to examine subcultures in the Czech society.
The conclusion is a comparison of four analysed youth music subcultures regarding values, political aspects of subcultures, relation to mainstream culture, inner differentation of subcultures and alternative lifestyles. It examines traditional and post-subcultural aspects of these subcultures and their specificity in a post-socialist society.
I pursue differentiation of lifestyle, cultural capital (taste, consumption) and stratification. Analyses of MML 2004 examine: class homology hypothesis, background of cultural omnivorousness and hypothesis of homology bolstering after 1989. Most of 6 lifestyle spheres is structured by education and income, partly also hierarchically tied to household social class ABCDE. Other factors have effect: gender, age, city.
The monograph discusses following social cohesion issues in the Czech society: social inequalities, social tension, social justice, trust and legitimacy, cohesion in spatial dimension, and influence of bridging social capital on social cohesion.
The monograph discusses following social cohesion issues in the Czech society: social inequalities, social tension, social justice, trust and legitimacy, cohesion in spatial dimension, and influence of bridging social capital on social cohesion.
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