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Monday, 30 October, 2017

14:00 | Applied Micro Research Seminar

SHARE-CZ+ seminar, Prof. Peter Martinsson (U. of Gothenburg) “Cooperation, sanction and age: Evidence from behavior among children and adolescents”

Prof. Peter Martinsson

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Authors: Peter Martinsson, Katarina Nordblom, and Conny Wollbrant

Abstract: We use public goods experiments to investigate the evolution of cooperative preferences by age in three age groups: 10, 14 and 17 years old. Moreover, we conducted our experiments in four different continents to test for robustness of our results. By and large, the results show that cooperative behavior increases by age. In line with development psychology theories, e.g., social learning and cognitive development, we observe a significant increase in contribution from age of 10 to 14, which is explained by a significantly decrease of free- riders. Moreover, when exogenous sanctions are imposed, where there is a probability of being monitored and a fine is imposed if contributing 20% or less of the endowment, we find that the youngest children are more affected by this sanctioning. Overall, these findings indicate, inline with development psychology theories, that 10 year old are more affected by direct consequences while older show a high degree of reasoning.

Keywords:  cooperation; culture; experiments with children and adolescents; public goods experiment.

JEL classification: C92; H80.

The seminar is co-financed by the European Union.