Článek přestavuje taxonomicky problematický rod chrpa z čeledi Asteraceae. Jsou diskutovány současné pohledy na vymezení a vnitřní členění rodu založené na molekulárních znacích. Dále je popsána problematika hybridizace, která je v rodu velmi častá, a její souvislost s polyploidií (druhy stejné ploidie se často kříží za vzniku rozsáhlých a variabilních hybridních rojů, zatímco mezi ploidiemi je silná reprodukční bariéra).
Použitá a citovaná literatura:
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GARCIA–JACAS, N., SUSANNA, A., GARNATJE, T., VILATERSANA, R. Generic delimitation and phylogeny of the subtribe Centaureinae (Asteraceae): a combined nuclear and chloroplast DNA analysis. Annals of Botany. 2001, vol. 87, s. 503–515.
GARCIA–JACAS, N., UYSAL, T., ROMASCHENKO, K., SUÁREZ–SANTIAGO, V. N., ERTUĞRUL, K., SUSANNA, A. Centaurea revisited: A molecular survey of the Jacea group. Annals of Botany. 2006, vol. 98, s. 741–53.
HARDY, O. J., DE LOOSE. M., VEKEMANS, X., MEERTS, P. Allozyme segregation and inter–cytotype reproductive barriers in the polyploid complex Centaurea jacea. Heredity. 2001, vol. 87, s. 136–145.
HELLWIG, F. H. Centaureinae (Asteraceae) in the Mediterranean – history of ecogeographical radiation. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2004, vol. 246, s. 137–162.
KOUTECKÝ, P., BAĎUROVÁ, T., ŠTECH, M., KOŠNAR, J., KARÁSEK, J. Hybridization between diploid Centaurea pseudophrygia and tetraploid C. jacea (Asteraceae): the role of mixed pollination, unreduced gametes, and mentor effects. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2011, vol. 104, s. 93–106.
KOUTECKÝ, P., ŠTĚPÁNEK, J., BAĎUROVÁ, T. Differentiation between diploid and tetraploid Centaurea phrygia: mating barriers, morphology, and geographic distribution. Preslia. 2012, vol 84, s. 1–32.
MRÁZ, P., GARCIA–JACAS, N., GEX–FABRY, E., SUSANNA, A., BARRES, L., MÜLLER–SCHÄRER, H. Allopolyploid origin of highly invasive Centaurea stoebe s.l. (Asteraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2012, vol. 62, s. 612–623.
MRÁZ, P., ŠPANIEL, S., KELLER, A., BOWMANN, G., FARKAS, A., ŠINGLIAROVÁ, B., ROHR, R. P., BROENNIMANN, O., MÜLLER–SCHÄRER, H. Anthropogenic disturbance as a driver of microspatial and microhabitat segregation of cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe and cytotype interactions in secondary contact zones. Annals of Botany. 2012, vol. 110, s. 615–27.
OLŠAVSKÁ, K., LÖSER, C. J. Mating system and hybridization of the Cyanus triumfetti and C. montanus groups (Asteraceae). Folia Geobotanica. 2013, vol. 48, s. 537–554.
OLŠAVSKÁ, K., PERNÝ, M., ŠPANIEL, S., ŠINGLIAROVÁ, B. Nuclear DNA content variation among perennial taxa of the genus Cyanus (Asteraceae) in Central Europe and adjacent areas. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2012, vol. 298, s. 1463–1482.
SUSANNA, A., GARCIA–JACAS, N. Cardueae (Carduoideae). In: FUNK, V. A., SUSANNA, A., STUESSY, T. F., BAYER, R. J. (ed.). Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae. Wien: International Association for Plant Taxonomy, 2009, s. 293–313.
ŠTĚPÁNEK, J., KOUTECKÝ, P. Centaurea L. In: SLAVÍK, B., ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, J. (ed.). Květena České republiky 7. Praha: Academia, 2004, s.426–449.
Centaurea is a taxonomically critical genus from the Asteraceae family. Current delimitation of the genus and its internal classification based on molecular data are discussed. Hybridization and polyploidy are common in Centaurea. The frequency of hybridization depends on ploidy levels of the taxa (homoploid taxa usually hybridize easily and form extensive and variable hybrid swarms, while heteroploid taxa are reproductively strongly isolated).