A Companion to Jan Hus
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
A special issue of ACPQ devoted to Baroque scholasticism.
Volume 93, Spring 2019, Issue no. 2.
Anselm z Canterbury, De Grammatico
First Czech translation and in-depth study of the eleventh-century logical treatise „De grammatico“ by the “father of scholasticism” Anselm of Canterbury.
Prague: Vivarium 2019, pp. 270.
Body and Cosmos in Galen's Account of the Soul
The paper proposes a new solution to a much-debated issue in Galenic scholarship, namely, Galen's seemingly conflicting views about the nature of the soul.
Phronesis: A journal for Ancient Philosophy 62 (2017): 69-89.
Die Falsche geheiratet? Gratians Lehre vom Irrtum über den Heiratspartner und ihre Rezeption in Sentenzenkommentaren des 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhunderts
Heraclitus, 22 B 14, D.-K.
The article offers an entirely new reading of Heraclitus' fragment B 14, based on extensive coparative material, including a demonstration of the intentional plurality of meanings.
Elenchos 36, 2 (2015): 195-233.
Humbert z Romans: Dopis o třech základních řeholních slibech, Czech transl. and study
Czech translation of the Letter on the Three Religious Vows (Epistola de tribus votis substantialibus religiosorum) by Humbert of Romans with an introductory study.
Jan Dullaert of Ghent on the Foundations of Propositional Logic
Jeroným Pražský: středověký intelektuál, mučedník české reformace a hrdina národní tradice [Jerome of Prague: Medieval Intellectual, Martyr of Bohemian Reformation and Hero of National Tradition]
Kauzalita činitele
The monograph defends agent causation in the analytic free will debate inspired by the works of T. Pink and T. O'Connor.
Praha: Togga 2020, pp. 200.