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HR Excellence in Research Award

HR 01 barevne

On 14 January 2020, the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a public research institution, endorsed the principles of the European Charter for Researchers (Charter) and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment (Code). By this step we launched a process of applying for the HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award). The Institute of Philosophy became a holder of the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award on 17 July 2021 and concurrently obtained the right to use the HR Award logo. The certificate known as the HR Award confirms institution’s ability to meet the European standards of human capital governance, openness and transparency of recruitment procedures, and favourable working environment for researchers.

For an institution and its employees, it represents:

  • Improved quality of human resources management and strategic support for career development;
  • Stimulating working environment that supports research excellence and innovation;
  • Increased prestige and visibility of the institution on national and international level;
  • Advantages in applying for financial resources from grants (e.g. Horizon Europe, TA ČR);
  • Internationalisation, openness, transparency, and attractiveness for foreign researchers.

The Institute of Philosophy of the CAS implements activities related to HR Award in 2020–2022 as part of a project ‘Development of Environment for Professional Growth of the Employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS’ (reg. no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014626), which is co-financed from the EU funds. Implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code involves multi-level steps. In year 2020 our organisation underwent a process of self-assessment. Based on gathered input and opinions of employees, we prepared a gap analysis and an action plan for the following two years 2021-2022. After obtaining the HR Award, the Institute of Philosophy will follow the adopted action plan and implement a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

The Working Group HRS4R is involved in the HR Award implementation process and is constituted of representatives of all departments, and researchers ranging from R1 to R4 level. The Working Group was also actively involved in the process of self-assessment of the organisation and will contribute to the implementation of strategic measures. It cooperates closely with the Steering Committee, which includes representatives of the Institute's top management, researchers and economic staff. The Steering Committee acts also as an advisory body.

This website provides up-to-date information on the progress of the HR Award process and related key documents.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact our HR team:

  • Petra Saláková-Zákostelecká, HR manager (zakostelecka@flu.cas.cz, phone: 221 183 213)
  • Petra Cabalová, HR Generalist (cabalova@flu.cas.cz, phone: 221 183 213)
  • Marie Kolárová, Training and Development Specialist (kolarova@flu.cas.cz, phone: 731 617 389)
  • Denisa Maková, HR Consultant for Foreign Researchers and Czech Researchers Abroad (makova@flu.cas.cz, phone: 221 183 213)

We welcome your involvement, your suggestions and ideas!

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