Lenka Panušková

Mgr. Lenka Panušková, Ph.D.

Department of Medieval Art

phone: +420 221 183 507

Researcher at the Department of Medieval Art.

Lenka Panušková studied history of art and culture at Trnava University (MA 2005) and at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (Ph.D. 2009). She has been working at the Department of Medieval Art, IAH CAS since 2009. She also teaches specialized seminars for graduate students at the Centre of Medieval Studies, Charles University. Panušková edited and co-authored The Velislav Bible, Finest Picture-Bible of the Late Middle Ages: Biblia Depicta as Devotional, Mnemonic and Study Tool published in 2018 by Amsterdam University Press. She is currently the principal investigator of the GA ČR project entitled Reflecting Jerusalem in Medieval Czech Lands. Her main areas of interest include medieval iconography, female spirituality, illuminated manuscripts and their functions, astronomy and astrology in the Middle Ages and the art of Anglo-Saxon England. She is also interested in the relationships between Christians and Jews in the Middle Ages. Panušková is a co-investigator on Jana Fantysová-Matějková's project Jan Lucemburský a Bona Lucemburská jako mecenáši Guillauma de Machaut: Intence a recepce Machautova díla v historickém kontextu (GA ČR 19-07473S).

Research outputs (selection):

Lenka Panušková, Gott mit Zirkel und Waage: Die Zeitauffassung aufgrund zweier angelsächsischer Miniaturen, in: Elisabeth Vavra (ed.), Die Welt und Gott – Gott und die Welt? Zum Verhältnis von Religiosität und Profanität im „christlichen Mittelalter“, Heidelberg 2019, in print.

Lenka Panušková (ed.), The Velislav Bible: Finest Picture-Bible of the Late Middle Ages. Biblia depicta as Devotional, Mnemonic and Study Tool, Amsterdam University Press 2018.

Lenka Panušková, Die Vorliebe König Wenzels IV. für Astronomie und Astrologie. Was steht hinter den Diagrammen des Codex Clm 826?, in: Milada Studničková – Maria Theisen (eds.), Art in an Unsettled Time. Bohemian Book Illumination before Gutenberg (c. 1375–1450), Praha 2018, pp. 82–97.

Lenka Panušková, Die astrologischen Handschriften Wenzels IV. als Medium der Herrscherlegitimation, in: Martin Bauch – Julia Burkhardt – Tomáš Gaudek – Václav Žůrek (edd.), Heilige, Helden, Wüteriche. Herrschaftsstile der Luxemburger (13081437). Köln – Weimar – Wien 2017, pp. 305–324.

Lenka Panušková, Die Mühle in der Bildtheologie des Mittelalters, in: Martina Maříková - Christian Zschieschang (edd.), Wassermühlen und Wassernutzung im mittelalterlichen Osteuropa, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2015, pp. 99–118.

Lenka Panušková – Klára Benešovská, Zlatnictví, klenoty, relikviáře, in: Dana Dvořáčková-Malá – Jan Zelenka et at., Přemyslovský dvůr. Život knížat, králů a rytířů ve středověku, Praha 2014, pp. 543–546 a 551–558.

Lenka Panušková, Ikonografie planet, in: Sphaera octava. Mýty a věda o hvězdách III. Středověká pojednání o souhvězdích. Traktát o uspořádání stálic na nebi v rukopise Praha, NK XXVI A 3, Praha 2013, pp. 257–293.

Lenka Panušková, Michael Scot´s Liber de signis et imaginibus celi in Codex Cusanus 207: Eine kunsthistorische Analyse, in: Rudolf Simek (ed.), Johannes von Gmunden: Zwischen Astronomie und Astrologie (= Studia Medievalia Septentrionalia, Bd. 22), Wien 2012, pp. 151–160.

Current projects:

Reflecting Jerusalem in Medieval Czech Lands (GA ČR 19-12859S) - principal investigator

Image/s in Přemyslid era: Contexts and Forms (GAČR 19-21654S) (GAČR 19-21654S) - co-investigator

John the Blind and Bonne of Luxembourg as Patrons of Guillaume de Machaut. Intention and Reception of Machaut´s work in historical context (GA ČR 19-07473S) - co-investigator