Petra Trnková

Mgr. Petra Trnková, Ph.D.

Documentation Department

phone: +420 776 679 484

Researcher at the Documentation Department, curator of the photography collection, head of the Photography Research Centre.

Petra Trnková studied art history and aesthetics at the Masaryk University in Brno (MA 2001, Ph. D. 2008). Since 2009, she has been a researcher at the IAH CAS and a curator of the photography collection at the Department of Documentation. Since 2018, she has also been leading the Photography Reseach Centre. Between 2019 and 2020, Trnková was a MSCA Fellow in the Photographic History Research Centre in Leicester (UK) and from 2010 to 2013, she was an assistant professor at the Department of Art History, Masaryk University. She specializes in nineteenth-century photography, currently conducting research into the beginnings of photomechanical printing.

Research outputs:

Petra Trnková, Unbearable (and Irresistible) Charm of Duplicates, in: Julia Bärnighausen – Costanza Caraffa – Stefanie Klamm – Franka Schneider – Petra Wodtke (edd.), Photo-Objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanities and Sciences, Berlin 2019, pp. 245–260.

Petra Trnková, Photography in 1848: Five Case Studies from Central Europe, History of Photography 43, 2019, No. 3, pp. 233–250.

Kateřina Bečková – Miroslava Přikrylová – Petra Trnková, Nejstarší fotografie Prahy 1850–1870 / The Earliest Photographs of Prague 1850–1870, Praha 2019.

Petra Trnková, Les photographes au service de l’aristocratie. Représentation visuelle du domaine des Buquoy à l’époque du comte Georg Johann Heinrich Longueval de Buquoy (milieu du XIXe siècle), Austriaca – Cahiers Universitaires d’Information sur l’Autriche 41, 2016, pp. 17–46.

Petra Trnková (ed.), Landscape – Residence – Image: Georg Johann Buquoy’s Romantic Order / Krajina – sídlo – obraz. Romantický řád Jiřího J. J. Buquoye, Praha 2015.

Petra Trnková, Archäologischer Frühling. Aufnahmen historischer Baudenkmäler in Böhmen, in: Monika Faber (ed.), Andreas Groll. Wiens erster moderner Fotograf (1812–1872), Salzburg 2015, pp. 237–245.

Petra Trnková, The Beginnings of Photography in Central Europe: Friedrich Franz and the First Daguerreotypes in Brno, History of Photography 39, 2015, No. 2, pp. 121–141.

Petra Trnková, Podle přírody! Fotografie a umění v 19. století – příklady z českých a moravských sbírek, Brno 2013.

Petra Trnková (ed.), Oudadate Pix: Revealing a photographic archive, Praha 2011.

Petra Trnková, Fotografie po „dějinách umělecké fotografie“, in: Marta Filipová – Matthew Rampley (edd.), Možnosti vizuálních studií. Obrazy – texty – interpretace, Brno 2008, pp. 93–110.

Petra Trnková, Technický obraz na malířských štaflích. Umělecká fotografie a česko-němečtí fotoamatéři, 1890–1914, Brno 2008.

Current projects:

Photomechanical Printing in Europe in the mid-19th Century: History, theory, visual culture, science and the international network in the 1840s–1860s, H2020, MSCA Fellowship, 2019–2020 - principal investigator

Reflections on the Calotype and Early Photography on Paper in Central Europe, GA ČR. 17-00682S - principal investigator