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Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials: Team members


Výzkumný tým Příprava a charakterizace nanomateriálů


Jan Grym, Ph.D. team leader grym@ufe.cz +420 266 773 428
Roman Yatskiv, Ph.D. deputy team leader; senior research scientist
+420 266 773 423
Stanislav Tiagulskyi, Ph.D. associate scientist tiagulskyi@ufe.cz +420 266 773 423
Jan Vaniš, Ph.D. associate scientist vanis@ufe.cz +420 266 773 491
Ondřej Černohorský, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow cernohorsky@ufe.cz +420 266 773 439
Nikola Bašinová, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow basinova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 460
Hana Faitová, MSc. graduate student faitova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 520
Marie Hamplová, MSc. research assistant
+420 266 773 520
Matej Berešík technician beresik@ufe.cz +420 266 773 520
Robert Hlaváč, BSc. technician hlavac@ufe.cz +420 266 773 520
Kryštof Synek, BSc. technician synek@ufe.cz +420 266 773 520


    IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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