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  •  4 January 2022
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Processes Governing the Seasonal Evolution of Mixed Layers in the Red Sea

  •  28 December 2021

Key Points

  • Heat fluxes dominate the development of the mixed layers (MLs) in the Red Sea, whereas salinity preconditions denser water formation

  • Advective fluxes dominate the restratification processes in spring, primarily through their effect on salinity

  • Entrainment plays an important role in the evolution of ML density throughout the Red Sea

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Global Estimate of Tropical Cyclone‐Induced Diapycnal Mixing and Its Links to Climate Variability

  •  28 December 2021

Key Points

  • Globally, the trend of tropical cyclone (TC) induced diapycnal diffusivity is not significant, due to great inter-basin differences

  • On the interannual timescales, El Niño and Southern Oscillation can modulate TC-induced diapycnal diffusivity in the globe by regulating the ocean stratification

  • The relationship of TC-induced diapycnal diffusivity with dominant climate modes may be interactive on the interdecadal timescales

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A Double‐Peak Intraseasonal Pattern in the Chlorophyll Concentration Associated With Summer Upwelling and Mesoscale Eddies in the Western South China Sea

  •  24 December 2021

Key Points

  • An intraseasonal double peak of chlorophyll occurs in the western South China Sea in summer in 11 out of 20 years (1998–2017)

  • Upwelling and offshore transport contribute to the first chlorophyll bloom

  • Submesoscale frontogenetic processes associated with an eddy dipole are responsible for the second chlorophyll bloom

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Using Stable Isotopes (δ18O and δD) to Study the Dynamics of Upwelling and Other Oceanic Processes in Northwestern South China Sea

  •  23 December 2021

Key Points

  • Strong upwelling exists in the west area of the northwestern South China Sea based on the distributions of water temperature, δ18O, and δD

  • The eastward advection of upwelled water in summer contributes to the seasonal variations of the δ18O and δD distribution patterns

  • Based on δ18O, offshore deeper water in west area contributes 40% and 69% to the offshore upper water in spring and summer, respectively

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Machine Learning Based Long‐Term Water Quality in the Turbid Pearl River Estuary, China

  •  21 December 2021

Key Points

  • A machine learning-based approach was developed to estimate total suspended solid (TSS) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in the turbid Pearl River Estuary (PRE)

  • Satellite-derived time series of TSS and Chl-a in the PRE presented significant spatiotemporal variations

  • TSS decreased at an annual rate of ∼0.13 mg L−1 while Chl-a increased at an annual rate of ∼0.05 mg m−3 in the last 18 years

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Mechanisms Controlling the Distribution of Net Water Transport in Estuarine Networks

  •  20 December 2021

Key Points

  • Using a 2DV exploratory model, net water transport is disentangled into different components and attributed to their driving mechanisms

  • The theory of differential water level setup is extended to explain net water transport due to these various driving mechanisms

  • In the Yangtze Estuary, net water transport due to tidal rectifications and density gradients can be comparable to river water transport

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Summer Surface CO2 Dynamics on the Bering Sea and Eastern Chukchi Sea Shelves From 1989 to 2019

  •  17 December 2021

Key Points

  • The Bering and eastern Chukchi Sea shelves act as summer CO2 sinks, except when impacted by river runoff and wind-driven overturning

  • The summer surface CO2 is driven by primary productivity, while summer warming is only apparent in shallow nearshore areas

  • Rapid summer warming decreased the Chukchi sea shelf CO2 sink, while increasing primary productivity increased the Bering Sea shelf CO2 sink

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Oceanic Fronts Structure Phytoplankton Distributions in the Central South Indian Ocean

  •  17 December 2021

Key Points

  • Localized chlorophyll enhancement and submesoscale structures in a frontal region were captured by a biogeochemical-Argo float in the central SIO

  • High-resolution simulations revealed that frontogenesis leads to nutrient injections and induces high chlorophyll in the frontal region

  • At the basin scale, a significant correlation between frontogenesis and the phytoplankton composition index was found in the central SIO

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A Benthic Monitor for Coastal Water Dissolved Oxygen Variation: Mn/Ca Ratios in Tests of an Epifaunal Foraminifer

  •  17 December 2021

Key Points

  • The microhabitat of Cribrononion subincertum was found to be epifaunal in the Changjiang Estuary

  • Cribrononion subincertum Mn/Ca ratios were responsive to variations of bottom water dissolved oxygen

  • Epifaunal benthic foraminifera can be a robust monitor for coastal hypoxia; more species need to be similarly studied

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On the groupiness and intermittency of oceanic whitecaps

  •  8 January 2022

Key Points

  • Wave breaking activity and extent is significantly enhanced in wave groups

  • The periodicity of the oceanic whitecap coverage is closely linked to the periodicity of dominant wave components

  • The intermittency characteristics of whitecap coverage approximately follow similarity scaling laws of other general stochastic processes

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Focusing and defocusing of tropical cyclone generated waves by ocean current refraction

  •  7 January 2022

Key Points

  • Altimeter data and WAVEWATCH III are used to quantify ocean current impacts on surface waves

  • Coherent wave beams propagate from tropical cyclone eyewalls due to current-induced refraction

  • Wave height structure is dominated by background currents, and not the cyclone induced currents

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Changes in Arctic Stratification and Mixed Layer Depth Cycle: A Modeling Analysis

  •  6 January 2022

Key Points

  • Results from a hindcast simulation of the Arctic Ocean for the period 1970-2019 show strong changes in stratification

  • The changes in stratification are explained by altered surface stress and freshwater fluxes

  • Trends in river runoff have little effect on the mixed layer depth but change the Arctic coastal circulation

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Spatiotemporal variability of aragonite saturation state in the northern East China Sea

  •  6 January 2022

Key Points

  • DIC concentration was main driver of the seasonal variability of Ωarag in the northern ECS

  • Spatial variability of Ωarag was mainly controlled by seasonal water mass

  • The northern ECS could be vulnerable to acidification due to high production, YSBW expansion with low Ωarag, and long-term remineralization

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Ephemeral surface chlorophyll enhancement at the New England shelf break driven by Ekman restratification

  •  28 December 2021

Key Points

  • Spring enhancements of surface chlorophyll at the New England shelf break are short-lived and thus are not visible in seasonal means

  • Surface chlorophyll enhancements are associated with offshore displacement of the upper part of the shelf-break front in spring

  • Upfront wind stress increases before shelf-break chlorophyll enhancements, suggesting Ekman restratification to be the driving mechanism

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Mean and turbulent characteristics of a bottom mixing‐layer forced by a strong surface tide and large amplitude internal waves

  •  27 December 2021

Key Points

  • A full spring-neap cycle of mean and turbulent observations within a tide and internal wave driven bottom mixing-layer (BML) are presented

  • Influenced by stratification and unsteady flow above, BML thickness varied at semidiurnal and sub-tidal ∼O(10)d timescales

  • Turbulence observations consistent with an inertial sublayer whose thickness was ∼10-15% of the total BML thickness ( ∼1 m)

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Characterizing the roles of biogeochemical cycling and ocean circulation in regulating marine copper distributions

  •  24 December 2021

Key Points

  • Cu shows linear depth profiles in Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Southern Oceans

  • Explaining Cu concentration profile biologically requires efficient transport of biogenic Cu to the bottom

  • Diatoms are likely the major phytoplankton controlling marine Cu distributions

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Isotopic characterization of water masses in the Southeast Pacific region: Paleoceanographic implications

  •  23 December 2021

Key Points

  • The first biogeochemical and spatial characterization of δ18O, δD and δ13CDIC from coastal water masses in the Southeast Pacific

  • The upper 1000 m between the open ocean and coastal regions show strong differences in water mass chemistry and geometry

  • Coastal data provide information that can aid in reconstructions of past ocean conditions in the Southeast Pacific

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Using GRACE to improve altimetry’s ocean de‐aliasing model

  •  14 December 2021

Key Points

  • For periods 10-20 days long, GRACE gravity data can improve upon altimetry’s ocean de-aliasing model over much of the ocean

  • An EOF reconstruction technique is used to combine gravity and model data over the 10-20 day frequency band

  • The new model better de-aliases the sub-20-day altimetry data than the original, explaining up to 30% more altimetry signal

Open access

Landfast ice controls on turbulence in Antarctic coastal seas

  •  14 December 2021

Key Points

  • With landfast ice cover turbulence in the upper ocean is reduced by a factor of 4, and near-inertial and tidal energy by factor 2

  • Turbulent heat and nutrient fluxes are seasonal, and 6 (heat) and 10 (nutrients) times greater than previous estimates

  • The Antarctic under-ice boundary layer is on average as turbulent during seasonal landfast ice cover as when exposed to the wind

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EN4: Quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates

Key Points

  • EN4 dataset of quality-controlled temperature and salinity profiles is described
  • Dataset covers 1900 to present and includes monthly objective analyses
  • A novel method is presented to estimate uncertainty in the objective analyses

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A Global Perspective on Microplastics

Key Points

  • The sources, behavior, fate, and effects of microplastics are inexplicably tied to those of their plastic product and macrodebris precursors, as well as the nanoplastics into which they fragment
  • Microplastic sampling and characterization methods are evolving, but their inadequacies still hamper efforts to evaluate the true extent of their presence and consequences in the built and natural environments
  • Microplastics are a global/multimedia phenomenon; hence, they cannot be adequately understood, or related concerns resolved, in the context of the marine environment alone or a single discipline

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Seasonal and interannual variability of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Fresh Pool

Key Points

  • Satellite SSS in synergy with complementary EO data allows studying the seasonal and interannual dynamics of the Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool
  • Fresh pool zonal displacements and links between surface and subsurface processes respond to freshwater fluxes, wind stress, and currents
  • Fresh pool interannual variability is related to ENSO phases, a maximal extension was reached in 2015 coinciding with a strong El Nino event

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Enhanced sea‐air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea

Key Points

  • Surface water diluted by heavy rain had low pCO2,sw
  • Passage of a tropical depression led to high pCO2,sw by eddy-driven uplifting
  • The depression turned local water from a carbon sink to a source temporarily

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Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank

Key Points

  • Experimental generation of rogue wave holes
  • Rogue waves holes within the framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  • Rogue wave holes modeled by the Peregrine soliton

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Understanding Arctic Ocean Circulation: A Review of Ocean Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Key Points

  • Major features of Arctic Ocean circulation are reviewed and interpreted theoretically
  • Fundamental ocean dynamics are set in the context of a changing Arctic climate
  • We describe how Arctic dynamics might change in the future

Plain Language Summary

The Arctic region is experiencing the most rapid environmental changes on Earth, with unparalleled air temperature increases, a warming ocean, and melting permafrost, snow, and ice. The ocean is a central control via Arctic Ocean warming, freshening, and circulation dynamics that link to the sea ice, atmosphere, and terrestrial environment. Given the rapid pace of Arctic change, it is vital to take stock of present understanding of the ocean circulation to address knowledge gaps and make viable future predictions. Present understanding of the principal geophysical fluid dynamics of Arctic Ocean circulation is synthesized here, and we speculate on how the dynamics of the ocean-ice-atmosphere system might change in a warming Arctic.

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An analytical model for the description of the full‐polarimetric sea surface Doppler signature

Key Points:

  • Full-polarimetric Doppler signature of the ocean
  • Nonlinear sea surface modeling
  • Sea surface scattering and Doppler modeling

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