2018 - Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, obor Sociologie, doktorské studium
2016 - 2018 Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, obor Sociologie, magisterské studium
2013 - 2016 Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, obor Sociologie, bakalářské studium
online seznamování, sociologie rodiny, internetu
2019 -2021 Zpracování sociologických dat, FF UK
2019 Vybrané kapitoly ze sociologie rodiny, FF UK
10/21-06/22 University College London, Social Research Institute; London, UK
09/2021 GESIS Fall Seminar: Introduction to Computational Social Science in R, Automated Web Data Collection in R
06/2021 The Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS), UCL, London, UK
02/2020 University of Konstanz: Programming Economic Experiments with z-Tree (Urs Fischbacher)
08/2019 ECPR summer school: Introduction to Causal Inference I: Randomized control trials and matched designs (Dániel Horn); Budapest, Hungary
03/2019 ECSR spring school: New and Old Data: Cutting-edge Approaches to Quantitative Social Research; Turin, Italy
2017/18 University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Erasmus
08/2017 6th Summer School of Survey Methodology; Introduction to Data Analysis Using Stata (Klaus Pforr & Reinhard Schunck); Cologne, Germany
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