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Connecting Cruise - Living Danube Limes

From July 15th until the end of October 2022 an adventurous journey awaits those brave enough to join the crew of the “Danuvina Alacris”, a modern reconstruction of a “Lusoria” type roman ship which once roamed the untaimed Danube River guarding the boundary between the roman empire and the uncivilized wasteland beyond the so called “barbaricum”.

The approximate daily distance is 40 km and the journey will take you along many historical sites and include access to associated events. With a full crew rotation every two weeks the roman Navy needs you!

The connceting cruise is part of the Living Danube Limes project (Interreg Danube Transnational Programme).

More information and registration at the  Danube University in Krems website (Lead partner of the project).




26 Nov 2021