Current measures related to the coronavirus epidemic

Last updated: January 26, 2022

The employees are required to follow the government measures found at and the following special measures apply in all Institute premises:

  • face masks or respirators are mandatory in the common areas of the Institute and in accordance with an extraordinary government measure valid from 25 October 2021 also in all other indoor spaces where it is not possible to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 m between persons,
  • regularly disinfect your hands, especially when entering the Institute (disinfectant dispensers are installed in the main building),
  • in case of a positive test for COVID-19, immediately inform your supervisor and the Vice Director for Financial Affairs and Operations,
  • the Institute director can approve work-from-home requests in justified cases for a maximum of 2 days a week and 3 months in length, based on a request from the employee’s department/unit head,
  • after returning from a vacation spent abroad the employees must follow regulations of the Ministry of Health; in case self-isolation is required, the employees must take vacation or sick leave; epidemiological guidelines for travellers can be found at the HSHMP website at,
  • check-in/out at all times in the department attendance book,
  • the opening hours of the Institute remain from 6:00 to 22:00 including weekends.

Arrangements for stays in the Mariánská recreation and training center

The following measures apply to the operation of recreation and training center in Mariánská from 1 December 2021 until further notice.

  • Only persons without clinical signs of COVID-19 can be accommodated.
  • Before the start of the stay the client must submit the following documents to the center administrator:
    • a complete list of all residents, including children,
    • contact phone number during the stay,
    • a written affidavit confirming that all visitors meet the following conditions:
      • they do not have COVID-19;
      • they have not been ordered required to self-isolate and have not been in contact with a person who has been required to self-isolate and has not yet completed his/her self-isolation;
      • have not been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 7 days;
    • and that all visitors from the age of 12, inclusive, meet at least one of the following conditions:
      • have completed their vaccination against COVID-19 and a minimum of 14 days have elapsed since their last dose of vaccine,
      • have undergone COVID-19 confirmed by a doctor, their ordered self-isolation period has elapsed and no more than 180 days have elapsed since their first positive RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2,
      • have provided a valid negative RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 test not older than 72 hours; for stays longer than 7 days, it is necessary to fulfill this requirement every 7 days of stay; in case of a positive test it is necessary to immediately notify the center administrator by phone and all persons listed in the above list of residents will leave the facility immediately.
  • The residents are required to pay attention to increased hygienic measures at all times. Disinfectants are available in the center for cleaning floors and other surfaces. Upon departure, the residents are required to thoroughly clean and disinfect the used areas (including common areas).
  • A hand disinfectant gel is available at both entrances to the center.
  • It is recommended to limit joint events of different families and groups accommodated in the center.
  • During the stay, it is also necessary to observe the current emergency measures against the spread of COVID-19 issued by the Ministry of Health.
  • The sauna may not be used until further notice.
  • The center administrator can terminate the stay of persons in breach of the above measures.