
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. J. Kočka, M. Vanecek, Z. Kožíšek, O. Stika, J. Beichler
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 50&60 (1983) 293-296.
  2. M. Vanecek, J. Kočka, J. Stuchlík, Z. Kožíšek, O. Stika, A. Triska
    Solar Energy Materials 8 (1983) 411-423.
  3. Z. Kožíšek, Z. Chvoj
    Crystal Research and Technology 18 (1983) 307-313.
  4. L. VOSIKA , P. Novák, A. CEJCHAN
    Czech. J. Phys. 33 (1983) 221 - 229
  5. Second-order perturbation treatment of correlations in transition metal alloys
    phys. status solidi b 116 (1983) 119
  6. K. C. Hass, H. Ehrenreich, B. Velický
    Electronic structure of Hg Cd Te
    Phys. Rev. B 27 (1983) 1088
  7. V. Janiš, J. Souček, V. Souček
    Operator formalism equivalent to the Feynman quantization technique
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 24 (1983) 834-838.
  8. G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš, Z. Vértesy, M. Balaskó
    physica status solidi (a) 77 (1983) K87-K90.
  9. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 35 (1983) 37-42.
  10. Physics Letters A 99 (1983) 189-192.
  11. L. Kraus, D. Fraitová
    Physics Letters A 97 (1983) 417-420.
  12. L. Půst, Z. Frait
    Solid State Communications 45 (1983) 103-105.
  13. I. Tomáš, L. Murtinová, J. Kaczér
    physica status solidi (a) 75 (1983) 121-127.
  14. I. Tomáš, Yu. A. Kuzin
    physica status solidi (a) 80 (1983) 43-50.
  15. L. Vosika, A. Čejchan, P. Novák
    Correction to the Single Ion Anistrophy Model
    Czech. J. Phys. B33 (1983) 221 - 225
  16. F. Kosek, J. Chlebny, Z. Cimpl, J. Mašek
    Structural and some physical properties of AsS system
    Phil. Mag. B47 (1983) 627
  17. Temperature dependence of near infrared absorption of TCNQ salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 33 (1983) 314
  18. Intermediate infrared absorption of dianion (2TCNQ)
    Czech. J. Phys. 33 (1983) 791