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9:00 Welcome
9:30 Introduction Klára Hübner, Robert Novotný, and Dušan Coufal
10.00 Opening lecture
Nikolas Jaspert, Minority Acoustics in 15th-Century Iberia
10.40 Coffee break
Session I: Everyday life 11:00-12:30
11.00 Sandra Schieweck, Conflict regulation on the Castilian-Nasrid Frontier: Norms and practices (1246–1482)
11.30 Robert Novotný, Faith as an Argument? Confession in the Public Discourse of Post-hussite Bohemia
12.00 Jurgita Verbickienė, Who and when decided that the Grand duchy of Lithuania was a tolerant state? The creation and regulation of Tolerance Boundaries in the multi-confessional society of Grand Duchy of Lithuania
12.30 Lunch break
Session II: Religious violence 14.30-16.00
14.30 Darius Baronas, The lack of religiously motivated violence in fifteenth-century Grand Duchy of Lithuania
15.00 Zdeněk Beran, Expressions of Persisting Conflicts in Peace Treaties of Post-Hussite Bohemia (1439–1453)
15.30 Alexandru Simon, Mass Murders, but not Schismatics?
18.00 Public lecture (Faculty of Arts)
John Tolan, The Basel Qur'an, 15th-16th centuries
Session III: Role of the ruler 9.30-12.00
9.30 Dušan Coufal, An Instrument of Hegemony or Coexistence? The oldest Religious Privilege of Sigismund of Luxembourg for the Hussites, and Its Critique by Thomas Ebendorfer
10.00 Suzana Miljan, Somewhere in-between: Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia between Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Venice in the fifteenth century
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Václav Žůrek, The Election of the King as a Solution of the Conflict and its Cause. The Case of George of Poděbrady
11.30 Giedrė Mickūnaitė, Trice a Foreigner: on words about and world around Helena of Muscovy, Grand Duchess of Lithuania
12.00 Lunch break
Session IV: Permanence 14.00-16.30
14.00 Přemysl Bar, Permanent War or Permanent Peace? The Teutonic Order towards the Dukes of the Lithuania after 1386
14:30 Adam Pálka, Was It Ever Legal to Take Communion in Both Kinds after the Conclusion of the Compactata?
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Heinrich Speich, Dominated by the Rival. Catholic Monasteries under the control of Protestant City-States
16.00 Closing remarks
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