9th NARECOM –NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

WELCOME AFTER THE SUMMER HOLIDAY The hot topic "Chemical modification of nanofiber membranes for specific functions" will be discussed by scientists from the University of J. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem on September, 15 at 2:30. p.m. The research results led to the production of the protection masks during the COVID pandemic.

Chemical modification of nanofiber membranes for specific functions

P. Čapková, P. Ryšánek, D. Poustka

University of J. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem


The subject of the seminar will be various technologies of functionalization of nanofiber membranes and the advantages and disadvantages of 2 approaches :

(1) one pot preparation and (2) subsequent plasma-chemical treatment. The results will be illustrated by examples of membranes for various functions (antimicrobial air filtration, degradation of pollutants, gas sorption and medical applications).

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