LF 144, 1-2, 2021
Jakub Jirsa, The Concept of ὅρος betweek Aristotle’s Two Ethics
Simon Aerts, Multidimensionality in Livy’s Tense System: Towards a Functional Systematicity of the Latin Narrative Tenses
Jana Plátová, Covert in the Sun: Christian Interpretations of Psalm 18/19:5c in the Alexandrian Exegetical Tradition
Martin Z. Pokorný, The Insurmountability of the Greek Nation in the Concept of Alois Klar (1806)
Ondřej Koupil, August Schleicher Writing about Written Czech ("O spisovnej češtině", 1849)
Martin C. Putna, Sokol and Antiquity in the Work of Jakub Deml
LF 143, 3-4, 2020
Radim Kočandrle, The Conception of the Heavens in Archaic Ionian Cosmologies
Pavel Dudzik, The Verbs γεννᾶν, γί(γ)νεσθαι and Related Nominals in the Early Arian Dispute
Martin Bažil, Aeneid V and Ancient Cento Poetry III: Cento Probae and Ausonius’ Cento Nuptialis
Karel Komárek - Zuzana Maleňáková, Nominal Forms of Adjectives in Old Czech
Pavel Kosek – Radek Čech – Olga Navrátilová – Martin Horák, The Word Order of the Czech Pronoun/Morpheme se Dependent on a Finite Verb in the Kralice Bible
Martin Nodl, The Beginnings of Tábor: History, Memory and the Chronicle Construction of the Event
Marta Vaculínová, The Star Summer Palace in Prague and Latin Humanist Poetry
LF 143, 1-2, 2020
Victoria Manzano Ventura, The Primary Contributions of Greek Philosophical Thought to Western Syntax: From Plato to Chrysippean Logic
Martin Bažil, Aeneid V and Ancient Cento Poetry II: The Latin Anthology
Anastasia Rozhkova, The Impact on the Dresden Bible’s Gospel of Luke and the Book of Isaiah of Three Phonetic and Phonological Changes of the Fourteenth Century
Pavel Kosek – Radek Čech – Olga Navrátilová – Martin Horák, The Word Order of the Pronominal Enclitics mi, si, ti, ho, mu Dependent on a Finite Verb in the First Edition of the Kralice Bible
Robert Dittmann, Phonetic and Phonological Changes in Brethren New Testament Translations from 1564–1613 (Based on Non-Gospel New Testament Books)
Magda Králová, Some Remarks on the Sources of Historia Langobadorum by Paul the Deacon
Hana Šedinová, From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in the Czech Lands: egip(p)ia
LF 142, 3-4, 2019
Veronika Konrádová, Family Affection, Political Community and Humanity: A Comparison of Aristotle and Cicero
Olga Spevak, The Dominant Participle Construction (ab urbe condita): Prepositional Uses
Martin Bažil, Aeneid V and Ancient Cento Poetry I: Introduction, the Concepts of Performance and Gaze
Josef Vintr, The Target Audience for the First Czech Bible Translation from the Mid-Fourteenth Century and Related Questions
Robert Dittmann, Prothetic v in the Book of Testimonies of of Velká Bíteš (1556-1636)
Ludmila Buzássyová, From Ancient Species and Figura Accidents to Rudiments of the Word-Formation Discipline in Latin and Vernacular Grammars (16th to 18th Centuries)
Kateřina Voleková, From the Old Czech Vocabulary: Claretus’ oměk or úmek
LF 142, 1-2, 2019
Tomáš Weissar, The Case of the Dominican Domaslaus reconsidered
Ondřej Koupil, Veleslavín’s "Trilingual" Nomenclator and Orthographical Compression/Dilatation in Early Modern Czech Orthography
Radmila Prchal Pavlíčková, "Oh, Do Not Let It Happen..." The Manuscript of the Exile Bořek Mateřovský between mentento mori, Confession of Faith, Prayer Book and Family History
Helena Krmíčková, On the Editing of Hus’ Treatises. Magistri Iohannis Hus Opera Omnia after Six (as well as Two) decades
Marta Vaculínová, Descriptio monstri. The Reception of Ovid in the Manuscript Poem by Georg Bartholdus Pontanus (1550-1614)
Vít Hušek, Excerpts from Clement of Alexandria in Codex Athos Lavra B 113: A Contribution to Textual Criticism
Álvaro Cancela Cilleruelo, An Emendation to Theodulf, Carmen 29,73 (prostratus corpore terrae): A Vergilian Echo in Carolingian Poetry
LF 141, 3-4, 2018
Jiří Stránský, Démiúrgos a jeho role v Platónově dialogu Timaios
Martin M. Bauer, Rückkehr nach Arkadien: Die poetologische Dimension von Horazens Carmen IV,12
Kateřina Spurná, Druhá staroslověnská legenda o sv. Václavu ve vztahu k latinské předloze
Karel Kučera, Obraz světla v obleči v Husově Postile
Robert Dittmann, Konsonantismus Bible kralické šestidílné
Marta Vaculínová, De bello Pannonico: Epic on the Long Turkish War by Johannes Czernovicenus
Hana Šedinová, Ze Slovníku středověké latiny: ypnapus, vipperus a rais
LF 141, 1-2, 2018
Filip De Decker, The Use and Absence of the Augment in the Forms ἔδωκ(ε)(ν) and δῶκ(ε)(ν) in the Odyssey, with a Brief Discussion of the Origin of the Augment
Pavlína Cermanová, Jakoubek of Stříbro’s Czech Výklad na Zjevenie and its Latin Reception in Hussite Exegetical Texts
Tomáš Nejeschleba, „Duodekalogy“ Giovanniho Pika della Mirandola
Robert Dittmann, Vokalismus Bible kralické šestidílné II: uplatnění změn proběhlých od konce 14. století
Petr Nejedlý, České raněnovověké organologické názvosloví (hudební nástroje ve veleslavínských slovnících)
Alena A. Fidlerová, To by bylo, aby Klatovy založeny nebyly aneb Fundací Jana Klatovského a její vztah k Hájkově Kronice
Kateřina Vršecká, Ze Slovníku středověké latiny: balatro
Susann El Kholi, Siegel und Wahlspruch des Böhmischen Dichters Leonhartus Albertus im poetischen Gewand seiner Epigrammata
LF 140, 3-4, 2017
Ondřej Cikán, Buried Vine, Lucrative Syrinx: On Lingus' Humor and a Translation Problem in I,19 and III,29
Ondřej Koupil, Senses of Scripture and the Sense of Reading of John Cassian
Tabita Landová, The Manifest and Hidden Reality: Jan Augusta's Concept of the Church of Christ
Robert Dittmann, Vowel Changes in the Six-volume Kralice Bible. Part I: The Scope of Changes Predating the Old Czech Diphthongizations
Josef Förster, Ryba's Criticism of Carolus Kolczawa S.J. and His Knowledge of the Theory of Drama Reconsidered
Boris Kayachev, Ciris, 383: An Emendation
Hana Šedinová, From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: gracocenderius
Helena Kurzová, On the Legacy of Jaromír Jedlička
Kateřina Smyčková, Editing of Scribally Transmitted Czech Texts from the 17th and 18th Centuries
LF 140, 1-2, 2017
Filip De Decker, The Difference in Use between the Active and Middle Forms of φημί in Speech Conclusions in Homer
John Hilton, Myth and Narrative Fiction in the Works of the Roman Emperor Julian
Olga Navrátilová, On Word Order and Its Relation to Genres of Old Czech Literature
Jaroslav Svátek, Treatise on the Holy Land (1498): The Old Czech Adaptation of the Travelogue Written by Hans Tucher, Burgher of Nuremberg
Martin Stluka, An Attempt to Analyze the Functions of the -Ť (-ŤE/-TĚ/-TI) Particle in the 14th-18th Centuries
Miloslava Vajdlová, Qualitative and Modifying Adjectives in the Dictionaries of Daniel Adam of Veleslavín
Jakub, Ivánek, Comments on the Definition of the Term "kramářská píseň" (in Wiew of the Prints of Religious Charakter)
Hana Šedinová, From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Sporcia
Kateřina Voleková, The New Manuscript Fragment of the Evangelium sv. Matouše s homiliemi
Susann El Kholi, An Addition to Caspar Dornau’s Scholarly Environment
LF 139, 3-4, 2016
Tomáš Hejduk: Theognis and Plato’s Socrates: Two Different Loves and Friendships
Stanislav Doležal: Jordanes and Iamblichus
Alena M. Černá: Chocenský’s Treatise on Bloodletting and its Medical Terminology
Robert Dittmann: Vowel Length in the Six-Volume Kralice Bible
Tomáš Matějec: References to Czech History in the Robert Bellarmine’s Treatise on Vernacular Translations of Scripture
Josef Bartoň: Adjectives Ending in -(v)ší in the Gospel Translation by František Novotný of Luže and Their Church Slavonic Inspiration
Pavel Nývlt: From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Muscida huba
Hana Šedinová: From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Calopus
Ota Halama: Matthias Korambus († 1536) - The Life and Work of an Utraquist Humanist Reconsidered
LF 139, 1-2, 2016
Jiří Šubrt: Peregrinatio Paulae ad loca sancta in St. Jerome’s Letter 108
Václav Smyčka: A Patriotic "Picture Gallery" or a Universal "Tree of Knowledge"? Metaphors of Knowledge in the Historia Litteraria Works
Josef Vintr: Traces of the Oldest Czech Translation of the Epistles
Markéta Pytlíková - Andrea Svobodová: The Old Czech Bible Prologues: The Textual Evidence and the Choice of the Primary Manuscript for a Critical Edition
Milada Homolková - Kateřina Voleková: The Old Czech Bible Prologues: The Argumenta of the Pauline Epistles
Barbora Kocánová: The Questio astronomicalis of Zdeněk of Labouň. A Critical Edition
Ondřej Podavka: Leopoldus Ioannes Scherschnik, De doctis Reginae-Hradecensibus commentarius ad Doctissimum Virum Stanislaum Wydra. A Commented Editio
Hana Šedinová: From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Asalus and Achilon
LF 138, 3-4, 2015
John Hilton: Erotic Date-Palms in Ammianus Marcellinus (Res gestae, XXIV,3,12-13)
Hana Šedinová: Esca eius erant locustae. The Origin and Meaning of the Imaginary Quadruped locusta
Alena M. Černá: Vocalic Quantity in the Manuscript T of the Staré letopisy české (Old Czech Annals)
Martina Němcová Dragonová: Emblematics in the Collection of Sermons Trojí chléb nebeský (1728) of the Baroque Preacher Damascén Marek
Jiří Žůrek: František Faustin Procházka's Approach to the History of Learning
Eva Stehlíková: Jaroslav Pokorný in Search of Oedipus the King
Martin C. Putna: Antiquity in the Work of Ivan Jelínek
LF 138, 1-2, 2015
Miroslav Šedina: The Panthera Case. Origen's Defence of Mary's Virginal Conception in Contra Celsum
Giovanbattista Galdi: Some Remarks on the Language of the Itinerarium Antonini Placentini
Petra Stankovska: The Re-discovered Spiš Fragment of the Czech Glagolitic Bible
Hana Šedinová: The Shrew or the Ermine? New Meaning of Aristotle's Term mygale in the Middle Ages
Petr Nejedlý - Václav Bok: From the Old Czech Dictionary: potejdych
Štěpán Šimek: From the Old Czech Vocabulary: Klaret's neomon and Its Old Czech Equivalent
LF 137, 3-4, 2014
Helena Kurzová: Diathesis and Transitivity in Latin and Greek: Chronology of Indo-European Voice Types
Eliška Luhanová: Muses and the Origins of Reflexivity in the Archaic Greek Thinking
Pavel Nývlt: Modo in Quadragesimale Admontense
Martin Steiner: Three Forms of Comenius' Dedication to Consultatio catholica - Universal Improvement Collection
Hana Šedinová: From Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: spongius and rugana
Hana Florianová: From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: uris, orna, gar, elta, arneda
Ludwig Braun: Why There Is No Love in the Neolatin Epic Poetry?
LF 137, 1-2, 2014
Hana Šedinová: The Conflicts of the Anthus with the Horse and Their Reflection in Medieval Enclopaedias and Glossaries
Rostislav Smíšek: "Deplua charitum aurora". Leopold I. and Margarita Theresa of Spain in the Symbolical Language of the Panegyrics by Sebastian Glavinić on Their Wedding in 1666
Stefan Michael Newerkla: Maximilianus Venceslaus Schimek - Magni vir ingenii, magnaeque industiae, homo eruditus et politicus
Václav Petrbok: Bilingualism as a Literary Phenomenon in the Czech Lands of the "Long" 19th Century. Prolegomenon to a Project
Hana Šedinová: From the Dictionary of medieval Latin in Czech lands: albirus
Petr Nejedlý: From the Old Czech dictionary: Lexicographically Probleamtic Expressions říčník, ryčník, ručník
Michal Ctibor: To the Next Editors of Comenius' "Labyrint": A Punctuation Mistake in Latin Motto?
Daniel Polakovič: Hebraica in the Mss. Biographical Lexicons of the Scholars of the Czech Lands from the End of the 18th Century
Ondřej Koupil: On a Way to Early Modern Czech
LF 136, 3-4, 2013
Jiří Žůrek: Utraquist Sanctoral in the Czech Graduals of 16th Century
Marta Šimečková: Prothetic v- in Agricultural Literature of the 16th Century
Ondřej Koupil: Alphabetum Boëmicum (1718): A Primer for Scholars
Michal Topor: Philologists "from Bohemia" in Berlin in the Years 1878-1886
Daniela Čadková: Jaroslav Vrchlický´s Hippodamia and Its Contemporary Reception
Alena Sarkissian: Ritual, War, Sacrifice and Marriage on Czech Stage: The Case of Ifigenia at Aulis
Hana Šedinová: From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Fele and Furion
Jan Malura: The Linguistic-literary (Philological) Method of Alexandr Stich and the Study of Early Modern Literature
LF 136, 1-2, 2013
Miroslav Šedina: Magical Power of Names in Origen´s Polemic against Celsus
Hana Šedinová: The Influence of the Egyptian Culture upon Description and Treatment of the Hoopoe in the Physiologus
Kateřina Voleková: A Latin-German-Czech Glossary of Brno, Written behind the the Glossary Called Catholicon
Pavel Kosek: The Language of the Jesličky by Fridrich Bridelius
Ondřej Podavka: Mutual Correspondence of Bohuslav Balbín and Alois Hackenschmidt from 1664-1667
Daniela Čadková: Jaroslav Vrchlický´s Dramas Inspired by Classical Antiquity and Their Contemporary Reception
Hana Šedinová: From Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Abareno and Kiloka
LF 135, 3-4, 2012
Tomáš Vítek: Chiromancy in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages: Its Beginnings and Principles
Robert Dittmann: On the Importance of Early Czech-Jewish Linguistic Contacts in the Czech Lands for Diachronic Czech Studies
Filip Krajník - Jana Kolářová: Prolegomena to the Medieval Bohemian Version of Achmet´s Oneirocriticon, Its Prague Latin Model and the Greek Original
Tabita Landová: The Lectionary of Jan Augusta and Its Role in the Dispute over Pericopes in the Unity of Czech Brethren
Susann El Kholi - Jitka Lněničková - Marta Vaculínová: Leonhartus Albertus and His Poem on Glass-Making
Hana Šedinová: From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Fatator and Fetix
Jana Plátová: Discovery of Twenty-nine Origen´s Homilies on the Psalms
LF 135, 1-2, 2012
Miroslav Vepřek: The Grapheme /jat´/ in the Old Czech Glagolitic Comestor
Josef Vintr: The Old Czech Psalm - Two Hundred Years in Search of Clarity and Poetry
Hana Šedinová: Alia terra alios mores postulat. Asian Cannibals in the Vocabularius dictus Lactifer
Marta Vaculínová: Sigismundus Gelenius and His Life in Basle
Markéta Zemenová: Literal Translation, or Free Translation? The Techniques and Methods in German-Czech Translations at the Time of the Renaissance and the Reformation
Marie Škarpová - Tomáš Slavický - Pavel Kosek: Sem, sem děťátko - Critical Edition of a Bohemian Baroque Carol
LF 134, 3-4, 2011
Lucie Pultrová: From the Proto-Indo-European to the Classical Latin Accent
Jaroslav Daneš: Euripides and Plato: Two Different Critical Attitudes to the Myth of Autochthony
Eugenio Amato: On a Debated Poetic Quotation in the De exilio of Favorinus (col. VII,44-46): New Fragment of the Euripides´ Andromeda?
Stanislav Doležal: Thule and Scandza of Jordanes, and His Connections with Procopius
Eliška Poláčková: Mutato nomine dicor nunc Homulus. Latin Translation of the Morality Play of Elckerlijc
Hana Šedinová: De gustibus non est disputandum. Unusual Foods of Exotic Peoples in the Vocabularius dictus Lactifer
Carlo M. Lucarini: Latin Notes
LF 134, 1-2, 2011
Filip Horáček: Problems Connected with Creation of the Greek Alphabet II: Two Neglected Theories
Eliška Luhanová: World-rules and Politicians: Plato Meeting Hesiod
Magdalena Moravová: Beda Venerabilis - Verax historicus?
Dana Stehlíková: Illud corpus est unum singulare. Regimen sanitatis Written for the Emperor Charles IV. by His Physician Reimbotus Eberhardi de Castro
Jan Herůfek: Reuchlin´s and Pico´s Concept of the Christian Kabbalah. A Little Encounter
Ondřej Podavka: Jean de Carro, Karel A. Vinařický and Their Mutual Latin Correpondence from 1829-1843
František Všetička: "A Shrewish Wife and a Desperate Husband"
Pavel Spunar: Isidor of Seville and His Etymologiae in Czech: On the Respectable Achievement of Czech Researchers
LF 133, 3-4, 2010
Filip Horáček: Problems Connected with Creation of the Greek Alphabet I.: Nature of the Invention and Its Date
Martin C. Putna: The Real and the Symbolic Geography in the Work of Synesios of Cyrene
Iva Adámková: Isidore of Seville on Ships and Buildings (Etymologiae XIX, 1-19), and His Possible Sources
Kateřina Voleková: Imitatio and Aemulatio in the Dictionary of Clementinum
Jakub Zouhar: De re diplomatica libri sex by Jean Mabillon in Outline
Kateřina Voleková - Milada Homolková: From Old Czech Vocabulary: zdrušec and živodně
Josef Förster: The Case "Remedius Prutký" or On the Standards of a Scholarly Debate
LF 133, 1-2, 2010
Stanislav Doležal: The Court on the Move. Some Questions concerning the Mobility of the Roman Imperial Court
Dana Stehlíková: Contribution to the Study of the So-called Křišťan´s of Prachatice Herbaria
Petr Pokorný: The Problems of Translating the Bible
Josef Bartoň: A Century of the Modern Czech Biblical Translation (1909-2009)
Martin Prudký: A Decalogue for the 21st Century?
Petr Sláma: The First Poem about Creation (Gen 1:1 - 2:4A) and Its Czech Translations
Jiří Mrázek: The Parable of the Dishonest Steward (Luke 16,1-8). Notes to the Interpretation and Recent Czech Translations
Jan Roskovec: The Prologue of the Gospel of John (John 1,1-18). Notes on the Interpretation and Translation
Ichiro Taida: Movable Nu at the End of a Verse in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter
Vincent Hunink: Did Perpetua Write Her Prison Account?
Jana Kepartová: Masaryk´s Visits of Pompeii
Bohumil Vykypěl: Criticism of Listy filologické in 1952
LF 132, 3-4, 2009
Jakub Jirsa: Authenticity of the Alcibiades I: Some Reflections
Hedvika Kuchařová: Some Remarks to the Prayer Books of the 18th and 19th Century
Martin C. Putna: Antiquity in the Work of Josef Kostohryz
Pavel Čech - Pavel Sládek: Transliteration and Transcription of Hebrew - the Fundamental Problems and How to Solve Them
Barbora Kocánová: Collecta notabiliora de libro methorum. Medieval Notes on Meteorology in the Prague Castle Archive Manuscript M 8 (Edition and Commentary)
Lumír Klimeš: Participle Constructions in the Chronicle of Jan Norbert Zatočil of Loewenbrugk (Editions of 1685 and 1819)
LF 132, 1-2, 2009
Marta Vaculínová: Humanist Poets of Bohemia and Their Presence in the Non-Bohemical Anthologies of the 16th and 17th Century
Josef L. Táborský: The Schola Aegidiana in 18th Century Bohemia
Pavlína Šípová: Aristophanes on the Czech Stage between the First and Second World War, and during the Second World War
Petr Voit: The Beginning of Renaissance Typography in Bohemia and Moravia
Alena Bočková: Maximilianus Wietrowsky SJ - His Fate in the Light of Sources and Catalogue of His Literary Works
LF 131, 3-4, 2008
Tomáš Vítek: Pythagorean Acousmata
Vojtěch Hladký: Empedocles´ Sphere in the Perspectives of Ancient Interpreters
Jitka Komendová: Galician-Volhynian Chronicle and the Second Sequel to Cosmas: The Quest of New Concepts in Medieval Historiography
Michał Rzepiela: Some Cognitive and Some Estralinguistic Aspects of Word-Formation in Medieval Latin
Anthony Harvey: From Full-Text Databse to Electronic Lexicon and Beyond: The Role of Computers in the Dictionary of Celtic Latin Project
Petr Kitzler: So-far Unnoticed Edition of Tertullian´s De patientia, Prague 1676
LF 131, 1-2, 2008
Stanislav Doležal: Tertium genus hominum: On the Role of Eunuchs at the Imperial Court of the Late Roman Empire
Iva Adámková: Some Reflections on Sacred Buildings´ Foundation Stone Laying Ceremonies in the Middle Ages
Dušan Coufal: The Exegesis and Authority of the Bible in the Polemic between Jean Gerson and Jakoubek of Stříbro in 1417
Mechthild Pörnbacher: The Emperor Constantine, Gregory the Great, and Walahrid Strabo in Conversation. Connections between Lexicography, "Quellenkritik" and Textual Criticism
Bruno Bon - Anita Guerreau-Jalabert: The Use of Dictionaries in the Semantic Research: The Case of "Treasure"
Alena M. Černá - Eva Mařanová - Karel Oliva: Lexicum symphonum by Zikmund Hrubý of Jelení
Kateřina Bláhová: "Tomorrow a Czech Journal for Literary History Must be Established..." The Correspondence of Jaroslav Vlček and Jan Jakubec, 1898-1899
Jaroslav Daneš: Is the Conception of the Origins of Medicine in the Hippocratis Treatise De vetere medicina (VM) Original?
Jarosław Malicki: Language History in Poland
LF 130, 3-4, 2007
Veronika Konrádová: Muse-like Character of Poetic Language
Vladimír Mikeš: The Metaphor of Sleep and Dream in Heraclitus and Plato and its Philosophical Context
Lucie Pultrová: The Latin nomina agentis in -tor
Daniel Špelda: Quae supra nos, nihil ad nos: The Attitude of Church Fathers toward Astronomy
Estrella Pérez Rodríguez: Caput in the Medieval Latin from Asturias and León
Hana Florianová: Medical Terminology in Jessenius´ Anatomia Pragensis (1601)
Josef Kolmaš: Tabula Chronologica Historiae Sinicae by J.-F. Foucquet: Latin Text and Czech Translation
LF 130, 1-2, 2007
Petr Kitzler: Passio Perpetuae and Acta Perpetuae: Between Tradition and Innovation
Jakub Zouhar: The German Written Verse Annals of the 14th Century
David Tomíček: Aspects of the 16th Century Czech Printed Literature about the Plague
Pavel Kosek: Intensifying / Gradational Conjuctions in the Czech Language of the Baroque Period
Josef Vintr: Země dobrá, to jest země Česká (1754), the Bible and the Austrian Monarchy
Eva Odelman: Glossarium mediae Latinitatis Sueciae in Rükschau und in Zukunft
LF 129, 3-4, 2006
Tomáš Vítek: Ancient Palmomancy
Lucie Pultrová: The Latin Adjectives of Action
Martin C. Putna: Four Historians of Christian Literature: from Jerome to Ildefons
Josef Förster: De primo infideles adeundi animo (The Life of Remedius Prutký, a Franciscan Missionary, before his Departure to Ethiopia in 1751)
Jarmila Alexová: Adversative Coordination in Bohemian Texts from the Early Baroque Period
LF 129, 1-2, 2006
Tomáš Drvota: The Cosmology of Parmenides
Lucie Pultrová: The Indo-European Verbal Adjectives and their Reflexes in Latin
Miloslava Vajdlová: The Function of Distributio in Czech Written Medieval Texts
Hana Šedinová: Mirabilia or Terribilia? Sea Monsters as Symbols in Medieval Exegesis
Jiří M. Havlík: The Plague Sermons of Christian Augustin Pfaltz (1629-1701)
LF 128, 3-4, 2005
Jiří Pavlík: Euphonic Poetics of Dionysius of Halicarnassus and the Possibility of Reconstruction of the Greek Phonetics
Věra Chládková - Alena M. Černá: Seventy Two Divine Names in the Old Czech Manuscripts
Hana Šedinová: Sea Monsters in the Works of Thomas of Cantimpré and Bartholomaeus of Solencia, Known as Claretus
LF 128, 1-2, 2005
Libor Jan: The Beginnings of Tournaments in Bohemia and their Development at the Time of Wenceslas II
Martin Nejedlý: Bohemia and Its Inhabitants in the Eyes of Four French Medieval Authors (Guillaume de Machaut, Eustache Deschamps, Jean Froissart, Jean d´Arras)
Martin Svatoš: Roaming Jupiter and Aeneas in Captivity (Ancient Gods and Heroes in 18th Century School Dramas in the Town of Broumov)
Josef Förster: Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest. Antiquity in Itinerarium of Remedius Prutký, 1713-1770

PhDr. Martin Svatoš, CSc.
Managing Editor
Mgr. Matěj Novotný, Ph.D.
Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha