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František Vyskočil received the Silver Medal of Charles University (3.2. 2022)

On Thursday, 27 January, the Scientific Council of Charles University awarded a commemorative medal to eight prominent personalities whose professional lives are connected with the University. Prof. RNDr. František Vyskočil, DrSc. received a silver commemorative medal for his significant lifetime work in the field of physiology and his long-standing scientific and pedagogical activities at Charles University. 

František Vyskočil has been researching neurophysiology and biophysics of cell membranes since his student years. His discoveries have significantly deepened the knowledge of the transmission of nerve impulses and the overall functioning of the nervous system of animals, including the human brain. His first research work, which he undertook as a student at the Faculty of Science of Charles University, on neuromuscular coupling was published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, Nature. František Vyskočil also gained international attention for his discovery and description of the mechanism of so-called non-quantum excretion of neurotransmitters at mammalian synapses. In total, he is the author of 310 scientific papers. Professor Vyskočil connected his professional life with the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and still lectures at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University. He is also a popular teacher and popularizer of science, for which he has received numerous awards. 

A Day of Physiology and Medicine for Undergraduate Students - 24.2.2022 (26.1. 2022)

Are you studying a natural science or medical degree? We have prepared a special open day for you, offering interesting topics for your bachelor or master thesis and topics for PhD studies. Scientists from IPHYS will present them to you in the morning session (hybrid form – at present and online) and you will have the opportunity to take a look directly into their laboratories in the afternoon. We look forward to seeing you:)

More information and registration

Jan Kopecký received J. E. Purkinje Honorary Field Medal (25.1. 2022)

The Director of the Institute, MUDr. Jan Kopecký, DrSc. was awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal for Merit in Biomedical Sciences. This award has been granted by the Czech Academy of Sciences since 1965 in recognition of outstanding results of scientific work in biology, especially in the fields of biomedical sciences.

Jan Kopecký has contributed to a significant advance in research on the problems of metabolism and obesity on a global level and has thus contributed to the improvement of treatment procedures for patients. He has co-authored more than 188 scientific articles mainly in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology and metabolism. His current research topics include the influence of white adipose tissue metabolism on whole-body lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, ontogenetic development of energy metabolism, and translational research on cachexia and adipose tissue. His work defined the concept of a "healthy adipocyte", i.e. a fat cell with a high capacity for oxidative phosphorylation and the ability to respond flexibly to metabolic changes. Congratulations on the award!

Alena Sumová was appointed a Professor (16.12. 2021)

Alena Sumová was appointed a Professor in Animal physiology. Czech president signed a letter of appointment on December 15, 2021. The appointment procedure took a place at South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.

Petr Ježek received the Prize of Minister of Education (13.12. 2021)

Petr Ježek received the Prize of Minister of Education, Youth and Sports for exceptional results in the field of research, development and innovation. He received the prize for the using approaches and methodologies, including highly sophisticated high-resolution microscopy methods, which are an example of excellent basic research. Dr. Ježek's excellent work in the International Society for Lipidomics is also an example of excellent interdisciplinary and international cooperation. Four other leading scientists were awarded - prof. Michal Holčapek, prof. Michal Koucký, prof. Marie Hušková and prof. Eva Topinková. More information

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