Význam mezinárodní spolupráce

Základní výzkum je svou podstatou mezinárodní činnost, a proto hraje i ve výzkumu Biofyzikálního ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. (BFÚ) významnou roli mezinárodní spolupráce. Tato spolupráce je důležitá pro všechna oddělení a je podmínkou toho, aby oddělení mohlo v BFÚ samostatně existovat. Jak je vidět z přiloženého seznamu, všechna oddělení produkují významnou část svých publikací ve spolupráci se zahraničními partnery. Všechna oddělení s výjímkou DSNA měla take v období od roku 2005 mezinárodní projekty; většina oddělení připravila nebo se účastnila přípravy mezinárodní vědecké akce (v dlouhodobé perspektivě se na pořádání mezinárodních konferencí účastní prakticky všechna oddělení).

Několik zahraničních projektů lze označit jako prestižní. Byly to EU projekty 6th FP, LSHC-CT-2004- 502983 „Mutant p53 a target for improved cancer treatment“, kde řešitelem za BFÚ byl E. Paleček a 6th FP-STREP, LSHG-CT-2003-503441 „3D Genome“, řešitel za BFÚ byl S. Kozubek. Dále projekt financovany National Institutes of Health, NIH, USA s názvem „Mechanistic Studies on New Platinum Clinical Agents“, který řešil V. Brabec, projekt financovaný z Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA „Platinum and ruthenium compounds. From DNA damage to cancer chemotherapy „ s řešitelkou J. Kašpárkovou. Senior Research Fellowship  z The Wellcome Trust obdržel J. Šponer. Velmi významná je role V. Brabce jako koordinátora programu COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EC/NSF) s názvem „Metallo-Drug Design and Action“. V tomto programu figuruje 54 laboratoří z Evropy, Izraele a Austrálie.

BFÚ organizoval nebo se podílel na organizaci 15 mezinárodních akcí. Pozoruhodnou tradicí již získala konference „Analytická cytometrie“ představující oficiální akci České společnosti pro analytickou cytologii, jež byla založena v BFÚ Aloisem Kozubíkem a dalšími členy jeho oddělení. Těchto akcí se účastní velký počet mladých vědců, kteří tak mají možnost diskutovat své výsledky se zahraničními vědci.

Mezinárodní spolupráce byla v uplynulých 5 letech důležitá nejen pro výměnu idejí, ale také pro realizaci některých experimentů, které nebylo možné provést v BFÚ nebo tam, kde v BFÚ nebyla dostatečná zkušenost pro jejich provedení. Přínos těchto spoluprací pro BFÚ je tedy zásadní, neboť přibližně polovina významných publikací s IF>4 vzniká v nějaké spolupráci. Prestižní spolupráce s významnými světovými laboratořemi je samozřejmě pro ústav velkým přínosem; je však potřeba zdůraznit, že řada hodnotných publikací vzniká na půdě BFÚ: 92 publikací s IF nad 4 vzniklo za posledních 5 let významnou měrou na půdě BFÚ (korespondující autor a většinou i první autor byli z BFÚ).

Uznání v zahraničí spočívá v celé řadě zvaných pobytů a přednášek na významných pracovištích nebo kongresech u pracovníků prakticky ze všech oddělení, jsou prováděny korektury článků, vědci BFÚ jsou členy mezinárodních společností apod. Nejvýznamnější je však citovanost prací: BFÚ má na publikace z let 2005-2009 již 4500 citací, což je na ústav velikosti BFÚ a danou oblast výzkumu výsledek v ČR pravděpodobně nejlepší.

Akce s mezinárodní účasti organizované nebo spolu-organizované  BFÚ za období 2005–2009

Mezinárodní projekty řešené v BFÚ AV ČR v období 2005–2009


Název programu

Název projektu



Účastnícké země


EC 5th FP, Marie Curie RTN

(2002 – 2007)

Structural effects arising from major groove DNA recognition by metallo-supramolecular cylinders (MARCY)

Michael J. Hannon, University of Warwick, UK

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Spain 


Grants for Biomedical Research (HHMI, USA)
(2001 – 2005)

Basis for new structure-pharmacological relationship of platinum drugs

Jana Kašpárková, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno




National Institutes of Health, NIH, USA (1998 – 2007)

Mechanistic Studies on New Platinum Clinical Agents

Nicholas P. Farrell, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic



Collaborative Research Initiative Grant (The Wellcome Trust) (2005 – 2008)

Platinum and ruthenium complexes. From DNA damage to cancer chemotherapy




Viktor Brabec, IBP, AS CR, Brno and

Peter J. Sadler, Univ Edinburgh

United Kingdom


Grants for Biomedical Research (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA) (2006 – 2010)

Platinum and ruthenium compounds. From DNA damage to cancer chemotherapy


Jana Kašpárková, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno




COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EC/NSF) (2006 – 2011)

Metallo-Drug Design and Action


Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic




National Science Foundation (USA) Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Platinum metal complexes as DNA-protein cross-linking agents

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic




Ministry of Education of the CR/Ministry of Education of China

Transition metal-based anticancer compounds. From mechanistic studies to innovatory cancer chemotherapy

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Viktor Brabec, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic





KONTAKT-AIP, Czech-Greek intergovernmental scientific and technical cooperation, 2006-2007

Synthesis, characterization and study of the nucleolytic activity of novel selective chemical nucleases, based on heteronuclear metallopeptides Ru(II)-Ni(II)

Jaroslav Malina, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Jaroslav Malina, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic



FP6-MOBILITY, Sixth Framework Programme, Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG)

6FP EU, MERG-6-CT-2005-014875, European Reintegration Grant, „Novel interactions of mutant p53 with genomic DNA in vitro and in vivo“,

Emil Paleček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno

Marie Brázdová, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic



EU   LSHC-CT-2004- 502983   

Mutant p53 a target for improved cancer treatment

Klas Wiman,Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Emil Paleček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Sweden, Holland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Israel, England, France, Estonia, Czech Republic


Sixth Framework Programme- Marie Curie Host Fellowships - Transfer of knowledge (TOK) - Development Scheme

Newchemical and biochemical sensors for analysis of food, enviromental and medical samples

Jerzy Radecki, Institute of animal reproduction and food research - Polish Academy of Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland


Emil Paleček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Poland, Czech Republic,



ME - KONTAKT (1996-2012)

Interactions of proteins and nucleic acids with surfaces. New tools for biomedicine.

J.Wang, Dept.Nanoengineering, La Jolla, CA 92093-0448, USA

Emil Paleček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

USA, Czech Republic


Programme of International Collaboration of the AS CR

Aggregation of alpha synuclein in Parkinson's disease

Veronika Ostatná,Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Emil Paleček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Germany, Czech Republic


KONTAKT ME 685 Ministry of Education of the CR - Bilateral Czech-Greek Cooperation

Development of methods and construction of sensors for the detection of interaction of DNA with drugs

Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic


Greece, Czech Republic


KONTAKT 94Ministry of Education of the CR -Bilateral Czech-Slovak Cooperation

Study of DNA hybridization at surfaces

Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic


Greece, Czech Republic




KONTAKT 7_2006_19 Ministry of Education of the CR - Bilateral Czech-Greek Scientific-Technical Cooperation


Application of biophysical methods in biotechnology and biomedicine


Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic


Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic


Slovakia, Czech Republic


KONTAKT ME 920 Ministry of Education of the CR - Bilateral Czech-Greek Cooperation

Application of biophysical methods in biotechnology and biomedicine

Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Vladimír Vetterl, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic


Slovakia, Czech Republic



Czech Republic-France


Studies of genetic interactions (changes) in synthetic Nicotiana allopolyploid plants

Ales Kovarik (IBP), Marie Angele Grandbastien

(INRA Versailles)

Ales Kovarik (IBP), Marie Angele Grandbastien


France, Czech Republic



Czech Republic-France


Structural and functional analysis of ribosomal RNA genes during stabilisation of synthetic allopolyploid Brassica napus

Ales Kovarik (IBP), Anne-Marie Chevre (INRA Rennes)

Ales Kovarik (IBP), Anne-Marie Chevre (INRA Rennes)

France, Czech Republic


EU 6th FP-STREP, LSHG-CT-2003-503441

3D Genome

Roel van Driel (Univ of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Stanislav Kozubek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Germany, Belgium, France, Czech Republic


Marie Curie Fellowship (2007-8)

Telomere-associated proteins inA.thaliana

Jiří Fajkus, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Jiří Fajkus, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Great Britain, Czech Republic.


Programme of International Collaboration of the AS CR

Characterization of plant telomerase in vivo and in vitro by reconstitution and substitution experiments

Jiří Fajkus, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

I.Schubert, co-principal investigator

Germany, Czech Republic


CNRS-AS CR project

Topoisomerase IIaand HMGB1: involvement in chromatin structure and sensitivity of human cells to anticancer drugs

PI from France: Claire Gaillard

PI from Czech Republic: Michal Štros

France, Czech Republic


Programm des Projektbezogenen Personenaustauchs mit Tschechien

Disruption of contact inhibition by polyaromatic compounds (2004-2005)

C. Dietrich

JGU, Mainz, SRN

J. Vondráček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic




Programm des Projektbezogenen Personenaustauchs mit Tschechien

Analysis of the cross talk between cytokines and aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling in rat liver oval cells (2008-2009)

C. Dietrich

JGU, Mainz, SRN

J. Vondráček, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, Germany


KONTAKT (Czech-Slovak research collaboration)


Effect of COX-2 inhibition in tumor and non-tumor colon epithelial cells exposed to phototoxic effect of hypericin

A.Kozubík, , Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

P. Fedoročko

A.Kozubík, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, SK



(Czech-Hungarian research collaboration)


Role of lipid rafts in regulation of cell signalling leading to modulation of cytokinetics of cancer cells


A.Kozubík, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A.Kozubík, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, Hungary


Philip Morris External Research Program

Modulation of Acute Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses by Myeloperoxidase

L. Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

L. Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, USA


KONTAKT (Czech-Slovak research collaboration)

The effects of blood platelets on the oxidative burst of neutrophils

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, SK


KONTAKT (Czech-Slovak research collaboration)

Antioxidant and antiphagocytic properties of chemical and natural substances and drugs

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, SK


KONTAKT (Czech-Slovak research collaboration)

The role of platelets, neutrophils and components of extracellular matrix in inflammation

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, SK



(Czech-Hungarian research collaboration)

Changes in granulocyte functions following severe tissue injury

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, Hungary




(Czech-Hungarian research collaboration)

Effect of ischemic preconditioning on reperfusion injury

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, Hungary



Collagen, platelet and neutrophil interactions with respect to wound healing

M. Číž, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

M. Číž, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

CzechRepublic, Bulgaria



Trombocytes, an extra-leukocyte pool for Myeloperoxidase

L. Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

L. Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, Germany


International research project Czech Republic – Germany

Role of myeloperoxidase in the regulation of platelets physiology

L. Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

L. Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, Germany


COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Lipid peroxidation associated disorders

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

A. Lojek, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, European Union


Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship

Structure, dynamics, molecular interactions and thermodynamics of DNA and RNA: advanced computational studies

Jiří Šponer, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

Jiří Šponer, Institute of Biophysics, AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

United Kingdom, Czech Republic


International research project Czech Republic – Switzerland

Genus Silene as a model for mating systems and adaptation mechanisms evolution – from ecology to genomics


Dr. Roman Hobza, Institute of Biophysics, Brno, CR

Prof. Alex Widmer, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Switzerland, Czech Republic


International research project Czech Republic - Spain

Structure and evolution of sex chromosomes in the dioecious plant models


Prof. Boris Vyskot, Laboratory of Plant Developmental Genetics, Institute of Biophysics, Brno, CR

Prof. Manuel Quesada Jamilena, Department of Applied Biology, University of Almería, Spain

Spain, Czech Republic


Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, international cooperation

Complex interaction of oncology-related important transcription factors with target DNA in vitro and in vivo (2009-2012)

Václav Brázda, Ph.D., Institute of Biophysics ASCR, v.v.i.

Cheryl Arrowsmith, Ph.D., Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada

Czech Republic, Canada