Conf. dr. Ana Victoria Sima
Curriculum Vitae
- 2015 – Habilitation in History, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 1999-2009 – PhD in History, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 1997-1998 – MA in Modern History, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 1992-1997 – BA in History, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Research interest
Transylvania’s modern history; church history and the relationship between the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church and the Holy See in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth centuries; history of education; cultural history of World War One.
Research projects (since 2010)
- Social mobility of elites in the Central European Regions (1861–1926) and transition of imperial experience and structures into nation-states. EXPRO 20-19463X, team member, 2020–2024
- War propaganda and the Romanian churches of Transylvania (1914–1918), UEFISCDI Romania, PNII-RU-TE-2014-4-0363, principal investigator, 2015–2017.
Teaching practice
- Since 1998: Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Membership in Editorial Boards and Scholarly Societies
- Since 2005: Editorial board member of Colloquia, Yearbook of the Institute of South-East European Studies of Babeș-Bolyai University.
- Since 2005: membership of the Institute of Ecclesiastical History (as of 2016: the Nicolae Bocșan Institute of Ecclesiastical History) from Babeş-Bolyai University.
- Since 2011: membership of the external Romanian group of the Institute for the Study of the Risorgimento
Foreign Scholarships, Fellowships and Research Stays
- 2010-2011: SOPHRD Fellowships within project no. 89/1.5/S/61104, The socio-humanistic sciences in the context of global development – development and implementation of the postdoctoral studies and research programme.
- 2005: Rome, NATO Senior Fellowships supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy.
- 2005: Pro Oriente Foundation fellowship, Vienna, Austria.
- 1999-2000: Romanian Government fellowship at the Accademia di Romania in Rome, as part of the “Vasile Pârvan” Government Fellowships Programme, Rome, Italy.
Most important publications
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Affirming Identity. The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church at the Time of the First Vatican Council Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2013, 442 p., ISBN 978-88-343-2651-0.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Vizitele nunțiilor apostolici vienezi în Transilvania (1855-1868). Vol. I, II, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2003, 332, 521 p., ISBN 973-610-200-9 (vol. II); ISBN 973-610-199-1 (vol. I).
- Sima, Ana Victoria. O Episcopie şi un Ierarh. Înființarea și organizarea Eparhiei greco-catolice de Gherla în vremea episcopului Ioan Alexi (1853–1863). Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2003, 317 p., ISBN 973-610-227-0.
Book chapters
- Sima, Ana Victoria. From Philanthropinism to Herbartinism, Pedagogical Concepts and Methods in the Training of Teachers in Transylvania during the Nineteenth Century. Lehrerbildung im Europaischen Kontext. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 2019, (Kasper, T; Skiera, E; Grimm G.), p. 125–133, ISBN 978-3-7815-2347-0.
- Sima, Ana Victoria – Bocșan, Nicolae. Stat şi Biserică în Imperiul Austriac la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea. Cazul Transilvaniei. Österreichisch-Siebenbürgische Kulturbeiträge: Ein Sammelband der Österreich-Bibliothek Cluj-Napoca - Klausenburg – Kolozsvár. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2005, (Gräf, R.), p. 135–157, ISBN 5948422011165.
- Sima, Ana Victoria, Etnie e confessioni in Transilvania. L’identità culturale europea nella tradizione e nella contemporaneità. Udine: Forum Editrice Universitaria Udinese, 2004, (Cosentino, A.), p. 89–101, ISBN 978-88-8420-195-9.
- Bolovan, Ioan – Bonda, Ioana Mihaela –Pop, Ioan-Aurel – Popescu, Teodor Laurențiu, Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Construind Unirea cea Mare, 8 vol. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Școala Ardeleană, 2018, 8500 p. ISBN 978-606-797-345-7.
- Sima, Ana Victoria – Mihalache, Teodora-Alexandra (eds.). Persuading Minds. Propaganda and Mobilisation in Transylvania during World War I. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018, 238 p. ISBN 978-3-631-73857-3; ISBN eBook: 978-3-631-73917-4.
- Sima, Ana Victoria – Fekete, Monica (eds.). Marele Război și Europa danubiano-balcanică. Cluj-Napoca: Academia Română/Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2016; 234 p. ISBN 6068694623.
- Pop, Ioan-Aurel – Ghitta, Ovidiu Augustin, Bolovan, Ioan – Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Dal cuore dell'Europa. Ommagio al professor Cesare Alzati per il compimento dei 70 anni. Cluj-Napoca: Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2015, 417 p. ISBN 978-606-8694-03-0; 978-973-595-839-8.
- Balog, Iosif Marin – Cârja, Ion – Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Specific românesc şi confluenţe central-europene. Profesorului Teodor Pavel la împlinirea vârstei de 70 de ani. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2012, 356 p. ISBN 973-595-365-2.
- Bonda, Ioana Mihaela – Cârja, Ion – Cârja, Cârja – Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Identitate şi Alteritate. Studii de istorie politică şi culturală 5. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, 360 p. ISBN 978-973-595-326-3.
- Bonda, Ioana Mihaela – Cârja, Cecilia – Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Aspects of Confessional Diversity within the Romanian Space. Transylvanian Review, 2010, XIX, Supplement No. 3, p. 45–61. ISSN 2067-1016.
- Bocşan, Nicolae – Cârja, Ion – Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Identităţi confesionale în Europa Central-Orientală (secolele XVII-XXI). Lucrările colocviului internaţional din 14-17 noiembrie 2007. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2009, 617 p. ISBN 978-973-610-592-0.
- Gräf, Rudolf – Mitu, Sorin – Cârja, Ion – Sima, Ana Victoria (eds.). Biserică, Societate, Identitate. In honorem Nicolae Bocşan. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 902 p. ISBN 978-973-610-592-0.
Articles in impacted journals
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Refugees in Their Own Country. Women, Children and Elderly People Caught up in the Transylvanian Theaters of War during the Great War. Transylvanian Review. 2019, XXVIII, No. 1 (Spring), p. 3–18. ISSN: 1221-1249.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Being Wife and Husband during World War I. A Transylvanian Cultural Perspective. Transylvanian Review. 2016, XXV, No. 4 (Winter), p. 16–27. ISSN: 1221-1249.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. The Romanian students from St. Athanasius Greek College in Rome: their attitudes, inner experiences and contact (1857–1918). Rassegna storica del Risorgimento. 2012. XCIX, Supplemento al fascicolo III/2012, p. 129–146. ISSN 0033-9873.
- Sima, Ana Victoria.Transylvania in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century Accounts of the Papal Legates. Transylvanian Review, 2012, XXI, No. 1 (Spring), p. 49–63. ISSN 1221-1249.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. The Selection and Promotion of the Romanian Ecclesiastical Elite in Transylvania. The Case of the Metropolitan of Blaj during the Final Years of the World War. Transylvanian Review. 2013, XXII, Supplement No. 2, p. 173–185. ISSN 2067-1016.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. The Holy See and the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church during the Years of Austrian Neo-Liberalism. Transylvanian Review. 2010, XIX, Supplement No. 5:4, p. 73–90. ISSN 2067-1016.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. La place et le rôle des Églises catholiques de rite oriental dans l’ecclésiologie du pape Léon XIII. Transylvanian Review, 2010, XIX, No. 3, p. 94–107. ISSN 1221-1249.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. The Holy See’s Interventions in the Acts and Decrees of the first Provincial Synod of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church. Transylvanian Review. 2010, XIX, Supplement No. 3, p. 45–61. ISSN 2067-1016.
Articles in other peer-reviewed journals
- Sima, Ana Victoria – Mihalache, Teodora Alexandra. Liberatori o nemici? Percezioni e atteggiamenti dei Romeni e dei Sassoni transilvani nei confronti dell’esercito romeno durante la breve occupazione della Transilvania (1916). Quaderni della Casa Romena di Venezia. 2017, XII, p. 53–68. ISSN 1583-9397.
- Sima, Ana Victoria – Covaci, Diana. The propaganda messages disseminated through Transylvanian ecclesiastical channels during World War I. Nouvelles études d’histoire. 2015, XIII, Publiées à l’occasion du XXIIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques, Jinan 2015, p. 141–152. ISSN 1841-5571.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Joseph Fessler e il progetto di un’idea: la consolidazione e
- l’espansione dell’unione religiosa dei romeni (1858). Annuario dell'Istituto Romeno di cultura e ricerca umanistica di Venezia, 2006, VIII, 8, p. 329–340. ISSN 1454-6620.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Înfiinţarea şi organizarea eparhiei greco-catolice de Gherla (Armenopolis) în vremea episcopului Ioan Alexi. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, series Theologia Catholica, 2004, XLIX/1, p. 103–114. ISSN 1224-8754.
- Bocșan, Nicolae – Sima, Ana Victoria. L’erezione e l’organizzazione della Sede metropolitana greco-cattolica romena. Transylvanian Review, 2004, XIII, No. 1, p. 18–33. ISSN 1221-1249.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. L’interesse della Santa Sede verso i greco-cattolici dell’Impero Austriaco alla metà dell’Ottocento. Quaderni della Casa Romena di Venezia, 2004, No. 3, p. 331–339. ISSN 1583-9397.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. The Perception of a Frontier Spiritual Universe: Ruthenians, Uniate Romanians and Southern Slavs during the Years of Austrian Neo-Liberalism. Colloquia, 2004, X-XI, No.1–2, p. 143–157. ISSN 1223-5261.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Tra percezione apostolica e sensibilità romena. La visita apostolica in Transilvania del nunzio viennese Michele Viale Prela 1855. Transylvanian Review, 2001, No. 4 (Winter), p. 11–19. ISSN 1221-1249.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. L’istituzione del capitolo nella Chiesa Romena Greco-Cattolica nelle discussioni dei fori pontificali e imperiali. Ephemeris Dacoromana. 2000, Annuario, seria nuova, XI, p. 237–272. ISSN 1582-1854.
- Sima, Ana Victoria. Separaţia bisericească a românilor din Maramureş de Biserica Ruteană. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, series Historia, 1997, 42, No. 1–2, p. 75–94. ISSN 1220-0492.