Immigration is one of the most contentious fields of contemporary European urban policy. While the development of urban segregation is well documented in traditional immigration countries with population register data, there is a lack of detailed research on population dynamics in many countries and cities across Europe. This article examines ethnic residential segregation in Czechia in the period after the economic crisis of 2008.
Téma: housing, urban and rural studies, migration and mobility, civil society, public administration, standard of living
The text focuses on definitions of subcultures and presents important approaches to study youth music subcultures – the Birmingham school and post-subcultural theories. The author debates the possibilities of applying these approches in post-socialism and address post-socialist features of the Czech subcultures. In particular, the author argues that there is a strong ethos of individualism, which resonates with the liberal and neo-liberal values that became dominant in the 1990s.
Téma: value orientations, identity, kultura, lifestyle
The article focuses on the understudied topic of contemporary hospital chaplaincy in the Czech Republic, its development, and the current issues this work is dealing with.
Téma: religion and religiosity, care
The chapter is part of the book which analyzes the situation of democracy in eleven post-communist EU member states and in East Germany. Over the past 30 years, the Czech Republic has experienced democratization, economic transformation and a redefinition of the nation-state. Today, it has consolidated democratic and market-economy institutions, but these are challenged by the concentration of economic, political and media power in the hands of the incumbent prime minister.
Téma: politics (and political attitudes)
Phantom Borders: less know data sources for understanding elections. The aim of this article is to report about phantom borders as a unique type of border. Current research in political geography and history shows that even no longer existing legal and political borders can still play a role in various societal practice and behaviour.
Téma: trust/social cohesion, value orientations, identity, urban and rural studies, elections (and polls)
Téma: health
Téma: care, family, social policy
Fenomén bezdětnosti je jedním z rysů demografického vývoje evropských populací. V mezinárodním kontextu se Česká republika řadí k zemím s nejnižším podílem bezdětných žen v populaci. Podle projekcí bude nejvyšší, téměř pětinový podíl trvale bezdětných v generacích narozených v polovině 80. let, v dalších generacích by měl postupně klesat na 11 %, podíl žen se dvěma dětmi se sníží na 45 až 47 %.
Téma: parenting
Perspektivou longitudinálního kvalitativního výzkumu článek přispívá k porozumění růstu bezdětnosti v ČR skrze zachycení zkušeností a identit bezdětných a osvětlení mechanismů, které vedou k dlouhodobému setrvávání v bezdětnosti či změnám reprodukčních identit a plánů. Výzkum vychází z analýzy zpravidla po 11−12 letech opakovaných problémově orientovaných rozhovorů s ženami a muži, kteří byli v 1.
Téma: parenting
This article reports on a new empirical study evaluating crime concentration at places in a postsocialist city. We use principles of the law of crime concentration at places and the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to measure crime count and crime harm concentration at the level of street segments. The research found differences between crime concentration in a post-socialist city and crime concentration reported by recent studies from US or UK cities.
Téma: trust/social cohesion, crime, urban and rural studies, social inequalities, public administration
This Handbook maps the expanding field of gender and EU politics, giving an overview of the fundamentals and new directions of the sub- discipline, and serving as a reference book for (gender) scholars and students at different levels interested in the EU.
Téma: gender, public policy
Téma: gender, sociology of science
Introduction. Institutional change through gender equality plans is today the dominant approach to promoting gender equality in higher education and research. Building on our experiences as “technical support partners” in several EU-funded projects, we reflect on how change is negotiated in a variety of contexts. Objectives.
Téma: gender, sociology of science
Téma: gender, social policy, age and ageing
Téma: gender, social policy, age and ageing
Téma: gender, health
Téma: gender, životní prostředí
Téma: gender, work, public policy
Monitorovací zpráva projektu STRATIN+ přináší nejčerstvější informace o postavení žen v Českém akademickém prostředí. Čtenáři se dozví o zastoupení mužů a žen napříč vědními obory, akademickými pozicemi a sektory ekonomiky. Část zprávy je věnované příjmům a genderovým příjmovým rozdílům. Popsáno je také genderové složení vedoucích pozic v Českých akademických institucích a srovnání situace v České Republice s okolními zeměmi.
Téma: gender
This text provides an academic edition of the exceptional source representing (records from) observations of services in Prague Christian churches in the mid-1960s, supplemented with a contextualizing introduction and historical-religious footnotes by the editor.
Téma: religion and religiosity
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