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Opening keynote lecture by Nicole Bériou (Paris)
Preaching, from Western to East-Central Europe: Medieval Circulation and Modern Interest
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
Morning session: PREACHER I (background & affiliation)
Anna Zajchowska-Bołtromiuk (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw), Dominican preaching in Wrocław and in the Polish Province
Stanislava Kuzmová (Comenius University, Bratislava), Preaching in the cathedral and beyond: university masters and the spread of preaching models in Krakow
12.00-13.30 Lunch break
Afternoon session: Preacher II (carriers, skills & output)
Ewelina Kaczor (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce), Bernard Fabri, the Preacher and his Sermons
Gábor Klaniczay (Central European University, Budapest/Vienna), John of Capestrano preaching in Hungary, 1456
14.30-15.00 Coffee break
Katrin Janz-Wenig (State and University Library, Hamburg), Oboedientia, Patientia, Humilitas. Vernacular sermons for canonesses
Ottó Gecser (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), Disease and Medical Knowledge in the Sermons of Oswald of Laskó OFM and Pelbart of Temesvár OFM
16.15-17.30 Round table & Short project presentations
Morning session: PREACHING (themes & occasions)
Jindřich Marek (Charles University, Prague), The Czech Heaven: Medieval Utraquist Sermons on Czech Patron Saints
Dorottya Uhrin (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), Sermons and Images about Saint Katherine in Late Medieval Hungary in a Central European perspective
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
Mieczysław Mejor (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), The sermones in carnisprivio in Czech-Polish-Silesian area
Krzysztof Bracha (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce), History, Politics and Moral in One Sermon: The Sermo de divisione Apostolorum about the Battle of Grunwald in a Cistercian manuscript of Mogila
Pavel Soukup (Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague), Crusading Sermons against the Hussite King George of Poděbrady
12.30-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.00 Visit to the Manuscript Department of the National Library
Afternoon session: SERMONS I (text & structure)
Olga Kalashnikova (Central European University, Budapest/Vienna), Sources, citations and their rhetorical function in late-medieval Bohemian sermons: The case of Milíč of Kroměříž (d. 1374)
Vojtěch Večeře (Institute of History CAS, Prague), Divisio thematis as a formative element in the late scholastic preaching texts: The example of Henry of Wildenstein
Paula Cotoi ('George Barițiu' History Institute of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca), Sermons and Preaching in Transylvanian Parish Context during the Late Middle Ages (15th‑16th centuries)
Morning session: SERMONS II (sources & languages)
Anna Pumprová (University of Ostrava), Earliest sermon collections of Bohemia and Moravia: Searching for sources and originality
Olivier Marin (University Sorbonne Paris Nord), Between the Ox and the Donkey: Animalising Preachers in John Hus' Sermons
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
Pietro Delcorno (University of Bologna), 'Frater Federicus predicavit': The sermons of a translator of John of Capestrano
Jan Odstrčilík (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna), How to encode and decode Latin-Czech multilingual sermons? Exploration of various approaches
Concluding remarks by Gábor Klaniczay
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