Série přednášek o právu technologií
Prague Technology Law Lecture Series

Aktuální přednáška

Online lecture

Data Protection in Automated Driving

Wednesday 23 February 2022

18.30 — 20.00






Watching you watching the road: data protection implications of automated driving

dr. Nynke Vellinga, dr. Gerard Ritsema van Eck




Nynke Vellinga

Nynke Vellinga is a postdoctoral researcher at the STeP research group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Back in 2020, Nynke successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled ‘Legal Aspects of Automated Driving. On Drivers, Producers, and Public Authorities’, at the same university. Currently, Nynke is a member of the ITU focus group on AI for autonomous and assisted driving. The legal framework for cybersecurity in automated vehicles (as part of the Cybersecurity Noord-Nederland project) is one of Nynke’s main research focuses.













Gerard Ritsema van Eck

Gerard Ritsema van Eck is an assistant professor in IT-law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. His research focuses on the impacts of emerging surveillance technologies on the free enjoyment of human rights in public spaces. He is a member of Research Ethics Review Committee of the Law Faculty (CETOR) and teacher and member of advisory board Frijlande Privacy Management.














In an effort to reduce road fatalities, automobiles are increasingly being outfitted with sensors and cameras on the interior. Moreover, vehicles are becoming more automated, necessitating the use of sensors and cameras both inside and outside the vehicle. The General Safety Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/2144, hereafter: GSR) will make some such sensors and cameras, as well as the recording of data collected by this equipment, mandatory. The introduction of all these cameras and sensors has grave implications for data protection. The GSR acknowledges this. The technologies that require data from sensors and cameras are used to determine whether the driver is fit and able to drive. Therefore, health data is collected. The processing of this type of data is prohibited under art 9(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, hereinafter: GDPR). However, article 9(2)g GDPR provides an exception to this restriction where there is a basis in Union or member state legislation. In this workshop, we will therefore take a closer look at the GSR as well as the GDPR and explore how these two regulations are intertwined.




You can register until 22 February 2022. Registered participants will receive connection details.


Registration form

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The lecture is organized by the Institute of the State and Law, Czech Academy of Sciences, Research Law Centre.

Email: eva.fialova@ilaw.cas.cz