lubo kopie

Mgr. Ľubomír Dunaj, PhD. pracuje v Centru globálních studií od 1. 1. 2021. Ve svém výzkumu se z perspektiv sociální a politické filosofie zaměřuje na kritickou teorii a čínskou filosofii.

Výběr z publikované literatury


Dunaj, Ľ – Sigurðsson, G. (eds.): Imaginary Worlds and Imperial Power: The Case of China. Albany: SUNY Press 2023 (forthcoming).

Dunaj, Ľ.: Between Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy: A prolegomenon to an Intercultural Dialogue. Lanham: Lexington 2023 (forthcoming).

Dunaj, Ľ. – Mertel, K. C. M. (eds.): Hans-Herbert Kögler's Critical Hermeneutics. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.

Editovaná speciální čísla

Polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren 46, 1/2022, together with Bianca Boteva-Richter (forthcoming).

Pragmatism Today 12, 1/2021, together with Justo Serrano Zamora.

Human Affairs 27, 4/2017, together with Vladislav Suvák.

Kapitoly v knize

“K relevantnosti Honnethovej filozofie (aj) pre slovenskú súčasnosť” [On the relevance of Honneth 's philosophy (also) for the present-day Slovakia]. In: Honneth, A.: Idea Socializmu. Pokus o aktualizáciu. Bratislava: VEDA 2020, pp. 6-22. (This text is an introduction into Honneth’s philosophy, published as the foreword in the Slovak translation of Axel Honneth’s book The Idea of Socialism: Towards a Renewal.)

“Beyond Ethnocentrism” (together with Hans-Herbert Kögler). In: Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.), Social Theory and Asian Dialogues: Cultivating Planetary Conversations. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 69-106. (This part of the text was translated by Yi Jiang into Chinese and published in: Acadēmia Ethica 4, Anqing Deng, (Ed.), Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Publishing House, 2018, pp. 250-262.)

“Čínska filozofia, Bondy a hľadanie ciest k eliminácii hypertrofovaného ega” [Chinese philosophy, Bondy and the search for ways to eliminate a hypertrophic ego]. In: Peter Kužel et al.: Myšlení a tvorba Egona Bondyho [Thinking and the work of Egon Bondy]. Praha: Filosofia Press 2018, pp. 257-286.

“Interkultúrny dialog” [Intercultural Dialogue]. In: Marek Hrubec et al: Kritická teorie společnosti. Český kontext [Critical Social Theory. The Czech context]. Praha: Filosofia Press 2013, pp. 161-198.

Vybrané články

“Die Revolution, die Transformation und die Rolle des Subjekts. Kritische Betrachtungen zu François Julliens Interpretation des Buches der Wandlungen“. In: Polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren, 1/2022, (forthcoming).

“Spoločenská „hmla“ ako večný ľudský údel?” [Social „Fog“ as an Eternal Human Fate?​​​] ​​In: Philosophica Critica 7, 2/2021, pp. 74-88.

“Critical Hermeneutics 2.0: A Necessary Update of the ‘New German Ideology’”. In: Berlin Journal of Critical Theory, 2/2021, pp. 69-98.

“Philosophy of Pragmatism as a Solution after an (Un)Successful Transformation”. In: Pragmatism Today, 2/2020, pp. 38-53.

“Axel Honneth v interkultúrnej perspektíve. Prípad Čína” [Axel Honneth in an Intercultural Perspective. The Case of China]. In: Politické Vedy. 3/2020, pp. 118-144.

“The Inner Conflict of Modernity, the Moderateness of Confucianism and Critical Theory”. In: Human Affairs 27, 4/2017, pp. 466-484.

“Towards critical aspects of Confucianism”. In: Ethics & Bioethics (in Central Europe), 2016, 6 (3–4), pp. 135-145.


Interview with Axel Honneth (together with Vladislav Suvák):

In German: “Freiheit und Individualisierung. Axel Honneth im Gespräch mit Vladislav Suvák und Ľubomír Dunaj”. In: Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2/2017, pp. 235-241.
In Slovak: “Individualizácia, sociálne patológie a starosť o seba. Rozhovor s Axelom Honnethom“ [Individualization, Social Pathologies and the Care of the Self. An Interview with Axel Honneth]. In: FILOZOFIA (Journal for Philosophy) 10 (2014), pp. 883-887
Interview with Petr Kužel:

“K relevantnosti filozofického diela Egona Bondyho” [The relevance of Egon Bondy's philosophical work]. In: FILOZOFIA (Journal for Philosophy) 10 (2018), pp. 854-860.

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